*betrays ur party*

*betrays ur party*

Attached: murkowski.jpg (620x413, 33K)

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women were a mistake.

fuck women in politics.

True hero. Thank you Senator Murkowski.

>new member of the Cuntrag club

How did this person ever get elected in a solid red state. Makes no sense.... I understand Collins who needs to run in Maine, but Murkowski??? Wtf Alaska?!?

wtf do they have on her?

Attached: feinstein_murokowski.jpg (1536x2048, 290K)

>being partisan in the first place.

Attached: bootlicker.gif (500x341, 998K)

*betrays his party*

Attached: JoeManchin.jpg (404x512, 31K)

Her husband "had a record of pro-life" she got elected by the virtue of her husband. Some digging on this is required