The future is populist in this age of disruption, Stephen Harper says

Harper rips into the globalists in this. he is very circumspect in how he goes after this rootless clique of assholes:

>Imagine yourself as someone who works for an international consulting firm or in a globally focused academic career. You can wake up in New York, London, or Singapore and feel at home. You may rent or even own regular accommodation in all of these places. Your work is not subjected to import competition or threat of technological dislocation. You may attend (or aspire to attend) the Davos conference. You probably read The Economist and, like Thomas Friedman, believe that the world really is flat. Your spouse or partner has a similar professional background, although he or she is from somewhere else in the world. You are motivated by climate change and suspicious of religion. You are unequivocally pro–free trade and support high levels of immigration. Your values can broadly be described as “cosmopolitan.”

>This is where I part company with the Anywheres. Anywheres seem to believe they can pick from whatever national basket they like. Chinese economic outcomes, American legal protections, European governance, Panamanian taxes, you name it. And if they do not get what they want, they affirm a right to just pick up and leave — on a passport provided by their nation-state.

>I do not quarrel with the Anywheres about the real and even greater potential benefits of globalization. My disagreement is more with this globalist mindset. I do not care how much of a globalist you fancy yourself. You have some responsibility as a citizen to Somewhere. And if you do not understand that, then you will behave as if you have no responsibilities at all.

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succintly worded and based.

Sadly a populist leader generally pursues vindictive and harmful policies, becoming what they always feared the other side was going to be

you read too much comics


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Excellent analysis by Harper as usual

I still can’t believe we went from Harper to faggot virtue signaling retard boy

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>In addressing these things, conservatives should remain pro-market, pro-trade, pro-globalization, and pro-immigration at heart. Going in a completely opposite direction in any of these areas would be a big mistake with serious ramifications.
Cuckservatives at their finest

Only good things Harper did was raise the age of consent and scrap the long gun registry. Other than that he was a neocon Zio-shill.

He did nothing for social conservatives.

Punished Harper when?

>muh free market
>muh individualism
>muh capitalism
cuckservatives worship this shit instead of advocating for their race and religion. pathetic.

you sound triggered and butthurt

So then why didn't Harper repeal gay marriage or accept more white immigrants? Instead he continued importing subhuman chinks and pajeets.

i see this really affected you, reading this article.

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>ripping into globalists

harper was canada's top globalism cheerleader for over a decade. while not a open-borders kind of guy, harper was always about the free flow of money to the benefit of the globalists he is not pretending to villify.

harper is just controlled opposition. a fucking disingenuous shitbag. as he's always been. fucking rat.

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you dont even sound like you are old enough to have voted when he was running.

when he was voted out of politics. he literally does nothing but work directly for Israel and their lobbying efforts.

That's well said. Even if he's lying (and I'm not saying he is), he at least took the time to understand what people think is at stake.

you dont like israel?

t. Jewey Jewenstein

who do you think initiated and promoted the trans-pacific partnership? the canada-EU trade deal? always pushed for more free flow of money at every economic conference?

nice ad-hom btw.

Video of the native getting btfo? I want to see Trudeau do something I support for once.

google Trudeau vs Patrick Brazeau

I'm really surprised to hear this from Harper (just read the whole excerpt, I'll probably get the book now). I'd pegged him for a more doctrinaire neo-liberal, who only threw that aside when necessary for political-strategic reasons.

His diagnosis is right in any case.

Libfags wanted a Nuck Obama