What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

Attached: wut.png (532x239, 22K)

wait, the Jews break out the anti-semitic claim, even when the only Jews involved are the lawyers?

Niggers tongue my anus

>Jews accuse neocons of anti-semitism
This is getting funny

what does this judge shit have to do with jews?

womp womp!

Attached: IMG_4273.jpg (1024x760, 72K)

the judge isn't another jew

CALL murkowski be FRIENDLY and ask the retarded cunt to vote YES. Also tweet this pic to her. Do it if she votes no you risk losing.

How did Jews manage to hide being global puppeteers this whole fucking time when they bring up being Jewish in every single post they make or sentence they say? I try my best to hide being a fucking mixed-ass mutt so I don't mention it unless prompted. But these people purposefully victimize themselves by openly identifying with a group and then claiming the entire group is being ridiculed. God fucking damn I hate Jews.