Jews are White

How is this even debatable?

Attached: 2jgdwc.jpg (482x361, 73K)

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ashkenazi jews are genetically close to southern italians but it doesn't matter
they view themselves differently from other ethnic groups, act different, have different interests
that is part of the reason they always go against european ethnicities

I (agree) with that.

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nice flag
by their own admission obviously
jews only claim to be white to slander whites
if you call them out for being white they cry that they are jewish

Fuck off nigger

Attached: niggers.png (840x900, 144K)

Never forget the 6 million white europeans who died in the holocaust :(

They are whites, but without the privilege. A special category of unprivileged whites. Must be hard for them.

White is an identity, if you don’t identify with it youre not “white”. Jews don’t identify as white.
White is european Christians and pagans

No they are semites, related to arabs

Where is Israel?

they were jewish greeks

Jews are not White.

Attached: Israel_DNA_Tests.png (935x658, 141K)

Attached: Jewish_DNA.png (997x682, 279K)

Attached: Jews_Are_A_Race.png (654x684, 325K)

Attached: Jews_race.png (652x595, 117K)

Attached: Jews_race_2.jpg (1319x1149, 491K)

Most Jews don't even know what retarded generalizations like "White" or "non-White" mean. All these folks know about their identity is being israeli, which is the only thing that matters. White or not, if you're israeli you deserve the oven 90% of the time, save for based guys like Mordechai Vanunu.

whites are either christian or consider white christian heritage to be a positive (desu tho if youre white and not christian you may as well be a nigger)

jews look white because they stole our genetics but reject everything it means to be white (civilization) or christian.

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Ashekanzis? Sure.
Separhdim? Debatable.
Mizrahim? Basically Arab Jews.

Pic related deadass looks like my uncle’s twin. Arabs and Jews are semites; and any Semite worth their salt wouldn’t caught dead associating with with euro cumskins.

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'white' refers to person of Anglo-Saxon heritage. It has nothing to do with actual skin colour, otherwise Albino niggers would be White.

originally yes (and many groups of jews still are) but I was talking about ashk. jews specifically

Attached: race_gen_prox.jpg (446x308, 57K)

wrong image

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Do you guy's feel weird having semetic blood? Also you people need to show American's a better time next time I go over there!

Hebrew, white? Something’s not right about that...

jews are white to an extent but it doesn't matter because they only care about jews. while you'll see anglos who care about nords and germans who care about Italians you'll rarely see a jew who cares about non jews. i feel more racial loyalty to mulattoes than i do to jews.

Oh please ahmed, you love Euros.

Because Jews were not legitimately a race until they created Israel.

Why do they fight so hard to eradicate the white then ?

So your saying white people were the victims of the lolocaust?

Jews are Semites.

Not only do plenty of ashkenazi jews not look European, bu almost half of jews are not ashkenazi but sephardic/mizrahi and others and none of those look European, they look like Arabs and Pakis.

You are an NPC and a brainlet.

the jew is only white when it needs a taxicab, a table at a restaurant, a cop or while explaining "white privilege"...the rest of the time the jew is a jew, first and foremost.

Even though they have white people skin i just dont consider jews white

They're considered an ethnic minority in The States; how is that white. Typical jews wanting the best of both worlds.

>they have white people skin
That's not really true for around half of them. Pic related.

Attached: Jews.jpg (440x280, 30K)

Jews aren’t even human.


Not at all, we’re proud semites.

>Also you people need to show American's a better time next time I go over there!
Not sure I get it. Go where?