Kraut/pol/&AfD General - Putsch chan is the best waifu Edition

>upcoming state elections
Bavaria: Oct. 14 2018 #ltwby
Hesse: Oct. 28 2018 #ltwhe
>Bavarian and Hessian goys may sign up as election observers


>Meme Collections

>Counter culture

>Get active

>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)
[post 3 most recent and most shitposty/redpilling/dank speeches]

>Einzelfall map, case log,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E


Make memes and propaganda for Germany
Spread and share said propaganda and memes on social media
Always believe and have trust in Germany and the German people
Beware of defeatist and leftist trolls

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Other urls found in this thread:

für deutschland!

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Why haven't you read Locke today, user?

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i will have some falco right now
thanks user

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Mate, i don't read a lot of what you write, i mostly comunicate with Estonian, and ''Tay'' if you havent noiticed.

>when you see memes from /our/side spread on social media by "ordinary people".

that reflects in how sensical your comments usually are.

I've drunk a bit of alcohol this evening and now I feel my depression creeping up again.

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Why are most Jow Forums users so depresed?Not even Jow Forums the whole of Jow Forums.I think that rat paradise experiment has something to do with this.

then you clearly need to drink some more

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because Krauts keep the cock in the pants.

fuck with that dyke, she is just in it for herself, id gas her without hesitation should i ever get the chance

Drink more then

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Then drink some more.

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Someone posted these songs recently

They quite cheered me up then, maybe you can enjoy them, too.

gtfo, memeflag

Ill ask again this in the last 16 months us lower Germanic people have: told Trump to grow up, catched Russians Spies, told Turkish diplomats to fuck off, pissed of Pakistan and took Multinationals/EU organisations from the UK what have your German/Austrian goverments done this year? besides bitching and protesting eachother?

That's how homosexuality is cured.
>we're gonna have to kill you, sorry, for being gay
>Wait? Me? Gay? NO no, I'm not gay anymore, sir, sorry.
>Oh okay sorry for the misunderstanding
>Yeah no problem
No don't drink more, drink less. DRINK WATER OR HOW GERMANS SAY "VATER".

falco, the coke addict that destroyed his family and never gave two shits about his daughter? the untalanted fuck that made austria look like a fegget nigger shithole country? great, just great, now i know what people you are, human grabage...

where do you think you are m8

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>i drink and then get depressed
thats the wrong way around, go back to plebbit.

>No don't drink more, drink less. DRINK WATER OR HOW GERMANS SAY "VATER".
Is this supposed to be a joke?
If not, water is "Wasser".

you are crazy chink eye, its WASSER. VATER is father

You are so damn boring

No it's not, it's Vater.

>the untalanted fuck that made austria look like it is, a fegget nigger shithole country?

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Learn German, retard.

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Still wrong, you are even too dumb to use Google.

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>volkswagenmeme incoming


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yes, sadly it seems like you are correct, my bad

Homosexuals are biological and evolutionary mistakes, i don't think they should be exterminated because they are not dangerous as long as their inferior genes are recognised by public, if they are modest they are ok in my book.

Father is FASSER in German.
Water is Vater.
there you go

Well... it's fookin Friday night. What or who do you think we are?

Prost Brett.

Anons, Berlin is such a failed shithole. One parent passed away recently and to get the death certificate it took eight weeks. To apply for (APPLY FOR, not get) the inheritance certificate I'd get an appointment in early Q2/2019 (I do it now via notary, that's faster). Unbelievable. In another borough it's even worse, the death certificate alone takes 13 weeks. And in the neighboring borough it's 3-4 days. This is so absurd.

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Recenetly stayed in Berlin for 9 days, including on the day of German Unity - I literally - no joking - did not see a SINGLE ethnic german police officer (if so he was black as night). EVERY single one was arab/turk/whatever. And with the whole ''Big beard makes me look badass'' narrative it was like seeing Taliban with Berliner Landespolizei uniforms.


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why are you absolutely drugged up at this time of day, amerimutt?

>Mutt intellectuals

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What do you mean by ''sick'' how would you descibe it?

Homosexuality is a choice, I just explained it here You guys can't even speak German anymore, sad.

Please go and play on some Railway!

I did that already. Like 100 times.

no, there is NO humble gay person on this planet. its inevitable that they will try to turn more people and gain political power and special rights and shit. 99% are not able to understand that they have a sickness, so they will normalize their degeneracy, thats only natural. i dont hate them, they are like a virus, you dont hate a virus, but you damn sure try to exterminate it

Sorry but its not true, for woman mybie, for men no, men can be born homosexuals via genetic mistakes.

It's not an illness you retarded unfucked hillbilly

hahahaha what a low quality bait, are you (you) hungry tonight

Homosexuals will die in few generations, they do not reproduce, as i said they are not dangerous.

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>Homosexuality is a choice
>You guys can't even speak German anymore

Still don't know if just a Mutt or a troll.

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Groupthink and reproductive shift. Sorry, I am too tired to fully go through this tonight but it heavily depends on the 'chosen' survival strategy.

Sorry to hear that. There are plenty of German police officers. In the enriched boroughs they use the southerners though. But then there are droves of private security staff, often those beardy darkies.

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It's a projection of the liberal future, all kinds of diseases but illegal to obtain a cure for it. Because | fair |, because bacteria are people too. and that's MURDER.
Yeah I like the attention of hawt krawt.
1 is a joke and the other is true, I'm very real.

>inferior genes witch are bad for reproduction in organism is not illness
Yes those are inferior genes.Not in woman tho.

>fick Ja

by definition, life has to be able to reproduce itself, ask the labfag, your sexual (((orientation))) is making you unfit to live you delusional cunt

Being an incel with 20 is an illness too. Maybe off yourself

When you speak of ''chosen'' survival strategy, you mean the traits subspecies of homo sapiens have acquired over thousands of years trough evolutiionary means?

Well, their isn't much to expect form a wanna bee religious nut-job.

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As i said its not an ''ilness' your right, its inferior genesic mutation in men.

Good luck, Germany has been through harder times

you are a delusional cunt

And you are an asshole

Indeed. The 'chosen' is mostly since once you start to adapt into a certain direction you will remain on that path. Usually at least.

WOW, WOW, WOW Alison!
Hold up!
Its not about feelings you have to accept science......

Stop lesbosplaining and insult 73.4% of Jow Forums.

>and insult 73.4% of Jow Forums.
I sometimes forget on which board I post here

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Still don't know the genetic origins of this phenotype. It severely restricts reproductive success if you have it 'fully' ... therefore the genes responsible must have balancing positive effects else they would be much less prevalent in the genepool. Either a 'dosage' thing or depending on combination with other gene variants. Again, many genes responsible for higher intellect raise your risk of mental disease. Life is one huge tradeoff on a biological level.

I see.

Path-dependency and lock-in effect.

Best German/Austrian beer.

beeing childless and single at 40 is an illness too

I'm not 40

Being a faggot is a choice, just like if I choose to behave like a lady should or if choose to behave like a rabid animal. I am capable of both, but one I choose to live and another I do not. It's like sin, because Adam and Eve ate the apple, we are ALL capable of the same sins, but we CHOOSE to not act on them.
Claiming "genetics" was really just a plan to give them a leverage to help them get stuff like special protection and special rights.
Celibacy is precious. Maybe you should close your legs, whore.

>being in denial

And you wonder why you're banned?
maybe its not "why am i banned" maybe you should ask myself "why am i tollerated so much?"

Being gay isn't like cancer, cancer is like cancer. Just like how being a drug addict isn't an illness like cancer because cancer is like cancer. They made the decision to use drugs, just like they made the decision to be a faggot.

>being mad because she can't get laid
Maybe don't look like a creature out of a Stephen King novel and someone will fuck you too.

Did I hit a nerve?

It's a liberal tactic to use the same mathematical equation for different causes because they do it like this so you focus on 1 cause at a time, and you are like "Oh well, that's got to be true then." Their math equations do not use the bible on purpose.

WE ALL COME FROM ADAM AND EVE. What about that for "genetics"??? HMMMM??? That means we are all gay genetically and some people CHOSE to act on them. Even what they say does not fit the bill, they want you to accept it, and challenge it but they will walk you through every step to trap you in the room they want you to be in.


Exactly!! Nice comparisons :)

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Yes, my idea is that homosexuals have a larger variations in IQ and even higher average IQ in their representative population, its a theory but not, a fact yet, also as you said '' they would be much less prevalent in the genepool'' this could be resoult of homosexuals in the past beeing forced into reproduction, as of now homosexuality is tolorated mostly in the west, and thus they are not forced to reproduce anymore, they will case to exist in few generations, and so ironicaly homosexuals benefited from social opression in the past, it incrased their numbers, while tolorant sociaity makes their population die out.

>t. boomer that woke up too late


Well, I think it's still sickness, even though induced by parasite - toxoplasmosis gondii for example. Not entirely true though, because it can be learned/enforced on person (see (((education))), tolerance and other shit in schools, homopride etc.).


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But they for sure fucked their own kids and were really into incest otherwise this wouldn't make sense. Is that the reason your dad fucked you too as kid?


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'niemand hat die absicht, die weisse rasse auszurotten.'

That's rich coming from a faggot, extremely judgemental towards things that aren't as bad as being a faggot.

Any proofs for that?

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Well you are fucked in the head and never talk about your dad. When did he start to fuck you? 10? 8? Even earlier? Did mommy know?

>forced into reproduction

May be part of the explanation. They are not infertile after all. Now if one only had reliable data on the ratio of homosexuals in the population over time (and different cultures, their actual ratio, not their cultural depiction or lack thereof).

Btw have a different theory which ties into the 'Homo necans' concept (stating that as ancestrally non-predators we developed a 'killer instinct' for hunting by repurposing intra-species aggression, especially male/male which ties into sexual behaviour). High aggression towards outsiders gives you a survival advantage. At the same time, cooperation between men as a tight group also gives an advantage but clashes with aggression levels. However, if you found a neurological way to suppress intra-group aggression while retaining it towards outsiders you found a 'sweet spot' of increased success. Only slightly cognitively shifting your fellow warrior into a sexual angle may have provided such a mechanism (in the beneficial phenotype resulting in camaraderie and strong bonding between allied males).

The snake talked to Eve and told her to eat the apple.
The same snake talks to Eve's children to make them eat the snake.
Are Jews genetic? LOL WHAT?
Look, God hates fags, that's why HE GIVES THEM AIDS.

I would not underestimate Toxo, yes. Brain biology is usually a threshold thing, might be that the parasite pushes 'asymptotic gene carriers' right over the edge.