Joseph Goebbels

Why was he sl perfect lads?

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epic speeches

He was the only one of Hitler's inner circle to stay true to the end, so that's commendable.

>forgetting Hess
Shame on (you)

>Hey user want to hang out?
>Sure to do what Joseph


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>Knew capitalism was like Bolshevism a Jewish invention
>Hard on the JQ
>Had tons of kids due to his peak fertility and Aryan genes
>Master of propaganda studied even decades later
>Dressed well
>Amazing public speaker
>Got over his depression faze and eventually became one of the main based boys of the 3 Reich
>Killed himself because he didn't see a world without national socialism worth living in

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Awesome voice that makes aryan women wet, can we trade richard spencer for Dr. Joseph Goebbels alreadt


His loyalty is heroic. It seems to me that Hitler was a physical manifestation of Goebbel's desire for find meaning, a summoning of his Will to Power.

Goebbels is a dreamer who dared to believe.

he wore his heart on his sleeve

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I legit cried when I read his last letters

Fascinating complex character, almost certainly a genius. Author, playwright, musician, demagogue. Hamlet and Richard III.
Irving's biography of him is brilliant and is a free download on the web site.

One of the finest.

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nothing makes me sadder then the destruction of the family. they took this from us, and replaced it with degeneracy, and we have to hold our tongues, and it makes me sick!

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You're aware that he killed all of his kids before killing himself, right?

The ultimate cuck

If Germanics were the master race why did their presence kill Rome?

>Irving's biography of him is brilliant and is a free download on the web site.

goebbels diaries? can confirm, i just finished this recently and it is a spectacularly fascinating book that offers a very balanced insight into the period, not just the usual "hurrr jews dindu nuffin" stuff but documentation of crimes on both sides offering great insight into how these things escalate.

you're aware if he didn't they would of been raped to death by russians right?

he made the bravest choice imaginable and carried it through, you're the selfish cuck faggot type that would leave your kids knowing they would endure nothing but misery and struggle.

Dude, he decided to stay in that bunker and die. He had plenty of time to have his kids evacuated. I wouldn't have put my kids in such a situation to begin with. Wtf was he thinking having his kids flown in to a bunker just as it's being surrounded by Russians.

And where could the children of the man who won Germany go exactly? I'd rather die in my homeland with my family than jumping ship like a rat.


Yeah whatever faggot. The kids didn't want to die, they had no say in the matter. They could've easily fled to where the thousands of Nazi generals did. He was a faggot cuck for murdering his children in cold blood.

Do you understand that he had his kids flown in from a safe space to die with Hitler, right?

They were safe and he flew them in to Berlin.

We know what you would do in his situation. You would have silently allowed your country to be invaded by chinks and chimps and the future stolen from your children.

Why does Gobbels look like Rio Ferdinand?

How do you know they didn't escape? I find the "evidence" of Hitler's death extremely flimsy.

Okay then. How do you know anything ever happened? Your question is fucking stupid. We know that he brought his kids to the bunker to die when they could have lived. End of story.

Why haven't' you killed yourself yet if life is so bad? It's objectively worse today by your standards because they certainly had no chinks and chimps in 1940's Germany.

>How do you know anything ever happened?
Photographs, films, reliable writings. How do you know he brought the kids to the bunker to die instead of to plan their escape?

Just stop replying. Your burger education lacks critical thinking.

That's not an argument.

You're not equipped for an argument, my boy.

His kids didn't inherit his Jewish appearance

he was once a depressed, broken man, but then he met Hitler

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Yeah, I’m sure his children would have had loads of fun in poverty on the run in a hopeless world.

We will build statues in honor of him one day.

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Jewish genes aparently make him excel in rhetorics.

Goebbels was amazeballs, but I'm more of a Rudolf Hess kind of guy. Hitler is still bae though.


I liked his song about the tranny