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Other urls found in this thread:


>not being dramatic

Attached: lionel.png (577x430, 435K)

>leftists fantasize about using imaginary guillotines on republicans
>end up guillotining themselves

oh no no no no! womp womp

Attached: flat,800x800,075,t.jpg (800x800, 113K)

Sweet, even more cause for celebration now.

I'll get the window for em

Attached: 1538752235881.gif (640x360, 440K)



>killing yourself over a fucking judge

holy shit the left would probably just end up killing themselves if a civil war ever actually broke out

i saw one that was saying:

>we are all being raped today

but didnt save it because these things coming it at a rate of thousands per mnute.

Attached: PIA21486.jpg (1446x825, 176K)

>Do it faggot! Remember, down they lane, not across the street!

I wish all those people who said they would move to Canada had really done that.


livestream it

Attached: 1535222583986.gif (321x715, 1.57M)

this is the only correct answer

Typical emotional blackmail of the left

> look what you made me do.

liberals keeping their word

Even as a libertarian who doesn't really like Trump it's undeniable the left would lose any faction based conflict


Attached: Just_do_it.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

Can we set this up as a pay-per-view?

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Bye, Felicia!

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>I'm going to kill myself if Kavanaugh takes office

Attached: be my guest.jpg (515x335, 27K)

Lol good

Let me guess. Youll be doing this in Canada?


Happy trails... to you... until

we meet


Do it

Great. I'll eat two scoops then. One for Kavanaugh and another for this retarded lib offing himself


^This. As nice as it would be for leftists to ethnically cleanse themselves they never follow through with this shit. At best they might half-ass a 'suicidal gesture' like eating some pills and going to a psych hospital for a week.

>I'm going to kill myself
>It's your fault!

Attached: 1503260022573.jpg (456x337, 120K)

no stop don't

side thought: have you ever seen an indian/paki police officer in your whole entire life?

>"I'm going to kill myself"
Please do.

Attached: 7854435456344345.jpg (468x900, 82K)

2 bobs


Call for a FBI investigation

>im gunna kill myself

Just like how you were moving to canada, right? Fuck these people deserve the rope.

Could someone post this
Please live stream it we want to see it.


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This is as likely to happen as all those people who were going to move to Canada

I want blood on my hands
I wish I had a vote


Kavanaugh is going to overturn roe vs wade. All those hedonistic fornicators will have to deal with the consequences of their sinful lives.

>using the Kaiba strategy in 2018

Attached: Seto_Kaiba.png (350x269, 103K)

Attached: streamit.jpg (636x603, 21K)

Ill take a 42L Hugo Boss pls.

Do a flip, faggot

tweets like these and the responses to them is why I come here every day.

Women want to be the abusive girlfriend of the entire nation now.

>If I lose the ability to kill my unborn children I will kill myself

>livestream it

Jow Forums, never fucking change

CALL murkowski be FRIENDLY and ask the retarded cunt to vote YES. Also tweet this pic to her. Do it if she votes no you risk losing.

Attached: 1538753922291.png (1280x748, 167K)

>all hope for this country is lost
>I'm going to kill myself

what about moving to a different country?

Another one

Attached: Screenshot_20181005-084337_Twitter.jpg (1080x1920, 513K)

Clear bait.

I love the "we'll bring civil war drumpftards!!" meme.

>Left wing politics correlated with low testosterone
>Leftists own far fewer guns, many are outright scared of them.
>Left is consistently the side that melts down and cries over mean comments
>Antifa betas consistently BTFO in physical altercations with right wing protestors, have to resort to "sucker-punch-and-run" tactics and crying to the police.

Attached: 5FB381F4-9ED9-48DA-9661-7B4101448764.jpg (480x362, 31K)

>Livestream it

The absolute lad


Attached: fucking white people.jpg (720x821, 57K)

No, they should kill themselves

>blaming other people for your own idiotic decisions


Attached: 1538149786545.jpg (712x638, 199K)

Fuck beat me to it

Can I join the SS

Pay for my cosmetic pharmaceuticals you bigot.

Attached: screen-shot-2018-05-27-at-10-56-05-pm.jpg (479x309, 16K)

Attached: image.jpg (160x164, 18K)

THIS! Report this for their safety immediately!

>not even waiting for the results

Who here would vote yes or no? Post your response.

Attached: 1535416432464.jpg (471x439, 69K)

That's kind of sad if she's a survivor but still...

>womp womp

please be real

Bitch won't do shit.

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I hope they kill themselves, I've grown to really hate them

Why the fuck do these people call themselves survivors? Was their town attacked in a war, did they go through a plane crash or something? Do more people die during rape than during home invasion burglary?

You guys are being retards, you know exactly how these parasites act

They cheer for war and mass bloodshed, but only when big daddy government does it for them. It's the same as always, cheer for wholesale slaughter until someone lines them up against a wall and they cry that they've done nothing.


>all those people who were going to move to Canada
That's right, I almost forgot about the libtard exodus to Canada. This is a free country, and they are free to leave anytime. Someone tell the libshits that the border is still open
>on this side

Adios you shit-dicked libtard faggots

>don't come back

don't mock these people, black pill them instead

Press S to make xe commit suicide.

>not being dramatic

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Same person probably could not name the other supreme court justices without look at google

When I don't get what I want
>t. I kill myself

>like a psycho gf who can't bear that your going golfing with your father for a couple hours without her


threatening to harm urself is grounds for a psychiatric hold isnt it?

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Do you remember when little 5 year old kids would threaten to kill themselves when they don't get what they want? They would hold their breath valiantly until they either had to breathe again or their parents would relent and give them what they want.

That's why these people do all the things the way they're currently doing them. They are children in adult bodies because their development has been stunted because they've literally never not gotten their way in their lives. The panic we're observing is a natural tantrum that's the result of their childish, undeveloped brains reverting to the original tactics they used when they could whatever they wanted on demand. But they are growing up now and are terrified of being responsible or in control, so they look to the state to replace the role their parents took in giving them what they want.

Pay attention, all their arguments are about "me" because they genuinely believe that we the people and the state care about them the same way their parents did. "I'm terrified of the future because of my overactive imagination so it's the responsibility of the people to make me not terrified". Its the selfish ideology of children who think that the world cares enough about them to shut itself down to protect their feelings. To them, the GOP is the literal Monster Under the Bed and they're NOT going to sleep until Daddy State checks and makes sure there's no monster.

Ironically, these people are no longer talking to their parents because they voted for Trump.

>I was raped, so anyone that claims they were rape is telling the truth cuz women don't lie
>no chance someone can be paid to lie or be a vindictive cunt trying to hurt an ex
>ignore the women that are convicted liars and criminals in the prisons

adios, amigo

Plz be real


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Just woke up. What time are they voting in Kavanaugh?

>be me
>be unironical race warrior
>day of rope finally comes
>be walking around looking for victims for my right wing death squad
>mfw they already strung themselves up at first sign of trouble
>now what am I going to do with all the rope I've been saving?

Attached: Wittman.jpg (300x168, 13K)

Bullshovit I know wifi's at death camps, they even have school, theater, a pool, and a company store.


Attached: Screenshot from 2018-10-05 11-48-56.png (337x408, 91K)

I wish that thing had jumped