I'm looking for something to read about the British history and colonialism and I want arguments against mom and her "anti-colonialists" propaganda so can you give me any redpill about India and Africa?
I'm looking for something to read about the British history and colonialism and I want arguments against mom and her...
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colonialists were cunts but 1000x better than the native savages
fpbp noble savages aren't real, cannibals are
just read the bible , king james version.
India wasn’t colonised, it was conspired against.
The East India Company received funds from the Rothschilds in Europe, the opium war was funded by the Sassoons (a Jewish family in India).
When the Maratha Empire had reached it’s peak in 1739, the leaders sought to modernise the empire into a nation state. The Chattrapati (Emperor) was given a ceremonial status and the power was shifted to the generals, leading to the formation of the Maratha Confederate.
The Confederacy was modern, with gunpowder, and weaponry that matched the Europeans. The Marathas won the first Anglo-Maratha war, and stopped the EIC advance in the second. It was only after the Southern provinces joined the EIC to defeat the Confederate together.
European colonisation of Africa and India were two different things. Africa was uninhabited and sparse, India was a settled land with governments and empires in place.
what do they teach you about colonisation at school?
What infomation are you looking for exactly?
Some information about history revisionism and the truth about colonialism
That the English didn't provide them with enough toilets
Most countries colonised by the British ended up with actual functioning countries. Malaysia benefitted, Singapore, India etc. Look at South Africa under the Dutch. The only slightly decent part of a whole continent is cause of the white man. The rest of Africa is savages.