Am I jewing myself by going to lawschool after the age of 25?
Is there any hope for us anyways? Apparently if I don't make 100k by 30 i'm a failure and I put off college for a few years
Am I jewing myself by going to lawschool after the age of 25?
Is there any hope for us anyways? Apparently if I don't make 100k by 30 i'm a failure and I put off college for a few years
Yeah enjoy being kiked with your over 100k student debt.
At least I can kike other faggots out of their money at an absurd price with a law degree
Doubtful. Since most college degrees are useless most of these idiot degree holders are going into law, because surprisingly they cant find work after graduation. This means law has an influx of students and will soon be oversaturated. So unless you have a job lined up before you go, dont have to pay for law school, or have a ton of money; law school is currently a very bad option. Enjoy your over 100k debt and shitty prospect of 30k a year as a public defender.
t. Former law school prospect
Get a PhD in Math
$300k starting
I hear there are so many damn lawyers in the U.S. already it can be hard to even find work. I'd look into that before anything.
Depends on the school. Top tier school with top tier connections, sure do it.
that shits a myth based on the actual stats though, job growth in law is beating out the average growth.
Plus, I'm not connection-less in town.
I know my grades and LSAT, i'm not getting into a top 10 school, but I've got some great schools that should take me.
Nigga the fuck you think i'm thinking about becoming lawyer for, it isn't because I have math skills thats for damn sure
Tell me your GPA, Major, College and LSAT percentile, I'll let you know if it's worth it or not.
>t. second year Law Student at top 10 school
Ok bud.
I remember being this enthusiastic about law school lol
Then I ran the numbers, and well it wasnt worth it. But go ahead I'm sure you will be fine
your soul is lost. do something that helps humanty. don't be part of the downfall kikeslave
I'll give you 3/4, my college is fine i'm just not comfortable posting all that shit on 4chinz
2.7, Classics, 93rd percentile LSAT.
I got an addendum to write too on the GPA, needless to say I mightily fucked up early on in my college career and paid for it ever since.
>2.7 GPA Classics major from a "fine" college
Yikes my dude. LSAT might save your ass, but you're at the mercy of the admissions office. Are you a white/asian male?
Yeah I'm aware i'm pretty much sucking that LSAT dick.
I'm white as fuck boi.
Why waste your time going to law school when instead you can create something, start a business and have five law degrees...Jim, Sarah, Matt, Andrew, and Tom. Most law schools are worthless
I'm going to be 100% honest, I would STRONGLY consider something other than law. Top 30 schools will barely look at a candidate like you, and a JD from Missisippi State or whatnot is barely worth the paper it's printed on. Learn to code, buckle down and become a code monkey. Make friends with your boss and move up into management. Good luck user.
Thanks friendo.
I went at 27. I enjoy it, but don't go to law school unless you really enjoy it, it's not a get rich quick job.
He wont listen
Im 30 an a 2L. Not an issue. Had a career before though
Be like the kike Ben Shapiro. Go to Harvard law school and then end up selling mattresses on the radio.