Whites in S. Africa deserve it

Check mate racists

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how could they steal land that didn't belong to the niggers who want it now.
checkmate pedophiles

I dont think she posted a single fact in that post.

How is this checkmate?
It's stalemate. People (of all skin colours) practiced slavery and racism until we all "learned better". Committing these crimes after that period are just criminals, because that's kind of how the law worked. People practiced slavery when it was legal, duh.

*People committing these crimes

>we're coming for the land you stole
Uhhh... Wasn't South Africa completely desolate and uninhabited save for a tribe that has since then passed away?

Yes, the tribe didn't pass away, there's just very, very few of them.

bet she isn't even south african...

we dont have blacks.

I thought literally the last remaining member of the tribe passed recently (within the past two years). Everyone else is mixed.

The Bantu never owned that land. Checkmate cunts..

Blacks invented slavery, and still practice it today

Nothing she said there is accurate.

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they didn't even have the concept of private property, or writing, or contracts, or or or.

hell, a lot of the land wasn't even "stolen", but given as reward and/or exchanged.

>Back people: Genocide is wrong
lol who does think she's kidding

I am a white separatist...and I agree with you.

Since Africans would have kept the whole world in the dark with their lack of leadership and ingenuity.. and.if it weren't for Europeans taking Africa's resources, the world would not have evolved.

The Dutch, the Brits and Germans, and other Euros who set up shop in Africa, made that their home for generations were that that wise or insightful to not see this backlash coming...and the those Euros should have left with the riches, and never looked back.

*were not that wise

Whites have to pay penance for what happened in history, because of privilege. Blacks don't need to answer for the vast amount of violent crime and rape happening today, because they are oppressed. Plus that is only happening because of white racism. check mate bigots

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afrikaners wanted nothing to do with europe, yet we get blamed for the "original sin". fuck that, we're african whether they like it or not.

It's called Karma and it's real.

>black people enslaved black people for centuries
>more than 90% of total black slaves had a black owner
>less than 1% of total black slaves had a white owner
>white europeans have eradicated slavery more than any other group
>white european colonialism is what finally freed Africa from slavery (mostly)
>slavery committed by black people, against black people, because they haven't been touched yet by the light of civilization
>there are still white people TODAY fighting to free black slaves in africa
>"but muh evil white people the enslavers, muh heroic black people the chain breakers"
the whole world has gone mad

Attached: fuckingwhitepeople.jpg (667x1042, 294K)

can't wait.

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Solution found: Just plant cotton crop plots around your yard.

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Its the mexican american argument.
>hurr america stole land hundreds of years ago in a fair war therefore its really ours gringo once we outbreed you

There is literally nothing true in that post.
No Slavery, Gave them their own countries and the best land in South Africa. There were no blacks on the cape for over 200 years after they Dutch landed. Apartheid wasn't a crime. Whites needed passes to go into Black Homelands as well. It was the same for everyone. Just a brain dead post. perfect for the SJW muh feels culture.

Interesting tidbit here, Africans, real black Sub-Saharan Africans have never in 4000 years invented or discovered a boat and sailed over a large body of water except to Madagascar. Most Western barrier islands inhabited by black people today were at one point slave depots for different Slave trade companies. meaning a white man brought them to the island at some point.

They also have never discovered iron working, modern machinery, mining, or even a decent working calendar.

Just let Black people have it, and everyone just leave. We can come back in a few years and steal resources because they will run out of 7.62x39 pretty quickly.

Funniest thing is the only real genocides were by the Dindu Nuffin Zulus that exterminated everyonr in their path leaving South Africa wide open for the Voortrekkers to settle.

And an even greater reality is the fact that if you look at SA today you dont find malaria, you dont find tsetse flies because white people removed the pests making bast areas habitable.

they don't want the land, they want all the stuff
that was built on the land that they refuse to

that's racist and all niggers deserve what's
coming to them from God, extinction.

Kaffir is a term invented by Arabs.

>2 wrongs make a right

t. Liberals

Also it simply wasn't the ancestral homeland of the Bantus, they came from the north and conquered and genocide the natives of south africa

exactly. mfecane is a great example of the chaos that was south africa.

then you should die there as well

>save for a tribe that has since then passed away?
That tribe was genocided by other blacks, who only showed up in SA because the white settlers turned it into the breadbasket of Africa.

that's the plan.

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People don't understand that the Capoid race of Khoi and San were at one time the most populous race of people on planet earth. it's true. Wiped out completely by Negroids. None would have survived if it were not for the evil Dutch.


Attached: Khoisan.jpg (499x359, 32K)

>by other blacks
They weren't black.
Negroes are Black
Capoids are Yellow


>An eye for an eye
Sounds fair enough. Time to put on the uniform, lads.

Why did any sane white person think it would be sensible to live on a continent inhabited by literal zombies? They deserve to get killed for not getting the fuck out of there.

>johannesburg is hella outta control
>only economy doing well in south africa is agriculture
>black politik wonders how it can secure it hegemony
>we need our cities thriving again
>but they infested with "poverty"
>lwts take white farmland
>have our country homes
>whites will flee to cities
>overtime end up gentrifying the cities
>then move the poverty back in

theres going to be a first move in the civil/race war

blacks invade white farms
whites invade black cities

The koisan look like proto asians....

He missed the part where the jews backstab the whites

>we all learned better
>we all
lmao no
whites and east asians learned better

Don't try to tempt me or I'll fucking put you back in chains!

Yes they do.
ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9037894 (not Negroid)

Very sad that they are gone.

First settlers in Madagascar came from the Sunda islands, an Indonesian archipelago.

>justifying your criminal actions

typical niggers


Slavery is wrong!
>When You Do It!
Colonialism is wrong!
>When You Do It!
Genocide is wrong!
>When You Do It!
Apartheid is a crime!
>When You Do It!
Let's reconcile!
>Let's murder some white ppl
We're getting tired of this!
>Getting tired of what?
We're coming for the lands you built up and made prosperous.
>And are you going to pay the million dollar loans on them?

Does that about cover it?

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And they already spoke against the Bantu Niggers in SA

Good luck to you friend...I understand where you are coming from, you know it as your homeland, but I hope you understand that your family should have closed up shop in S. Africa, generations ago, to avoid you being hunted today.

I'll never understand why blacks don't worship white people.
If it weren't for us, they'd still be living in the stone age.
If it weren't for us, the rest of the world would still see them as livestock.
What am I saying? It still does. White people are the only people to consider them their equals.

Yeah i noticed its almost always american negroes that say that. Stay safe over there though south africa is afrikaner clay

Yes the Khoi King is very upset over their treatment.

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