Anyone interested in Ancient Finns thread?

Anyone interested in Ancient Finns thread?

I'll give a bait for starters: According to Scandinavian Sagas the first kings were Finnic, Kvens (thus King-Queen) to be exact.

Attached: the_swan_of_tuonela.jpg (1600x1085, 302K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm interested in Finnish and Saami runes. I had a custom request for a "leuku" and I'd like some designs for the sheath.

Also, I was in Kaleva, MI for St. Urho's Day one year (on accident). You Finns are weird.

Attached: yu.jpg (242x300, 18K)

Exterminating Russians and restoring greater Finland when

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Just waiting on Lennu's Orders.

Attached: Lennu3.jpg (1024x768, 196K)

Bumping for more knowledge.

Finns have the World's largest national poem archive in the World. It's online too:

As for the designs I'd suggest to search "käpälikkö", "hannunvaakuna", "tursaansydän".

And yes, I guess we are a little different, we don't even speak an INDO-European language and so on...

About what do you wish to know?

We had permanent housing right after the last Ice Age, unlike people tend to think ie. we were hunter gatherers.

The earliest fishing net was found in Finland.

Best if they don't even know that we exist.

Attached: kullervonkirous.jpg (2204x4001, 1.96M)

The eldest wooden statue - or idol - was found in Finnic lands now days in Russia preceding the Giza pyramids for example.

Attached: lennu.jpg (1500x844, 210K)

Attached: Lennu5.jpg (890x1237, 159K)

A renowned Assyriogist has stated that Sumerian is related to Finnish.

*(Sumerian - Suomalainen)

Ancient Finns had agriculture way before most of Europe. At least 7000 bc.

Nazi's were very interested in our history. Himmler himself bought Kantele's for their Nazi occultists from his Karelia visits.

>Central banks
>Banking families
>Bloodlines like Pamphili, Aldobrandini, Farnese...
>Multidimensional ayys
>Bogdanoff Twins

Attached: lataus tätä.jpg (382x487, 63K)

There's over ten kilometers of very old stone paintings on the (old) shores of lake Laatokka.

There's a pre-ice ige cave lived by humans called "The Wolf Cave" in Finland.

Finnic dna has been found in all over Eurasia from Korea to Spain, and even North Africa.

The first visitors in North America were Finns, via Atlantic following the ice bed during the Ice Age.

There should be some topics to talk about. I'll add to it if necessary or someone has something to add or ask.

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What's the deal with the Saimaannorppa? How do they taste?

Kulervo truly a tragic tale.

They're an endangered species who got locked up in the Lake Saimaa after the land rose after the Ice Age and is now adapted into living in sweet water.

Many (if not most) European kingdoms have - especially female - Finnic dna in them.

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I still want to eat one.

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Do I amaze you?

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yes how clueless can burger be

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I shall go to Camp Lahti and contemplate what you have said with Pastor Luhtala from the Suomalais-Luterilainen Kustannusliike in Hancock.

Attached: AngryFinnishMan.gif (500x250, 938K)

heh heh what some discount finn can do

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this seems like finno-korea hyper war tier shit

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Actually you did a bit!

>discount finn can do
We can ruin your national anthem

Attached: 1468205128066.jpg (353x357, 116K)

Btw. this is the version without the forcibly added christian indoctrination in it.

I own that symbol on the cover.

Attached: DSC00856[1].jpg (1536x2048, 806K)

First for Hyperborea was located in Greenland

They are rune singer hands.

Attached: Inha_runonlaulajat.jpg (1280x938, 333K)

plot twist we dont have national anthem (official one) anyway

Then why was it first depicted to Northern Europe? In the earliest map of Fennoscandinavia there is also a mention of "Ancient Finnic Kingdom" in Latin.

Explain me

am i allowed into the finnostate?

forgot the image

Attached: Untitled.png (343x379, 9K)

I have the one where lil baby jesus tells Väinämöinen off at the end.

Yes, if I can make the decision.

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The church didn't let them print the original version without adding Anneli in the end there.

Hahaha 5/5 breddy good :DDDD

Do you like Moonsorrow?

What do Estonians just rip off you guys with Kalevipoeg and mu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm? Are your slow cousins just too slow to be original in anything?

tell me more about finland i think about moving there

>voi ei meidät on löydetty

The feelings might not be mutual, but I love Finland, lurking

Suomi for Finns and Estonians only. They are full to anyone else. Especially Swedes and Americans.

Series haplogroup question:

Are finns rape babies sired by sami or euros?
Pic related, a "pure" finn woman when not race mixed with euros.

Attached: sami.jpg (1296x1314, 407K)

I do. Finland has the most amount of metal band per capita. We also drink the most amount of coffee and milk. And have the most amount of Olympic medalists.

Won't bite crap. Sorry.

Attached: finngol.jpg (1000x413, 140K)

Anything about the kings and religious customs.

Giza pyramids are not aligned with Orion, but was with Cygnus at the time. There's a now permanently sealed tomb and the head of the Swan.

I know sekrit finnish rune magic
>saatana ja perkele
>kaksi koskenkorvaa
you have to say it while you go backwards through the door
then you close your eyes and go forward through the door again and say
it will bring good luck and fortune, ancient finnic magic I was tought by my grand mother

she taught you well now braise berkele

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Well both have it easier if you could search "ancient kings of finland" or "fjornot (Huurrekuningas)".

Not only (the first) Scandinavian kings descend of him, but British too.

Just like Rurik was a Finn, from who many of the Slavic kindoms sprung.

this scares the communist
are they like songs? like kvads and so?
like this, most people think that kvads, dråpas etc are poems, but they are not, they are songs and that's why people were able to remember it all ofc. like everyone here knows 6 million 80ies songs by heart but can't recite a single poem.

like this from the 900ds sometime
or from tyr

And the construction was observed from it's tail.


Yes. But they didn't have any "pop lyrics", but tales and history of the people.

Not baiting, this is a serious haplogroup research:

>The Baltic-Finns and Saami are argued to have arrived in
their present locations either as a still undifferentiated ethnolinguistic
group or as linguistically and ethnically separate

I do realize that Sami are basically finland's niggers, so theories about them being uralic people same as finns are not particularly flattering.

Assuming the sami are more or less the original siberian folks, finns had to become civilized somehow, the question remains who civilized who.

Thats lame. to be exact i have oxford worlds classics Kalevala.

>Not only (the first) Scandinavian kings descend of him
Norway is even named after a finn, King Nor, if my memory is right he was from noatun a place in finland now lost in name, which also happens to be where Njord is from. I might be wrong here, but I think it's right.

regardless King(though they didn't use this title yet) Nor was from Finland, he counqoured the country from north to south, some of the counties today have the name after his sons which he placed there to rule.

In example Möre(Mæri, ghostchild), Agder(Agdir) and so on.

Yes it's a bit confusing though because they are making like new counties and so, but we all still use those when we speak it's what the areas are called often linked to the tribe who lives there, the new county lines does not follow the correct area or tribal lines

Get a "tursaansydän" on the pommel. Pic related.

Attached: tursaansydän.png (248x259, 6K)

Sami's are from a different refugee from during the Ice Age. Finns were more advanced and introduced them to more modern ways for living and in the meantime they also appropriated our language to some extend.

>Anyone interested in Ancient Finns thread?

1. Finnish lack phonemes that present in Nordic
2. the letter v and w are new inventions, so before that they used u for all. (uu for w)
3. Add 1 and 2 and you get Swedish = Suomi.

Finns call themselves Swedes in their own language, while they call the swedes for the Routsi = Rus = Russians.

Strange stuff

Drinkning here, point was lost.

Norway simply means King Nor's way, after his thing there, he was our first one king, but only King Harald the first is recognized as so, it is simply too old. After this the country was split up to his children and before King harald the first just like in sweden and denmark there were tons of smaller kings. Like in the small place I am now, I am thinking hard but there were at least three that I know no four and probably more too, that's just a tiny area there were tons of them.

that's why they started to give only the first born boy the rights to odel I guess, because or else it will just split up like that. Be it a farm or be it a kingdom

You are correct.

Will do, thanks, mate.

The story goes that when you had petty kingdoms a daughter of a Kven kings was abducted somewhere over there he organized a huge raid and made you unite under a rule to stop such things ever happening again.

Herodotus placed Hyperborea 5 days sailing from the UK in NorthWest direction.

And there were also other references to Hyperborea as the “Green Land”.

Before the happenings it was a tropical paradise.

Beneath the ground lies gigantic golden tombs with histories of kings far beyond conventional history.

I will not go into more detail.

He is not.

Norway = the North way = a shipping route comparable to the Easter way and Wester way.

What the Nordics call Norway is Norge, short for Norrige(old spelling) = North reich.

annoys me a bit I am trying to remember where this is written, but I think it's in one of the first sagas from the faroe islands either that or iceland, Eyrbyggja saga(island building saga) or something I don't remember

that's the thing with sagas in general all this information is spread out all over the place

I hope they make actual songs of all the kvads so it will be easier to remember, because remembering all the sagas my hand is impossible

Hyperborea = Atlantis = Alt-Land-Is = All Land's Ice

But then again a Finnic king was called Nor, who travelled in there to unite the petty kindoms. By your very own sagas.


Not Ríkur
I don't blame you though because there is so much wrong information about this, we were taught severely wrong in school too even.

And no it has nothing to do with Ottar, this was way before his time. the problem about this is that it is simply too old so it goes over into sagn instead of sagas, but try finding it your self. I think mentioned saga is right

Here's the lineage crudely.

Attached: frnjtr2.gif (729x465, 16K)

atlantis=doggerland time seems to fit

Why do most if not all pre-historical high cultures tell of blue eyed blondes bringing them wisdom and bear swastikas as their symbols?

wrong google translate fooled me
it is ofc
Ríki, I knew it was

note to self never even try to use (((google translate))) with icelandic ever again. I just tried to verify because of the god damn í

Stories like these are called lying for children.

The Norwegian state grew out of the need to control and administer the "Leidang", the primitive navy that made trade along the North way possible.

The top commander was named a herold=harald, and later centuries made the title into various Norwegian kings, one of witch made Norway into one kingdom according to the sagas.

He might have been a real person, one that married the finnish princess, but I think it more probable that the stories like these were rewritten to consolidate the power of later kings that 100% sure did exist.