Why is America so pathetic?

Yeah we have the islam bullshit here (which will be dealt with) but at least our media and govt is somewhat sane

Like what is this bullshit "stronk woman" worship about?

Attached: DoouTadX4AA6rqn.jpg_large.jpg (1536x2048, 394K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>at least our media and govt is somewhat sane
*arrests you for wrongthink*

BBC is trash. Absolute trash.

literally having to exaggerate to make a point

nice try goldstein

yes and literally everyone knows that

MOST Americans watch CNN and have no idea of the bias

You got a liocense for postin that Islamophobic shit here CUNT?

*goes to jail for insulting islam*

I don't get the point you are trying to make in this thread. You probably don't either

>our media and govt is somewhat sane
lmao. someone living in fantasy world

Can someone shop this so that every word is nigger?

She doesn't want a million dollars.

Attached: Dr Ford Doesn't Want Money.png (1087x878, 522K)

She doesn't need proof.

Attached: Dr Ford Corroboration.png (984x895, 514K)


Attached: Awoo lewd.jpg (708x1000, 249K)

oi.. you got a meme and internet loicense to be posting here lad?

This is a message from The Federal Bureau of Investigation:

The FBI has filed this post in your personal archive.

>America’s position used to be innocent until proven guilty, everyone gets their day in court
>now it’s guilty until proven innocent (but if the accuser isn’t a white man then you’re still guilty and should be punished accordingly, no one gets a day in court and it’s settled on Twitter
The absolute state

The 6th Amendment is dead. Time did a good job hiding her face though.

Attached: Dr Ford Memory.jpg (433x499, 58K)

>FBI agent opens up my personal archive
>it's full of futa pics
You're welcome.

Attached: 1390255455881.jpg (235x293, 36K)

Is this cover real ? Fuck I hate this liberal propaganda everywhere I look

>now it’s guilty until proven innocent
you are aware that the judges didn't plead guilty, right?

It's propaganda. Only leftist women believe the stronk wymym meme.

Nobody watches CNN. Who are you trying to fool?

Still accurate.

How’s brexit going for you all? I really hope you solve that Irish border shit. Remember when the IRA killed Mony? I bet those drunken potatoniggers will bag a whole mess of royals if it goes off again.

Exaggeration? You fuckers arrested somebody for teaching their dog to make a Nazi salute as a joke. You have no room to talk Union Jackass.

At least the Trump covers could be memed on, this one is just lame.

Attached: Obamacages.png (906x1195, 871K)

Holy Christ, my dudes. I shouldn’t be surprised at this point. And yet I still am.

Guilty of the accusation you smoothbrained waterbaby. Fucking hell hans I thought germany was meant to have a decent education system, your reading comprehension is Rwanda tier

Imagine a country where people get jailed for saying the wrong words or filming outside a courthouse, are lecturing you on how fucked your country is.

USA is the richest 3rd world country on Earth

It’s all so tiresome

Only the elderly watch major news networks. I’m sure there are some old timer holdouts for the bbc as well.

I can safely regard Time mag as virtue signalling fucks front for Democrats. Go bankrupt already.

>Like what is this bullshit "stronk woman" worship about?

Women consume, they keep the economy going. Young teenage women are the top consumers in the USA. This magazine will sell, and it's easier to manufacture than a male role model.

Also, population control.

>tweets bacon emoji at girl in hijab
>police raids home and send you to prison for 3 years

they're gonna look pretty retarded when she goes to jail for perjury and witness tampering, even for (((TIME Magazine)))