Why do leftist lover her racist books? with terms like pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born...

why do leftist lover her racist books? with terms like pure-blood', 'half-blood' and 'Muggle-born. Then a ministry that is totalitarian? then use it for virtue signaling? are they retarded

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Because they're children and it's a children's book series.

>are they retarded

Not bad Milkers for a lefty

Not bad overall for 53.

Nice milkers. I would unironically motorboat

4/10. Be honest

Let's not forget those hook nosed goblin bankers

Don't forget the slavery of those elves/goblin things.

A totalitarian ministry and goblin ruled bank system works in a magicegenous society duh.

Someone complained about the lack of jewish characters in HP. Tbf, they're very well represented.

Yea a abank with a Star of David on the floor kek

They being britbongs probably consider it to be more of a class thing than a race thing. Pure Bloods obviously denoting ancient families with long blood line of wizards and so forth with half bloods being more like bastards of full bloods who've been slinging the dick to the commoners known as muggles. Then they hide it behind muh magic power n sheet. Is it really any different than Luke Skywalker with the force or King Arthur with Excalibur? Just pretentious assholes wanting to feel special instead of actually working for it like regular people.

Here's a clue. They've never read them. They will claim to have done but they've without a doubt never picked up a single book and just go by the films.

I want to fuck that mommy

In CoS, Hagrid is imprisoned without trial and or sentence — they could have locked him away forever if they wanted. Fudge even admits that he knows Hagrid is innocent, but they arrest him anyway just to make it seem like they're achieving something.
>blatant injustice, violation of human rights, misuse to power

In GoF, Arthur Weasley intervenes on Moody's behalf, to get him out of being prosecuted for his "enchanted dustbins."
>nepotism, corruption

Throughout the books, Luscious Malfoy donates money to receive favors from the Ministry. A good example is in GoF, when he used bribes to get tickets for him and his family next to the Minister of Magic a the Quidditch world cup. Also in OotP, when he's cozying up to the Minister before Harry's trial
>corruption, cronyism

The Government controls that media, and uses it to manipulate the public and push false narratives. See all the anti-Harry slander published in the Daily Prophet during OotP, and how the media didn't even report Cedric's death.
>misuse of power, massive misinformation campaign

The Ministry can write any laws it wants and enforce them without public oversight, like Umbridge did in OotP with her Educational Decrees.
>unhindered government power

The Ministry supports institutionalized discrimination against "half breeds" and magical creatures. Umbridge pushed through so much discriminatory legislation that Lupin couldn't get a job.
>unethical civil violations

There's also the fact that the Ministry employs literal soul sucking demons. Seriously, how could they possibly be the good guys when these are their minions?
The Ministry also orders the Demontors to eat the souls of people who haven't even been been charged with a crime, like Sirius Black, who was never actually sentenced in a court of law.

And this is ignoring the shit they do to muggles on a regular basis. Obliviate should be an unforgivable curse. Fucking wizard scum.

Not to mention everything Umbridge did at Hogwarts.

>They being britbongs probably consider it to be more of a class thing than a race thing
Actually, British class system is a polite way to call almost biologically separated casts. Have you seen members of British classes? They look like they are different species.

Don't forget the good guys in the book just support apartheid

>magic powers explicitly inheritable and gene based
>stratified society of have and have not caste based on birth
>children armed with point-and-shoot lethal force wands
>totalitarian government is shockingly inefficient and makes retarded policy
>students form an armed militia (dumbledore's army) to wrest back control of the government
>Hermione is tryhard as fuck but can never surpass Harry lol get rekt women
>banker jews depicted as disgusting hook nosed goblins

There hasn't been literature this based since Mein Kampf, lmao at retarded lefty children eating this shit up

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Lack of self awareness leaves a blind spot for projection.

her books treat the idea of mudbloods as prejudice though, kind of a weak argument even though she is a huge cunt.

Not all leftists are liberal faggots who read childrens books

If you really want to know if the liberal left is retarded, ask them about Stirner.

Harry Potter is the story of a bunch of school kids who get attacked and gatmed constantly. The authorities refure to do anything more to protect them and even ban them from learning how to protect themselves.

The kids revolt against this and take their own initiative to learn how to fight back.

>The kids use their weapons to protect the school

>Have you seen
Never gave it much thought. I assumed that when they said "breeding" they simply meant they were raised in a proper home and went to proper schools. It never occurred to me that they might look a lot different than their average citizen, subject or whatever.

>banker jews depicted as disgusting hook nosed goblins
The last movie was on HBO a few weeks ago and I couldn't see past this lmao

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>striped pajamas
Fuck, I never noticed that. Maybe she really is 14/88