Be asian male

>be asian male
>"laugh" at your women for marrying foreign men
>blame white males and Asian women for the fact that Asian male x white female isn't common (arent white females issue there??)
whats with their thought process? it doesn't seem to make any sense.

Attached: 1538743144230.png (1033x683, 624K)

Other urls found in this thread:

white man - oriental woman (Asian includes poo's and no one want to fuck a poo)

Asian doesn't include poos
it must be embarrassing that poos so badly want to be included with Asians

Why is that a problem? They just want to be happy at the dawn of their lives.

Attached: 5.26.17.dawn_.jpg (649x350, 24K)

For some reason German left-wing politicians always have multiple far younger ex-wives and he's a prime example. But why this is funny to gooks I don't know.

the guy is a lefty, of course he hates himself

of course it does
they are south asians

Poos can be from a fucking moon and it still doesn't make them moonmen.

She looks younger than the average 35 year old white woman

There are some high IQ top end poos man

I think you meant to use the word 'dusk', my droog

Oh right.

Attached: 27A926B5-B9E2-45D2-96DD-ED2440724C2D.jpg (960x720, 150K)

they are an asian ethnic group, though
south asian, more specifically

That's a nice Canadian Beach!

Asian isnt a word we use to refer to south Asians though.
if we want to refer to south Asians, we always explicitly say south Asian
just saying Asian alone ubiquitously refers to east and south east Asia

>But why this is funny to gooks I don't know.
The reason why it is funny is because you are literally making a fool of yourself.

Consider this:
>You are old
>have medical complications
>have little time left
And you have the fucking gall to marry someone? Add to that the woman is korean and you have nothing in common with each other. Any self-respecting and sane old person would be thinking of the welfare of the person that they want to be with and that the final verdict for them would be not to tap that ass/ride the D even if said other person shows your own old-ass interest after x, y, or z amount of years passed.

TL;DR: It is like smearing weeks-old shit from the porta johns onto your face and calling yourself "muh alpha". A complete cognitive dissonance as well as conduct unbecoming that when combined and manifested in a correct time and place becomes something akin to dark humor.

Attached: asian selection on beach.jpg (960x589, 152K)


Mr wholesome on the left

Thank God I am a poo so I don't have to deal with this race-mixing, bbc, cuck bulshit.

Careful, you'll summon the amwf Hapa poster

The one thing I can give him is that he kept us out of the war

wmaf = white guy dating down the pecking order....easier to do

amwf = asian guy dating up the pecking order...harder to do

what if i told you there is no pecking order, and people date each other based on their character and attributes

It might be difficult to accept though since you'd have to take responsibility for your shortcomings, rather than attributing everything to race

This is ebin
Everyone is disgusted about him and his concubine

Attached: ex-bundeskanzler-gerhard-schroeder-mit-seiner-lebensgefaehrtin-soyeon-kim-schauten-sich-die-olympia- (1592x1920, 342K)

She looks bogpilled as fuck

>people date each other based on their character and attributes

Certain groups of people share unique personality traits and personal attributes.

Take SE asian people for example. Most SE asian people I've met are not confrontational. They aren't brash and loud like Americans so they seem timid to us. Physically, they obviously have distinct features. Culturally, they place far greater emphasis on schooling and education than per se sports.

Being timid and submissive plays in your favor if you're a women, because a lot of men don't like having a women that is more outspoken than them (hurts their manlihood).

If you're a timid asian man in a westernized country then you're at a significant disadvantage. Stereotypes for asian men
> small dicks
> nerds
> effeminate and timid

Stereotypes for white men

Truth hurts

asians are subhuman npcs

SE asian men are in no way non-confrontational, thats just japanese born asians, if anything viets are known for chimping out, especially against Chinese

>small dicks
no one actually cares about this when deciding who to date, no one worth dating anyway

no one older than 15 actually considers this a bad thing. education and money are good

>effeminate and timid
you listed these things as being stereotypes that an Asian male might experience if he is "a timid asian man". it makes sense that a timid man will be seen as timid, so yeah. timid people dont do well with women in general

Then explain why WMAF pairings are 3-4 times as more common than AMWF.

Dating statistics across platforms have already verified the fact that asian men in western countries are at a significant disadvantage to their white counterparts. Same applies with black women.

According to you there isn't a pecking order, so black girls are on the same playing field with white women right?

What's easier? Climbing uphill or going downhill? WMAF = going downhill. AMWF = climbing uphill

Only above average asian men with higher SMVs can climb uphill. Any loser can roll downhill. I've seen far too many fat, obese, old white men with thin, young petite asian girls. I have yet to see one fat, obese, asian guy with a young, petite white girl.

>Only above average asian men with higher SMVs can climb uphill. Any loser can roll downhill. I've seen far too many fat, obese, old white men with thin, young petite asian girls. I have yet to see one fat, obese, asian guy with a young, petite white girl.

Check out this video:

It's funny as fuck, but also incredibly depressing.

If I got an equivalent 0.01/10 autistic-looking, asian guy, how many swipes do you think he can get in any of the major cities here in the USA?

Hi, Chang

Chang is a ricecel, but unlike all the rest of the dysfunctional incels and neckbeards in this forum who can still manage to get a white-worshipping asian or black girl, ricecels will die as virgins if they don't man the fuck up.

because white women tend to be liberal and would never want the family dynamics that occur in Asian families
likewise, Asian women who wants to escape the same chauvinistic family dynamics can do so by getting with a white guy

if you believe in this pecking order thing so much, let me ask you, if you had the chance to get with someone who you didnt enjoy being with, but was white, would you really pick them over someone who you did enjoy being with, but was PoC?

More curiously, whats the point in comparing WMAF to AMWF? people feel pressure to get with a specific race solely because people of the other gender often do the same, with that same race? at any rate, if there were issues with the rate of AM and WF, those issues would be between AM and WF, and have nothing to do with WMAF anyway.

>women born into terrible poor countries will do anything to get with a comparatively very rich foreigner and move to a rich country
color me surprised

how the hell is she 50?

>caring about racemixing

Focus on stopping the mass immigration and the Jews who push it, instead.

You are litterally doing more bad than good by your autistic ramblings.

It's the other way around, Asian Men with White Women.
If you look closely those white men always tend to get the most ugly or peculiar Asian women, but Asian men can easily get decent looking white women, and their offsprings are much better too.
When you race mixing, do it in right way.

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