Health check: JB was stabbed by a left-wing activist and has undergone two difficult surgeries to deal with internal damage. He's left the hospital during the weekend and is currently resting at his home.
Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Catholic, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.
JB's antagonist in the presidential race is Fernando Haddad, a sociologist running for the left-wing Labour Party (PT) under the guidance of former president Lula, who is currently in prison after being convicted for bribery. PT has been the ruling party in Brazil for 16 years, but is facing high rejection in the polls after a police investigation uncovered the largest known corruption scheme in Brazilian history, which PT architected. PT's platform for Brazil openly discusses media control, judiciary control, and a new constitution. Historically PT has supported teaching gender theory in schools, gun control, and 'humanized' law enforcement. During PT's rule, violence and political corruption rose to record highs.
Someone please enlighten me. I was discussing with some friends and family, and even though everyone agrees bolsonaro is the only possible salvation right now we didn't know much about his government plans and how he is going to implant them.
Could you guys give me some of his plans and HOW he is going to make them happen? With sources please.
Thx guys! Let's make this a 1st round win!
Carson Bennett
>Romeu Zema pode atropelar Fernando Pimentel. O candidato do Novo em Minas Gerais disparou no Datafolha depois de participar de um debate na TV e apoiar Jair Bolsonaro. Ele tem 15% dos votos, apenas seis pontos a menos que o petista. A onda bolsonarista está empurrando o Novo para o segundo turno.
This is nuts. How the hell is Dilma still leading for the Senate?
Joshua Gonzalez
Popularity results for yesterday interview vs the debate?
Thomas Richardson
I'm a highschool History teacher and i can't wait to see the face of my colleagues after Bolso wins primeiro turno. It will be a glorious day desu
The basics are: less gun control, cops being allowed to do their job, changing our regulation and tax system to be more like first world countries, intesify the fight against corrupt politicians
Henry Thomas
Look up brasilapp on playstore all the information about every candidate's plan
Based on his official program[1], UOL's report on his staff[2] and interviews
Crime: >revoke gun control laws >lower the age of criminal responsibility >end regime progression and other mechanisms that allow criminals to be released early from prison >create more mechanisms to protect policemen against judicial persecution
Government and economy: >reduce the number of ministries >have ministers be technical instead of politically appointed >decentralise the federal government, so states depend less on federal budget >simplify tax laws, especially income tax >privatise non-strategic state-owned companies
Labour: >create a new regime identified by a different labour notebook - "carteira amarela" instead of CLT's "carteira azul", with simpler legislation
Pensions: >create a new system based around capitalization titles (I have no idea how this would work)
Those are the ones I'm aware of. None of them have been detailed publicly.
Facilitar o comércio internacional é uma das maneiras mais efetivas de se promover o crescimento econômico de longo prazo. A evidência empírica é robusta: países mais abertos são também mais ricos. O Brasil é um dos países menos abertos ao comércio internacional, a consequência direta disso é nossa dificuldade em competirmos em segmentos de alta tecnologia. Do ponto de vista teórico, a dinamização do comércio internacional funciona como um choque tecnológico positivo no país, aumentando sua produtividade e incrementando seu crescimento econômico de longo prazo. Propomos, assim, a redução de muitas alíquotas de importação e das barreiras não-tarifárias, em paralelo com a constituição de novos acordos bilaterais internacionais
Hooray for cheap hardware.
Jaxon Cooper
it actually is fren
David Hall
we will win in the 1st turn
Luke Parker
I bet even Nintendo will come back to brasil
Samuel Morris
Only 2 days left boys! Don't forget that on the 7th it is 17 for President and 1702 for Federal Deputy.
Wait, first term? How are elections held in Brazil? There are 2 turns for being elected?
Ryan Moore
God fucking damnit Luiz, no wonder you've married a chink, you spend every waking second of your life shilling your candidacy on this cantonese tapestry website
Charles Nguyen
Isn’t that guy supposed to be the current heir to now defunct Brazilian throne?
James Mitchell
Luiz is based.
Benjamin Murphy
We have a multi-party system. Elections are mandatory and candidates are elected by popular vote.
The president must win with a simple majority (50% of votes + 1). If he gets that many votes in the 1st round (unlikely), he wins in the 1st round. Otherwise we have a second round with the two most voted candidates from the first.
Jaxon Baker
>Deputy It's translated as congressman, you illiterate ape.
Camden Green
really? you couldn't check on his website?
Gabriel Reed
>voting is mandatory Fix'd.
Ethan Parker
TS, I appreciate the early thread, but this is a bad one
Christopher Sanders
yeah like the french election if no one gets 50% + 1 vote then we'll have a second turn
Carter Murphy
Thanks, based French user.
Jaxson Wright
2 turns first with all candidates second with the 2 most voted but if he get 50% + 1 vote he wins the first turn
Ryan Russell
Do you think theyll rig the elections, friends?
Nathaniel Cruz
Ryan Perez
Second turn they will definitely rig it
Carter Hill
imperium brasilium begin this weekend?
Jace Ward
some english names are really retarded. congressman literally translated would make you a laughing stock here, haha. also things like "asshole", "suck my ass", and others
Ethan Hernandez
Need to wait him take up the mantle like Trump after he is elected
Samuel Jackson
Deputy is for police force in English though
William Thomas
oh I see, you posted as a pastebin at the end. but I was talking about the lack of information in the OP
Ryan Lopez
Wouldn't the "carteira amarela" fuck over the ones with the blue one?
will he do something about the (((bank))) cartel and the sky high interest rates?
also, what are you people thoughts about him being supported by (((Edir Macedo)))?
Samuel Moore
The previous format had awful English and lacked contextual information. Most of the videos it linked to were useless. This format isn't perfect, but I think it's an improvement. I noticed there are more foreigners participating after the format change.
Aaron Ortiz
Not really but it's suppose to end the Blue one as people realize making individual contracts can help you a lot more than giving money to syndicates. Also small business will prefer the yellow one big business are too involved with the syndicates to use it
Brayden Howard
Edir Macedo aways supported who won, so i'm okay with it.
Julian Jenkins
>will he do something about the (((bank))) cartel and the sky high interest rates? I doubt it.
>also, what are you people thoughts about him being supported by (((Edir Macedo)))? From a political perspective it's good because evangélicos will support in Congress. But Edir Macedo, Silas Malafaia and friends are obviously despicable human beings.
JB isn't perfect but we don't really have an alternative, do we? He's our guy.
Thanks Hueanons. So Jair looks pretty confident to receive about 40% of the vote, which means that perhaps Brazil might actually have a candidate for the first turn. What are the parties like in terms of %?
Andrew Howard
With less bank regulation it would help a lot new Banks start right now 40% of the big Banks developers work to close up regulation that are enforced ever now every year by the central bank T. Itaú developer
Owen Smith
These are just polls and shouldn't be taken too serious but the second is lagging behind Around 25%
Connor Morgan
>Pensions: >>create a new system based around capitalization titles (I have no idea how this would work)
This means instead of directly transferring money from contributors to pensioners, the government will deposit this money in a fund and invest it in different financial portfolios. The dividends will be used to pay pensioners and pay for running costs, like private retirement plans from banks.
Justin Fisher
Do you think this Crusoé poll is reliable?
Ayden Murphy
I think no poll is reliable tbqh
Brayden Thomas
Could stronger laws that protect lenders more against defaulters decrease interest rates by reducing the risk premium?
Brandon Martinez
he even supported Dilma, motherfucker
>I doubt it. Even Alckmin proposed doing something about it, motherfucker
so.... he will cut bank regulations? that's doing something about it also, what's a bank developer?
Anthony Jenkins
Jair Bolsonaro 39%. Party: PSL, a small party that had been previously irrelevant. He basically took over the party to launch his candidacy. A lot of right-wing figures joined the party and are running alongside with him for other roles.
Fernando Haddad 25%. Party: PT, left-wing Labour Party, the richest and most influential party in Brazilian politics.
Ciro Gomes 13%. Party: PDT, a historic, traditional left-wing party.
Alckmin 9%. Party: PSDB, a center/center-right (center-left according to some) party. They used to be the main opposition to PT until Bolsonaro showed up and stole all their votes. Moderate conservatives generally vote for this party.
Marina 4%. Party: REDE. Green politics.
Robert Rivera
I think it's going to benefit Bolso but IBOPE and DATAFOLHA do the opposite. I guess if we average Crusué and Datafoice we get close to the truth
Gavin Brooks
Nope, he's not even on the succession line
Matthew Turner
if the interest rates are high, take advantage of it, save and invest the money
Tyler Nelson
You're right, Deputy would be more like "procurador"
Kevin Cox
it's better when it's low, so people borrow (i forgot the proper word) shekels and make productive investments, creating jobs etc.
Henry Kelly
deputy means "assistente" i think, "procurador" is attorney. but i may be wrong, but too lazy to check
Henry Collins
You forgot MDB which is an extremely powerful party and work mostly behind the scenes.
I refuse to acknowledge PSDB as a center-right party when there are other parties such as DEM which better suits this role, especially considering how the former harbored FHC, a former marxist which is still influential to this day in their circles.
Jose Morales
We have that here. Problem is that the gov have taken the profits twice now from the pension fund.
Jack Bailey
Jaxson Collins
>PSDB >center Are you retarded?
Jackson Gonzalez
Oh yeah, totally forgot about Meirelles lol. MDB is the most powerful party in Brazilian politics, for sure. I'm hoping that Bolsonaro's election will shock the system enough to take a stab at MDB's relevance. Just imagine a Congress in which PSL, DEM, NOVO and PSDB are the big players. It would be awesome.
Jace Jackson
Or better yet, save money and become a loan shark. Teach those irresponsible fucks the wonders of owing to their financial obligations.
Christopher Cruz
PSDB sucks. not sure about DEM. NOVO, meh
Landon Turner
>because PSDB is literally a communist party, duh.... *chokes on his own droll* ...i'm so smart
he means it would be better than what we have today, dumbo, congress is supposed to be discordant, what do you want? a fully "bolso-like" conservative congress?
Hudson Adams
Yes and no because that would require giving different rates based on people's profile which would mean poor black favelados would get an interest rate of 30% a year to make up defaults. And white rich would get a 6 to 8 % rate a year
Daniel Hernandez
I know the basic, the main point was to understand HOW he is going to accomplish what he has been preaching. Which steps he will take to make it possible.
Please, don't take me wrong. I fully support him and his ideas, I just want to improve my knowledge about him to spread it to others. 2 days prior the elections is when the votes changes the most, people start going for "useful vote".
Well, to be fair most governments would take surpluses for themselves in the form of seignorage. It isn't an issue if you don't get caught. :^)
Benjamin Martin
No, you were trying to strawman me and ended looking like a huge asshat in the process. Or are you so retarded that you don't know that socialism has many flavors and isn't just communism?
Angel Morris
wtf? don't you know how the government works? you appoint your ministers, the plan you shit, you send it to congress, they vote it, you sign it, over. if they don't vote for it, you either accept or ask what the fuck they want, give 'em, them send it for them to vote again.
Christopher Martinez
> yes. fully bolso if that was possible yeah, I don't follow politics that much (or at all) so I don't know the differences between MDB and PSDB. I know they suck, though
Isaiah Robinson
>my culture >saying that while supporting a candidate that will fuck up natives lands
Elijah Anderson
humorless faggot
Benjamin Brown
>I was just pretending :^) hue
Ethan Miller
We wouldn't be as ruthless as segregation-era USA, as long as your name is clean in the SPC database and have a decent income, you should be able to borrow money at reasonable rates, independent of race.
to be honest, this shit is fucking over already even if he goes to second turn but loses there to either Haddad or Ciro, if he actually get 30%+ of votes that means he'll elect a fuck bunch of congressmen, in '14 we elected the most conservative congress since military government and they took Dilma down, we'll have a conservative congress that will block any meme lefty policies the president tryna pass, and also push conservative laws onwards, the government will be conservative next year
they're still not leftsists, bucko, at least not in 2018
What's with that filthy sink? God damnit do the dishes Jair
Nathan Edwards
Show this to Trump. He could even left Mar-A-Lago and pass New Year's Eve in a Navy base beach at Bahia.
Adrian Torres
Should have sent the police, I bet there were lots of illegals there
Elijah Williams
If Amoedo or Alckmin gave up, we would win on Sunday.
That's how fucking vain those disgusting people are. They have no love for the country whatsoever. They're all full of shit and will vote for their preferred chifrudo just because they don't want to be seen as evil in their social group, even though no one will see their actual vote.