Facts over your feelings


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God isn't real and neither is that thot's rape allegation

Such a poorly made, low energy meme

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This meme is low energy since most people don't even agree with the first line.

Such a typical response from someone with no argument.
>believes in the boom of claims
>claims with no verifying evidence
Only intellectually handicapped idiots believe in the bible. Hey that's most of the Republican party!

What meme?

Book* not boom

Nothing worthwhile ever came out of Bosnia (lowest IQ in all of 'europe')

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The left can't meme

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>dude God isnt real, just no evidence aside from our universe existing in a completely inexplicable fashion. We can totally rule out God from lack of evidence in our understanding.
>dude, Aliens HAVE to be real despite no evidence. The Universe is vast and our technology still isnt good enough to fully explore or understand. Maybe aliens even created us!
Gotta love this brainlet strawman.

What friends claimed he lied?

There are multiple sources outside the bible that talk about Jesus.

Not sure what your standards are for hard evidence.

Retarded comparison, you need evidence in the court of law. Never has anyone had to provide evidence for a god in our justice system. Kys

What do aliens have to do with anything here?
OP never claimed to be on the other side, now did he?

Inhale dong, rare flag.

>we dont truly know AND THEREFORE IT WAS GOD
You're a fucking idiot.

Too late, illiterate leftist. Don't boast about your "intelligence" if you can't spell for shit.

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God is just a placeholder for questions we haven't answered yet. He used to be the explanation for the sun, moon, and stars, the wind, the oceans, natural disasters, and any other facet of reality we couldnt explain previously
The only area I could still believe that god has a part in is the concept of human sentience and why we as humans look introspectively into ourselves and the afterlife

Again you have no argument.
The bible is a book of claims which have never been verified as actually objectively true, because you cant verify fiction.

Americans truly are brainletts.
He never said that, he only said that we just don't know.

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Is this the generic ant reply?

They fucking butchered the meme format holy shit

Believing something without any evidence is the definition of faith.


Also LOL Bosnia

Yeesh how r*ddit can you get, they don't even get the end statement right as part of the bit.

>no evidence for God or the bible being real
Stopped reading right there

Answer this
None of Kavanaugh's friends claim he lied, and Ford's own friend doesn't corroborate her story either.


It's just to show you what's brewing.

>We use historical claims and evidence to figure out if somebody is real, right?
>In the time Jesus was alive multiple kings and historians wrote about him, right?
>We have more evidence of Jesus than Alexander the Great or Cyrus the Great, or most historical fiures
>So Jesus was a real person, right?
Also this meme is trash

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Fixed your meme OP

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>There is no hard evidence that the bible is real.
Weird.. I can look at it, touch it, smell it, feel it, lick it...
Yet you're claiming it's not real?
You're retarded.

>kav's friends
>lied and committed perjury
>reeee athiesm

It's a bad argument and not funny. Not to mention that you couldn't resist throwing a jab at Christianity into it. You are trying to demoralize and convince others to believe your world view with an obvious logical fallacy.

>There is no evidence or reliable testimony to substantiate Ford's claim accusation of rape. But I am expected to believe it no mater what in spite of the extremely suspicious nature and circumstances surrounding it.

Jesus's existence, death and, resurrection are the foundation of my christian faith. If I believe in Christianity I now must believe this woman no mater what.

LOL no.

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>hurr durr you're dumb for refuting a fictional claim
It's cute the way you project calling other people brainlettes.

Faith is worthless and not a viable method for discovering truth.

This one fits the format and is moderately funny. Why can't leftists meme?

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