Did we get our 51 votes to confirm him?

Did we get our 51 votes to confirm him?

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as of this sec its 50 yea waiting for 1 more

>democrats 1 vote yes

Is this the final vote?

If it's 50/50 Pence puts us over the line

shit i forgot about pence, nvm he is in bois

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Who is the Republican who voted no?

Can't get 50-50 with 1 senator absent.

Manchin bruh

Um, if he has 51 yeas and the maximum number who can vote nea is 49... how can he lose?

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names of the eleven demoncrats that didn't show/vote?

This isnt even the final vote, right?
This is the vote to begin the other vote, cloture right?

What're you gonna do with them names faggot?


They could change their mind.

This vote was to confirm a vote for tomorrow.

Yes. They have until 3pm today to bitch moan and complain at no more than one hour per person to state their case to convince yea/nea.

Which just gives Senate more time to manipulate their counterparts and make backroom deals for votes tomorrow

That post is old - see for final vote.

This is the vote to end all preperations, investigations, etc and formally vote.

Generally, the cloture vote is also used to test the waters for the final senate vote. The republicans who voted yea can be counted on to vote yea in the confirmation vote.

kek fbi are here

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Attached: mcfeels kavanaugh vote.png (719x241, 30K)

How will John McCain vote?


he's the republican no vote