You Polish always bragging how you hate communists and all that

you Polish always bragging how you hate communists and all that,
why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

yes, that is right you stole it, you complain about communists yet you co-operated with
the russian beasts and brutalized the German people and drove them out of their eastern lands, having no regard even for religious buildings such as churches; converting them to rubble or to storage houses for potatoes at the very least.

NOT to mention what you and your soviet-friends did to the people when they got trapped (and this is civilians from the cities and farmers I am talking about).

German lands you ought to give back you thieving traitor soviet-allies, you ally with anyone, raise the England flag before the war, then roll with the Soviet beasts afterwards;you're not really people are you.


Attached: Deutschland1871-1991.png (683x498, 18K)

Other urls found in this thread:

might equals right

and you lost the war faggot

We can start another war if you want so, but its in the interest of everyone who wants peace to give our lands back peacefully.

I just came there to post this.
Feels so good.

Attached: 1523575960844.png (451x708, 543K)

Man, where have I heard this before?
Oh right Adolf Hitler had these exact feelings and specified them publically as justification for declaring war on Poland and seizing have the country with Russias help.
>is the 3rd reich returning
>god I hope so things have been boring with goring

This is the actual german borders east "Germany" belong to wendish people

Attached: East_Francia_843.svg.png (1200x912, 275K)

Why? Need more Lebensraum for the new germans?

I feel for you deutsche bro, as an American whose entire Southwest and big cities have effectively been lost to foreign populations I get the importance of clay.

You give back German lands and you can have Belarus and maybe Lithuania

How can it be your land if it supposedly belongs to Germans and all Germans were SLAVIZED?

>Allies with soviets to invade Poland and take back land that wasn't really there's to start with
>Invades nearly all of Europe, North Africa
>Does a massive genocide against people who pretty much did nothing other than exist
>Betrays the soviets because the autistic leader at the time has an occult fortune teller who tells him to
>Chink allies decide to do a surprise attack on America
>Quickly gets their shit rekt by their new enemies
>Loses to the people groups and nations they claim to be superior to

>WAHH it isn't fair, I WANT A DO OVER

Poland does not need to be a part of you glorious nation of globalism and cuckery. They are some of the few people who have it right.

no we just dont want filthy subhumans inhabtating our lands. Also my grandparents had a big farm near danzig which should be haned back to our family you fithy thieves.

you would lose, the German military is a shitshow

show your flag you subhuman, last time you understimated us whole europe got steamrolled in 2 years.

German lands ? what ?

Attached: 992.png (2000x1974, 1.39M)

>Reee you Poles are subhumans
>Reee we're going to exterminate you
>Proceed to kill millions of Poles
>Kriegsglück turns around
>Poles return the favor
>How dare you do this to us Poles
Also no one stole a single inch of land from Germany. You agreed to all of successions making them de facto legal. Start another war if you want them back.

Also saying that Pommerland, germanized from Pomorze, literal meaning land by the sea, is a German clay is rather funny


You still owe us land, Hans

Attached: tacitus4.jpg (1004x878, 293K)

It keeps on growing

Attached: 440px-Polen1020-c.png (440x434, 226K)

>no we just dont want filthy subhumans inhabtating our lands
We too. Why you, Vividarii, who came together with Huns in 450 into slavic lands of Germania won't just leave?


We were indeed kangz smacking krauts around with ease when you were some funny dukes sucking mongol dick.


Get Wolynized, POOllock.

>de facto legal
Anyways, aren't you being disingeniuos with your characterization of the agreement? As far as I'm aware, the Allies were only offering unconditional surrender.

Good thread.

Attached: c1000e9e.jpg (634x482, 86K)

kek, then you got steamrolled by those so-called “subhumans”

More like Danzig, though.

Good thread.
Death to Poland.

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Wendland is slavic

Attached: karte-1-984.gif (900x592, 213K)

Get aborted

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There nothing wrong had happened in Wolyn, you know.

>Allies were only offering unconditional surrender
Which they were in a position to do, given how they occupied the entire Germany. Should they have offered them a white peace?
And Germany agreed to uncoditional surrender, making every single decision that Allies made legal under international law. It really isn't rocket science.

germs are retarded...

German-American here. Give back Germany's land thieving pollack slavshit

Teyтoнcкaя cyкa

Germany as a country never surrenderd, the german army did

Russia is what? 15% muslim? And your leader is giving medal to asians for reproducing while russians die off to abortion, alcoholism and krokodil?

Attached: z2ixl8rg51i5vgfyx4wtdgc5eqy7xznh.jpg (940x580, 100K)

What Germany's land you retard

Attached: Σαρματια 7.jpg (1400x1364, 610K)

Shut the fuck up you swarthy mutt

Why don't you give Mexico the lands you clearly stole?

Which is why every nation can still legally put their armed forces on your soil, isn't that right? Another great decision on your part.

And I really want it to happen again.

You don't tell me what to do, Amerifart.

Listen to your Pan, nigger.

You just go back Germany, you filthy thievy germ scum.

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That land is full of spics so that's not a problem, Mexico can keep it. Now about you returning Germany's land.

Just give germany its land back. You stole it. This is from someone who is impartial. Why do you poles get so defensive?

We returned two-thirds of the total territory conquered, retired their war debt, and granted citizenship to the 50,000 Mexicans on our side of the border after the conflict. If they didn't want a war for land they shouldn't have started one.

Nobody is my pan, illiterate alocoholic peasant.
Calm down Dmitri and suck a dick of your Tzar.
Russians are so dumb they always needed a one strong man that would take them all by their faces.

because they know they stole it and scared to lose it

Death to Norway. Silly country. Embarassement. Asthma. Barnevernet.

It's up yours, POOllock, genocide is what you deserve. Give the land back, you subhuman.

Proles are mad bragging butthurters
Poles cant be cured. Proland is a part of butthurt belt for this reason.

Give back land to Indians genocidal maniac!

>If they didn't want a war for land they shouldn't have started one.
Thank you for describing kraut autism in the XXth century.

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Nobody is scared to lose it, because nobody is scared of eternal losers as germshits.
You can how cry and masturbate for the GROSSGERMANISMUS PREUSSEN KAISERREICH.

Meanwhile you're a turkish shithole. And that's very satisfying for me, as I have great disdain for germs in general.

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you stole slavic land and you will have to give it back.

Yes. Russians are the best at killing themselves, you shown the world you're eternal white skinned Nigeria with snow.

Attached: rustrash.jpg (2285x3500, 1.76M)

Hey, POOllck, my toilet is dirty. Come on clean it.

Hey Mehmed, if you want "your" lands back, why don't you come and take them?
Or are you that much of a pussy nowdays :^)?

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It is not your land even if you are

But you're Russian, you don't have a toilet, nor indoor plumbing, nor running water either.

Poles can clean toilet with a folk!
i think you know what i mean

Poles are the genetic bottom of the barrel
Sometimes I wonder if the USSR dumped all their mongoloids there when they took them back in
Don't understand how they are this mentally retarded to this day
No worries we will make them go extinct soon and just take back all the land


Attached: checkem.jpg (248x248, 12K)

Pay reparations and give back all property you stole u filthy mongolian rape baby

Pure germic DNA

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>seething this much
stop being a faggot Hans. you lost and payed for it. we've all been there, no need to be a complete spazz.

clean my toilet you subhuman

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Typical deutsche subhuman

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What a great response, truly on a level of people who activly commit collective suicide with the backing of their government who locks away anybody against it.

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How did you get that land in the first place? You took it from the slavshits

Germs are the lowest subhuman race in europe. Russians should've erased them, when they had a chance

Attached: germoid.jpg (796x1025, 66K)


Attached: 250px-Deutschland_Besatzungszonen_8_Jun_1947_-_22_Apr_1949.svg.png (250x296, 38K)

aaactually. Poland was Celtic before it was invaded by Slavs. Same goes for Germany.

Therefore, I here by declare Central Europe to belong to Ireland!

Poland was never celtic...

Slavs should go back to Russia.

Attached: slav.jpg (768x699, 106K)
I found some nice wedding speech from Norway. I bet you understand what he is saying.

>Seize East vast swaths of Polish clay by stabbing the PLC in the back after they save you from the Turks
>Do this twice
>Poles rightfully rise up, brutally put down with hell from the Eternal Anglo
>Start a brutal program to culturally genocide the Poles on the land you stole
>Start a two-front war with Russia and France for some stupid reason
>Lose badly, some of the Polish lands are restored to their rightful owner
>Chimp our and invade Poland again, this time while explicitly whipping the population into a frenzy by claiming that “Polish subhumans” are mass killing Germany (for which there is 0 evidence)
>Conquer Poland and start genociding them again, this time in a literal sense.
>Get utterly BTFOed by Russia and the USA.
>Finally forced to give back all of the land you stole plus Danzig as reparations
>Cry about it endlessly
Germans and Weheraboos are a truly pathetic people

win a war first

>plus Danzig
Gdansk was also rightfully polish land which was stolen by Germans.

Be German archeologist
>dedicate all your life to find proof that german has some actual ancient history
Work on countless excavation digsites across eastern germany
>Find only ancient Slavic&Polish settlements and corpses
Fail in finding anything german on this lands
>Cry a lot, shout on Jow Forums that all Poland was german anyway

-> Germans = Aryans ==== Myth
-> Germans = Vikings ==== Myth
-> Germans = Ancient Romans ==== Myth


Attached: Polish settlements.jpg (566x700, 115K)

Very much so.. Slavic people didn't turn up until 600 AD. By that time Poland had been the home to several people. Celtic, Germanic, Baltic and even Scandinavian peoples have been there longer than the Slavs.

Attached: luka-magnotta-swastika-md.png (300x240, 17K)

>why dont you give back the eastern German lands which you stole

your stupid ass gave it to them

>Slavic people didn't turn up until 600 AD
They were already there... for millenia.
no mention about celts. Nice try, mongoloid. How about you stop occupying europe and going back beyond Urals?

Attached: protoslavic.jpg (393x381, 103K)


Do it. I stand with my ancestral lands.

Inb4 amerimutt
100% Bavarian

False propaganda. There is NOTHING about it in any historical sources. On the contrary SUAVIA is known from earliest times and PTOLEMY names tones of slavic tribes like RUTIKLEI (RUTISLAVI) KLEOS=SLAVA which is another name of Rugi. Rughhi never came from Rogaland and their name does not mean rye eating, but JUDGERS.

>asking back
The absolute state of Cuckmany.

Blyaaaad. Zlav be me peoplez, Kurwa is me home.

stay mad while your family gets raped by migrants you subhuman nigger
reminder that Berlin stems from slavic roots

when cucked western europe finally fights the based Slavs and Eastern Euros and you get btfo because the migrant soldiers keep raping the female ones and jihad your own infrastructure, i will be happy to have your shit flattened and all to ourselves

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settlements are not polish, they are west slavic

catholic poles helped germans to kill other west slavs because poles are traitors and scum lol.

germans were not able to win wars against slavs that lived near berlin, so they asked poles to attack their slavic brothers from east, poles (like good little cucks) did it.

this Krautist is correct

True, it was also originally stolen in the exact same take over and genocide the natives manner as all the other stolen clay the Germans took over. However Germans did own it for like 500+ years so they also have a claim to it.

>le ubermench cant beat Polish Highschoolers outnumbered 40:1 for fucking days in ww2

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