The Great Awakening of Our Time
The Great Awakening of Our Time
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I dont think soros is neurologically capable of feeling anxiety or fear.
BUCKLE IN, BOIS. Things are about to get spicy.
What is goin on?!?
D-does that means that we, as people, can speak out against corruption..?!
Kikes on suicide watch.
Kavanaugh isn't a great judge, but we can't afford to hesitate at this point
Appoint someone morally qualified.
>morally qualified
Democrats lost the moral highground when they pulled this underhanded shit. You don't get to ask for that anymore.
Christine B Ford. An educator of Stanford where she trains the CIA in psychological operations and you are blaming the Democrats solely?
strip that faggot of his citizenship, seize his assets and use them to help build the wall, and deport that mother fucker back to Hungary.
show flag kike
I am excluding Ford from judgment as I don't know the truth about what happened.
I know the truth of what the democrats have done... and so they face my judgement.
Grow a brain numbskull.
Ill show you, one moment
what is so bad about showing your flag kike
What Brett Kavanaugh Must Be Asked About Torture, Guantánamo
Kavanaugh documents could answer decade-old question of whether he misled Congress
In 2007, two Democratic senators accused Kavanaugh of misleading Congress over his role in formulating Bush-era detention policies.
Kavanaugh's role in Bush-era torture debate now an issue
Inside the CIA's black site torture room | US news | The Guardian
Brett Kavanaugh and the Risk of a Return to Torture | Just Security
Trump's CIA nominee Gina Haspel says torture doesn't work
Donald Trump on 9/11: "You Will Find Out Who Really Knocked Down The World Trade Center"
what is wrong with torture and finding out who did 9/11? huh kike? scared are you?
No I fully welcome disclosure of Martian Technology
no one cares niggerfucker, go be a lolbergtarian elsewhere Jow Forums is a fascist board
Like the undead...
It's fucking obvious at this point.
Our socialist president had a secret meeting with Soros a few weeks after getting into power throught impeachment of the previous conservative government.
What kind of power does someone have to meet with presidents in secret meetings?
I am a fascist.
Learn from Hungary. That man is a terrorist.
You are a fucking slide shill. Go fuck yourself.
Never forget the Republicans are in bed with the democrats to serve their masters but some us politicians will be spared when the hangings begin. Mr grassley is one such politician.
not him, but there's a lot of professional agitators on his payroll that must be feeling pretty anxious now
Listen freak, take your awoo and shove it up your ass
Oh fuck you. Reps let the court stay unfilled for over a year while screaming about 'lame duck president'.
"moral highground" died for everyone the moment McConnel and his tea party faggots decided the checks and balances of democracy could fuck itself.
t. meme flag
You don't belong here shill.
Audit the soros
>secret papers may implicate the Saudis
>the JIS papers clearly state the Saudis were involved.
>however it does mention foriegn governments in the unredacted parts of the paper.
>the 7 congressmen who actually bothered to read the redacted portion, begin to change their voting patterns in regards to Israel immediately after.
TLDR it is not just the Saudis involved in 9/11.
Open Societies denies and admits it and misinterprets the 1st amendment in one tweet
Regardless, George Soros Open Borders Society don't like being named publicly. He hates this.
>let the court stay unfilled
There's no such thing as an unfilled supreme court.
It was obama's choice not to replace Scalia and to let the people decide via presidential election.
>checks and balances of democracy could fuck itself.
Since when is "majority rules" undemocratic??
I like SOROS cannabis policies, far more moral than current legislation
Smearing someone for rape and trying to destroy his life.
Exactly the same. You have no morals.
Fuck you retard druggie.
This isn't about rape.
This is about Kavanugh and his torture regime with the CIA post 911
Cannabis is clinically proven to cure cancer.
Sooo. To recap
Soros banned from Hungary
Naming the Jew in the US...
>(((Clinically proven)))
He literally chose Merrick Garland, after Lindsay fucking Graham explicitly said "There's no way he'd pick someone like Merrick Garland whom we could all agree on."
It is when YOU REFUSE TO HAVE THE NOMINEE'S HEARINGS YOU FAGGOT. "Lol, we can't be blamed for obstruction if we just don't ever have the hearings lolol"
You have no high ground. That "stick our head in the sand" six years of 'tea party' corporate flunkies sunk your case.
Whine all you want. I don't give a fuck. Kavanaugh can get in, at least it wasn't a perversion of democracy for the sake of partisan bullshit that will get him in. It's the OTHER Georgetown Prep faggot that really deserves to lose his seat.
>"i'm gonna drain the swamp by placing two middle aged white men from the same east coast elite prep school on the supreme court"
What a fucking embarrassment to anyone who thought they were 'throwing a brick at the elites in power' via a Trump vote.
t npc
just wait until the guillotines are sharpened and torture isn't necessary meme flag
Soros is the bad guy from lethal weapon 2
THIS #InvestigateSoros
Haha. Jew status: named
soooo never?
They only want to get their pharmakon against their obvious crimes. They expose their plans with small dosages in a controlled environment.
Right now, media + IT makes 99% of most america.
This won't make any difference. At most, people will know it, accept it, normalize it, and keep going.
Trump: yet another card in the deck.
>He literally chose Merrick Garland, after Lindsay fucking Graham explicitly said "There's no way he'd pick someone like Merrick Garland whom we could all agree on."
They didn't want him though. Lindsey Graham doesn't represent the will of the congress.
But that is their choice. It's rightfully within their power.
>Meme flags seething because they know what's to come
This meme flag welcomes it, if you have nothing to fear then there is no problem with an investigation. . . . . Right?
Every. Fucking. Time.
You faggot kike should've fought Kavchad base on idea instead of bull shit rape charges, now no one care about your facts.
Nixe digits.
I really want to think that the protesters are paid.
If they aren't, then they are a group of people showing their genuine outrage that a sexual assault did not occur. They are angry that a man was found to be innocent.
God bless America, god defend New Zealand and thank Christ for Australia. Good night.
God damn republicans being based for once in their lives, why though?
They are weasels who will say anything to keep their jobs.
Trump is president, people seem to like him.... so they are acting like him.
time to ban this kike’s ngo
The personal attacks against them. Kavanaugh rape acusations. Attacks against them at their posh restaurants and decadent theatre plays.
>Ivy League
Fuck off kikeboi, you bury your pathetic flag in such a crazy hot mess of a narcissist, you don’t get to try and defer this nonsense on to another group.
Suck it up Sally, you pulled this shit and now you’re completely and utterly fucked.
>why though?
Because the Dems are breaking all the rules. Look at Kavanaugh. The dude is a Bush era milquetoast conservative who was on any Republican's SCOTUS shortlist. And the leftists tried to ruin his entire life and career.
Being a mild conservative isn't possible when you and your friends are being attacked.
>Naming the Jew of the nutsack eyes.
Best fucking timeline
It just keeps getting better