Well done guys :)
Well done guys :)
We did it twitter!
this guys probably has a blacked belt in onions-fu
are you experiencing the happy feeling?
No I had that subroutine deleted
Well, white men may have lost their spine but happy to see the women are fighting back
video was funny shouldn't have lost his job desu
fag magal
>on video committing assault
>violating civil rights of Americans
>may face charges
This is White liberal privilege.
Now if only he'd hang himself and someone would find him dead with tears down his face, all covered with knife scratches, in order to avoid jail-time. Then I could laugh at him even more.
>hear triggering statements
>start breathing hard
>cant think of anything to say
you average modern day lib. see: that spic in texas, this faggot in toronto, etc
Not Aus
>be female
>get haircut
>oh could you cut it a little shorter?
>receives roundhouse kick from Cuck Norris
I don't understand pro life people on Jow Forums
We have enough degenerates, cripples and niggers in this world already, let them kill their spawn in the nest
We dont care about any of that we just want to see the lib shit burn for what he did.
This is in canada ameribro
Fair enough, I hope he get a taste of his own medicine and get kicked by niggers two time his size
Crouching Tiger Hidden Faggot
Its canada and he attacked a prolife chick. He'll get a fine or community service at most
>Chuck Norris
>Not Chuck No-Cis
user I....... You missed it.
You know what bugs me the most about this? That guy is only attacking her because she's a woman. If that were a full grown man his own size, he would never pick a fight. Want to know how I can tell? Because he sticks out his fucking tongue. If he were ever in a real fight in his life, he'd be punched in the jaw and bite his own tongue off.
>blacked belt
Krav Mgay
Charge him with terrorism. Deranged faget lunatic.
What's with all the ducks defending the kikeservative hitch who wants to plague us with nigger rape babies?
the clip was posted on 9gag, the one I saw had more than 1500 comments. about 99% were in favor of the guy.
Thats fucking sad im trying hard not to be triggered right now.
Who in their right mind
1. Hurts an innocent person
2.Hurts an innocent woman
3.Hurts someone you disagree with
This faggot probably thinks he's jack sparrow or starlord or something stupid. I can just SEE him smug about what he's done despite being charged out the ass.
I said Cuck Norris, not Chuck Norris
Kung Jew
Jeet Coon Do
roasties' gonna roast that manlet.
How was he found? Please tell.
He posts a lot lib shit on twitter. Besides that i have no idea how autistic powers work
>may face charges
>tfw you will never be a full blown autistic Jow Forums detective, who uncovers the identity of some satanist antifa faggot
That's because you're a newfag that wasnt here for during the SCREAM AT A WALL copypasta
>Losing your job over the most embarrassing roundhouse ever
It's what happens when confronted with an opinion that goes against your worldview and having no way to refute it. It frustrates them, to the point where they lash out violently.