It's not a trial, it is a job interview. No one has to prove shit. He said he loves beer...

It's not a trial, it is a job interview. No one has to prove shit. He said he loves beer, basically lost his temper and cried, and was accused by many people of sexual assault. His interview wouldn't even get him hired at the walmart, and he wants to be on the SCOTUS?

Attached: 1535557002059.jpg (381x378, 28K)

That's because everyone knows The Clintons are Criminals.

>fbi goes on record saying that if anyone else had done what Clinton did, they would be in jail
>fbi finds no evidence to corroborate Ford's story
There's the difference, user.

Is Soros paying rabid libshits to crash your WalMart job interview?

This. Remember how Kavanaugh said the FBI doesnt reach conclusions, they just hand over 302s?

..unless you're Hillary, that is

It's an adjudication. Get fucked shlomo.

>It's not a trial, it is a job interview. No one has to prove shit.
Convenient, because no one can.

When was the last time you faced baseless criminal accusations in a job interview?

Friendly reminder that Comey said she's guilty

Rememeber how the DOJ, who does persue criminal charges, publically deferred to the judgement of the FBI? Remember how the head of the DOJ met with subject of investigation's husband?

If I were interviewing a potential hire and flat out called him a rapist in the interview, I would expect him to get mad. Why would I hire a spineless faggot?

Remember how people who are falsely accused in political hit jobs don’t owe their attackers respect or the time of day. Kavanaugh should have spit on the floor as he walked out the door and given Feinstein two firm open handed slaps on her old wrinkled mug.

Lock her up because it’s plaonly clear she committed crimes. Even the FBI said so. There is probable cause arrest her and put her in jail. You can lock someone up before a trial you know...

It doesn’t matter if it’s not a trial. You’re supposed to assume innocence in any situation where there’s no proof. Society can’t function otherwise. Not that I’d expect you to understand that Kamala.

>go for job interview
>random literal who comes in half way through your interview and says 36 years ago you tried to grab her tit while she was drinking under age
>slanders you in front of the entire nation
>gets paid over $400k to do so
>get called a rapists by psyco feminist with vagina hats
>get called a pedophile and told you shouldn't coach girls

Oh yeah, just like every Walmart interview I've gone to. He has every right to lose his temper when senate behaves like this. We should kick half those fuckers out and try Ford for false statement since nothing she said could be corroborated. Believe women my ass, this is an assault on the credibility of women by one of their own. When you make false rape accusations you diminish how terrible rape really is and when you are a lying cunt you give women a bad name.

Comey admitted she was guilty in front of the whole country.

He simply refused to prosecute her.... and as is clear now, it's because he is a partisan hack.

But Hillary Clinton was actually guilty.

The FBI admitted what she did was wrong. The FBI investigation revealed she did mishandle classified information. They refused to bring charges.

>He simply refused to prosecute her

not only did he refuse to prosecute, he threatened any prosecutor who might be in a place to take action by saying no reasonable prosecutor would, hence if you did you are being unreasonable and should be disbarred.

Thanks guys. Good to know their are others with a brain on this site.

>muh job interview
Keep moving the goalposts kike

this is a chicken and egg situation with regard to left and right politics.
the left accuses you of what they are already doing.
so with regard to pic related. the right can go back a bit further and find an example of what the left did that disproves pic related.
we can go back as far as possible, but there will always be on more example of leftist hypocrisy.

awesome thread bro

clinton never got this kind of media attention, the entire thing is a show clearly. also did clinton even get this detailed of an investigation

If it was a job interview, then every Democrap would've been fired for participating in falsely accusing the interviewee of gang-rape.