Some time ago, a friend told me that she was planning to leave her husband but was waiting for him to get a vasectomy...

>Some time ago, a friend told me that she was planning to leave her husband but was waiting for him to get a vasectomy. She said she knew she’d have to hold his hand through it to make sure it happened. Once the procedure was done, she planned to break the news that she was going to end the marriage.

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The husband would be 100% justified in murdering the wife in this situation, although having the vasectomy reversed may be more practical.

Women shit test. Its the guys fault for falling for it


>there are people like this walking beside you on the streets and voting in elections

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>This woman is employed by an organization dedicated to reproductive choice and plans to work as a counselor.
What a shock



I don’t even understand why anyone would do that.... only criminals should have their nuts snipped.

The white race is lost. This behavior wouldn't be tolerated in a single non-white country. You only see this garbage in white liberal democracies.

Goddamn. At least the dude writing the article says that the woman who did it was in the wrong and an awful human being for doing it.

This is how you get murdered

frankly i think anyone would be in the right murdering anyone who even ponders the question
what kind of evil backwards person even thinks of something that demented?

This sounds like nightmare fuel a MGTOW shill would make up

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I will NEVER have a vasectomy. Fuck that snippy shit.

kek that illustration looks like something from one of those really fucked up comics with the creepy smiling people.

I pray to God to strike that fucking woman dead.

That fact that he did it in the first place calls for a murder suicide.


anyone even considering it is already cucked beyond recovery


Why do people allow themselves to be voluntarily fixed like an animal?

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I always wondered what could drive a man to kill his wife

Telling women to get men to get a vasectomy
I wonder (((who))) is behind this

I would murder a woman over this.
But I'd never agree to a vasectomy in the first place anyways.

Any men that can be pressured into a vasectomy before divorce, should be

>I don't want him anymore so obviously nobody should want him, besides, they'd just take his money and that's already mine so I'm protecting him too.
>Now to go get AIDS from the personal trainer! If I don't have it already! Tee Hee.

My wife told me to get a vasectomy instead of her getting her tubes tied because "she has already went through all the pain." I told her I'm not getting a vasectomy because if I replace her with a 20 something year old, how can I give her children? She of course got mad, told me I was disgusting, and I told her, you don't like it leave, you are replaceable. Of course, she is still around to this day and going nowhere.

Serious question my gf asked me recently while we were having a long in depth discussion about marriage (how many kids, how they should be raised, etc) if I would get a vasectomy after we had our ideal number of kids so we could continue having sex without worries about accidental pregnancy. Having never thought about that scenario before I said idk. Thoughts?

He also says that the asker should keep the matter confidential because exposing the manipulative psycho bitch would be a "violation of trust", which makes the condemnation sound insincere. Exhorting somebody to let evil go unpunished is tantamount to condoning it. But what do you expect from the (((NYT))).

Also women have a shelf life on reproduction. Guess what that resentment will try to make them do to a man. Fuck his value over. Just like men that are resentful of women and try to turn them into cock riding THOTs intentionally even when they are on a TRAD life path. Don't blame the player, blame the idiot that fell for it

If you never want kids again, do it.

More people that reply seriously just shows me that you’re all fake because this thread has been up daily

Don't, you reduce your personal value by having a vasectomy. She will also try to fatten you up probably

Why would you ever fucking own yourself by fucking up your balls. When you're done having kids (lmao wut) just bust it in her asshole or mouth. The fuck is wrong with you.

Just have her take the pill holy shit how hard is it for her to keep track of one pill at same time per day.

I know a guy who agreed to visectomy before marriage because she says she never wants kids. It's a white couple in their 20s. JUST

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little white penis must be castrated

Well, we agrees that we both want at least 1 girl and 1 boy, and no more than 5 or 6 kids total. I assume by that point wed both be in our 30's/40's so I don't really think I'd want more kids past that point.

his own fault for being retarded

but the actions of the other party could be punishable by death and it wouldn't be inappropriate

Never get a vasectomy, plain and simple.

That seems like a good way make yourself the victim of a murder suicide

>Voluntarily mutilating your genitals
Haha whatever you decide man. HAHAHAHA


it's going to be okay brothers, too many of us know the utter trickery too well to be fooled

we are going to make it

That's what I've said about most of the developments in the past 10 years
Face it we're living in nightmare world

It's real life

MGTOW are right

The absolute state of women.

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Who cares. If you castrate yourself for any reason, the gene-pool will only benefit without your weak soi genes.

That bitch should be fucking murdered.

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It is ok.
If a man is such a cuck that he even considers vasectomy he deserves to not pass on his genes.

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Meh, my dad did it after 4 kids and my parents have been together for 35 years.
>Just have her fuck up her endocrine system and her attraction to you while also polluting the water supply with bioavailable estrogen
Fuck yourself, you crooked toothed Muslim.

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This TBQH. I sometimes wonder if this era of complacent peace and degeneracy is more eugenic than times when good men died for their bravery and the weak were the only ones left to breed.

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Nah, this is fake news. It's another attempt by a bitter cunt to reverse a real life male side-step: the whore fears the secret vasectomy, it removes their "oh, I'm pregnant, marry me" power play. Can't get her knocked up if you haven't had reversal surgery. That hybristophiliac bitch is a cheat, and she was trying to trap your sorry ass into raising some criminal's kid.

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>getting a vasectomy

>getting her tubes tied
Why the fuck wouldn't she take birth control, or an IUD? Or just wear a condom? Why are you idiots jumping straight to invasive surgery?

Just to even things out he should giver her a hysterectomy. With his bare hand.

There’s a natural tendency to want people to suffer for their wrongdoings. But sometimes it isn’t our job to make that happen.

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Take your bets on whether that woman is a Democrat. I know she is

I guess I should be more worried about if her being on the pill most of her adult life is going to cause problems, not considering a vasectomy 20 years from now

Sex with a condom fucking sucks

Is it ok to get vasectomy after a few kids? My 2nd is on the way and we plan to have a 3rd. After that though I was thinking of getting one so my wife can stop birth control

This. In b4 "b...but it feels better". Are you that fucking hedonistic? You would rather literally neuter yourself? Have some fucking self control you piece if shit, matter of fact get this fuck off this board and go post on leddit for some upboats you fucking nog.

People's heads are getting filled up with fucked up ideas. It's been happening for a while

>hey ladies, you should cheat on your bf before he cheats on you
Made it nearly impossible for a real relationship

>hey ladies, a one-night stand with a hot guy is better than a committed relationship with a boring average guy
Hello 80/20 rule

>it's ok to divorce your hubby because you want a different dick, and go ahead and take all his money, you earned it girl!
Oh look, marriage is fucked

Most fucked up idea are placed into women's head because they are too stupid to fight it

t. 13 year old



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I pressured my gf off the pill and it worked out better. Her sex drive increased. We're having sex twice as often. She's also just generally more affectionate. She wasn't bad before, but she's just more friendly and talkative.

We actually had the family discussion. I told her I will not legally marry her until after we have at least 1 child (I will probably test it behind her back.) I think marriage without children is retarded, and I do not like how involved the government is in families. All her friends think I'm making excuses and crazy, but two of her friends have dated shit men that smack them around, so I could not care less what they think.

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Honestly that’s probably why she felt she could do this.

>this is my field of speciality I know all about this, my husbands an idiot I’m going to do what’s best for him

What a stupid stupid bitch. Doesn’t want him to have more kids because that will make her have to watch her own more.

People like her are too impulsive and irresponsible to be having children

Only a weak faggot would agree to a vasectomy. Copper IUD are almost perfect, cost like 60 bucks in Canada and easily removed.

Worse if he's convinced to do so by her wife

Copper IUD more effective, less dangerous and easily removable.

He is a ultra-cuck for agreeing in first place.

It a good thing he is not polluting the gene pool with his onions blood any longer.


>Some time ago, a friend told me that she was planning to leave her husband but was waiting for him to get a vasectomy. She said she knew she’d have to hold his hand through it to make sure it happened. Once the procedure was done, she planned to break the news that she was going to end the marriage.

A man's job is to live his own life. A woman's job is to try and change the man. Never compromise to what a woman wants for YOUR life. The woman will subconsciously respect you less for it.

Just use fucking condoms if you're that bothered are you fucking nuts? I'd never ask this of my partner
That women is the sort that ought to be hanged from a lamp post. These are the Useful Idiots that would murder you in a cultural revolution

is it really safe? i dont like the idea of my gf getting one but i dont want her to take birth control pills. also condoms sucks.

I told my gf get one she's from Toronto. It was a quick and easy procedure, she paid 60 dollars with OHIP. I'm having her get it removed soon because we're gonna get married. If we ever decide we've had enough I'll get her to pop it right back in again.

What kind of sad faggot even considers vasectomy?

never agree to that shit

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>What kind of sad faggot even considers vasectomy?
Someone who has already had enough kids.

>listening to women
They deserve it.

>jews are teaching white women to leave there husbands for niggers and spics once they insure the white man can no longer have white children

why does this not surprise?

you've clearly never cum on a womans tits before, sadfag

There is never enough of (white) kids.

Your testosterone will drop and you going to be just another cuck basedboy

Most of the fluid in semen comes from the prostate you fucking idiot

I'd be a 40 year old man with a career a wife kids and a house why would I need the risk of getting anyone pregnant?

Jesus better have mercy on these people because I refuse to.

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this is fucking insane. the absolute state of white western women. seriously, when will people understand ? only societies bound to fail and on the edge of complete doom give rights to their women

Having a neopets avatar is not equivalent of having a kid, faggot.

>agreeing with liberals for the wrong reasons
I want leftist """men""" to get strerilized to remove their basedgenes from the genepool

This mindset is precisely why the world is as bad as it is today

This is the type of shit MGTOW is always warning us about. This shit is real man.

If they weren't a bunch of cringy dudes jacking themselves off, I'd be MGTOW by now.

someone who gets it.

High IQ can self program. So he programed himself out of love for her to destroy his nature.
Touching, truly.

100% do both

Without love there is no anger. Without wisdom there is no choice.
You are wise so you have choice.

Yeah it's good i did the same when you are sure you've had enough of the kiddie experience cut the tubes... Doesn't hurt and you can still give a facial with the best of em

Yeah. Best option really. It can be an abortifactant though so sort out your spiritual qualms

Virgin. I would gladly cut my tubes to have worry free sex indiscriminately

Pauvre con, c'est pas les femmes le problème, c'est ce qu'on leur fout dans le crâne. Jette un coup d'oeuil à leurs magazines, comme cette merde de "Causette" par exemple, tu vas comprendre l'ampleur du dégât.