I'm a liberal. Anti-gun, anti-racism, feminist ally. I hate Trump and everything he stands for...

I'm a liberal. Anti-gun, anti-racism, feminist ally. I hate Trump and everything he stands for. But I have to admit he was right that he is a winner. He just keeps winning. To me most of his victories will be disastrous to the health of the nation, but he's doing what he set out to do and for you guys it must be really edifying. To me it's a waking nightmare from which I'll never wake up.

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sauce is Mal Malloy and Val Malloy

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How can white men even compete

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These women are for breeding only.

Breeding stock


Cool story fag, now leave and don’t come back until you’re ready to livestream suicide for everyone here.

Dude thats the exact same thought I had, the smell of these fat bitches in that bathroom.

Fat bitches thinking theyre a catch.

maybe consider that you were wrong and join in the fun of winning and being a proper white man


Attached: be_an_hero.png (271x463, 179K)

Those hogs make like 20 grand a month posing for thirsty incels

You do have the liberty to choose to change. To go through the painful realizations and distinguish truth from fiction. Take your first red pill: you can change if you truly desire it, you don't have to stay mad miserable and salty.

>white man
My Sides!

I'd still fuck.

KYS you ham-beast hogs.

OP is an NPC

I would gladly fuck them desu

nice bait mate, ill give it an 8

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I think "redpilled" alt-righters are typically short-sighted, ignorant and mean-spirited. I wish it was that easy that I could just turn around and start posting smug pepes and supporting Trump. But I can't do that, I have convictions, just being part of the winning team isn't worth it to me. I couldn't live with myself.

My fetish is to cum on their asses while they are brapping, and the force of the brap air scatters my cum everywhere.

Attached: Little Witch Academia brap sniff.gif (600x338, 2.16M)

Pssst come ere come ere...

....wanna drop some redpills, read Evola, look into Oswald Spengler etc and become a man?

If not just yet then instead of fagging around having nightmares, why dont you just seek truth?

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breeding bovines perhaps.

You like fat lezzies and your not ashamed of your fetish. I respect that.

What convictions? Arent you too young for that?

They aren't lez, just sisters. Mal got famous for posting her ass on Tumblr, and her sister decided to get in on those shekels a few years later.

I’m a classical liberal. Pro-second amendment, do-what-thou-wilt-and-lemme-the-fuck-alone.

I also used to be a feminist. I don’t like a lot of Trump’s policies, but I voted for him in 2016 and likely will in 2020, because Marxist-Feminist ideology is the single greatest threat our country has ever faced, and Trump is one of the few politicians who is willing to stand up to the SJWs.

Have you thought about becoming a white person?

these women look like they only fuck black guys

Oh ok.

So do you wanna just let women and niggers wipe the floor with you?

Haven't you seen all the vids of Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, etc., turning on their white male supporters?

Good job getting me to reply seriously.

Absolutely degenerate and fucking fat and gross. Fuck you, idiot.

its only disastrous to beta cucks who will ultimately lose the civil war in about an hour.

Is pure white
Half Syrian half Greek


Is that you Moore?

Piggy piggy

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I'm not saying you need to go so far right your in orbit around Donny the diamond trumps cock, I'm just saying you can grow, change, and leave behind falsehood in an awakening to truth. You just have to want it bad enough.

wouldn't even fuck with YOUR dick!

Attached: TourettesGoy.png (472x264, 110K)

Post more fat whores or gtfo

you really don't have any convictions most likely and you're a cowardly nigger too afraid or too ignorant to stand up and be counted

you're a slave not a free man

Fuck you faggot piece of shit.
Everything you think you believe is a result of wanting to be told - as a grown ass man - that you are a good boy.
Think about it.
Why do you hate "racism", or guns? Why do you love "feminism"?
I bet you $1000 that you've never thought them through any deeper than "well racism is hatred and I'm a good person so I don't hate anybody". Same for guns and feminism, with a bit different wording.
You're the closest to the definition of an NPC that a person can come to.

kys gg/j4PGPf

Oh man the irony of the leftie. Never ceases to amaze me.
You've never even considered that the words ignore and ignorant share the same prefix.
Do you know what true ignorance looks like?
When a person chooses to ignore that women falsely accuse men of rape in great numbers.
When a person chooses to ignore the fact that niggers commit 1/2 of all murders and rapes despite being 10% of the population.
When a person chooses to ignore that kikes own all banks, media institutions, most colleges, etc, etc, etc, and are in fact the single most destructive and degenerative force in the modern world.
When a person chooses to ignore all of that so that he can tell himself he's "a good person".
Literal ignorance.
This is why we all hate you so much. You're dumb as shit but you think you're oh so smart and oh so refined, when really it's just gilding so many turds.

Not really. As a middle-class white guy I've lived a charmed life, sailed through school, into a good job, family etc. I think all people, regardless of gender, economic background or skin color should have the same chances in life. I don't care whether people agree with me or not, but I think women and non-whites should have a place at the table, that women should have mastery over their own bodies, that private citizens don't have any necessity to own powerful weapons.
I don't believe that life is a videogame with NPCs so I really can't speak to that. I get that it's fun for you guys to feel like part of an enlightened bunch and above the normies, but it's a pretty immature way of looking at the world imo.

2*5= 10

the fact you haven't realized how intensely stupid blacks are or how women are too emotional, child like, and susceptible to herd mentality to form real opinions is proof of how sheltered you are. it's funny you're so stupid you admit you've had a " charmed " life and think everyone should have the same chances you did shows how removed from BASIC logic you are.

I really do hope reality smacks your pansy ass in the face HARD one day and you have an incredibly rude awakening to the world you're actually living in.

Also address this post faggot :

lol you haven't realized that the browner a person is, the lower their IQ and the higher their propensity for violence. If you're here, then I imagine you've seen enough to understand that, but like all the other people who are seemingly unable to think for themselves, you say stuff like "muh socioeconomic factors", despite there existing a wealth of impartial pure data which contradict that childish excuse-making mentality.

I'm also a middle-class white guy, and I've also lived a good life, but I don't mistake my own hard work, intelligence, and initiative, for privilege.
I grew up in Northern Texas- a place with way more spics than whites. I've experienced more true racism (unwarranted prejudice) coming from brown people than I ever have heard coming from whites.
I've fell victim to spic nepotism. I've been called every epithet in the book. I've never once called a nigger a nigger in public, or a spic a spic.
If they would have proven themselves to be anything but the very stereotypes I was taught to ignore, I'd likely be a very different man. But they didn't.
Almost to a man, they have been sihtty people, and if you don't live around any brown people, then you'll have to take the millions of men's words who do when I say that it is relatively terrible.
Where a white man mows his lawn and installs a new fence, a brown man will let a nice property rot into the ground until he is forced to move. You can see this play out on countless streets throughout the midwest.
But to get back to the main point, you're living in a delusion. You're telling yourself a comfy lie that we're all equal, and inviting in brown hordes by the tens of millions won't result in the catastrophes that we see playing out across the western world in varying stages today.
You think that "racism" is what kept the black/brown men down, but it's themselves.
South Africa is a perfect example of this principle in action.
You're living a lie.

Your existence is a nightmare.

>I'm a liberal. Anti-gun, anti-racism, feminist ally. I hate Trump and everything he stands for.
why the fuck did you come here?


I think you and ever female member of your family deserves the "slapjack" treatment, whore.

>As a middle-class white guy I've lived a charmed life

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I bet those two feel great all soaped up and rubbing. Mmmm sweet thiccness


>mal malloy
>post-pregnancy mal malloy

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When an user encounters a feminist in his territory

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Smells like cheese and BO.

How can their faces be pretty when their bodies are like elephants?

I think you need to wake up and realize what he's doing isn't as disastrous as you've been led to believe it is.

Trump's not out to destroy america. He's not out telling whites to kill themselves. He's not out there sending jobs overseas or importing millions of foreign workers.

Trump is out there trying to make the country great again.

Your social issues are chicom antagonisms meant to undermine and destroy america. You think Trump will ruin the country, but he's actually saved it, and in 5 years you'll see that.

>He just keeps winning.

Good. The world you envision is dangerous and uninhabitable by humans.

God I hope so