Turko-Mongols are the Master Race

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Attached: Batı-Göktürk-Kağanlığı.jpg (900x392, 297K)

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>when non English people rename the names of other people and confuse the fuck out of everyone by using words that are impossible to google
Thanks buddy

You should know just by looking at the map. Very disappointing.

Literally what? Is that some bastardisation of Hungarian? If so why are there too?

But yes, I know all the others just by their geographical position.

The Onogurs or the Ten Tribes and the Utrigurs were ancestral to the Bulgars.


I see now.

I am now convinced that Bulgarians and Hungarians are likely the same ethnicity, but with a bunch of Khazar and Cuman and Iranic mixed in, the Hungarians less so. They only spoke Turkic languages or followed tengrism because they kept getting their ass kicked by Turks to the east.

They're not real Turks.

Also, modern evidence suggests Avars were similar, literally west slaves forced into Turkic languages and tengrism.

What is a hanedan?

Bulgars were Oghurs who spoke a divergent dialect today only spoken by the Chuvash. Magyars were influenced by the Oghurs and Turks to the East but spoken an Ugrian language.

Turkish for Dynasty.

>I am now convinced that Bulgarians and Hungarians are likely the same ethnicity

Related yes,same-possible but hard to prove.

>They only spoke Turkic languages or followed tengrism because they kept getting their ass kicked by Turks to the east.

There are no actual evedence that bulgars spoke turkic or practiced tengrusum.And afaik magyar language is related to finish not turkic.

All in all its hard to prove any theory about steppe folks at 100% .

Bulgars did practice Tengriism and later mostly converted to Islam and Christianity but they spoke Oghuric which is now only spoken by the Chuvash.

Those are just languages.

At the moment, Hungarian is most similar to Finnish (go fucking figure) and Bulgarian is an outright slavic language. Also take into account ethnicity. It looks like Bulgarians, Hungarians and non slavic Russians, as well as Finnish people, are all an extremely similar ethnicity that almost inevitably has a bunch of Turk and east Asian mixed in.

If you want to Turk varma everywhere then you only get Khazars and everyone east of that until the Mongols who are actually east Asians.

I know.

Please remember this

The confusion here is that you could be led by Bulgars without the people themselves being Bulgars, that's sometimes helpful to prevent conflict with tribalists who feel similar to Bulgars.

Turks have always mixed with their neighbors, they first mixed with the Scythians, Kets and Samoyeds.

This is the leading theory.It may be the truth but there are no evedence.
The only surviving data about pre-christianity bulgars on donau is some greek autor claiming they warship sun,moon,and stars.
The very few turkic words could very well be just loaned.
There is simply not enough data to be sure.

What did the original Turks look like?

>When ‘toids try to discuss Finno-Ugrism: the thread

Attached: 44B7CBAC-8722-4888-8EFB-2F439513616D.png (1087x733, 48K)

Attached: Altaian_horseman.jpg (264x180, 14K)

The name Bulgar is Turkic for "mixed grains". Reflecting on their heritage.

Quiet, slave! I am Nogai!

What or who cause Central Asian tribes to travel stirring history elsewhere?

Need for tribute and to find new lands to feed their horses which were their primary means for transport.

Also to escape vassalage to another tribe.

Yes,other possible turkic translation include "the many people" "rebelious people"
But once again,that's only true if they actualy speak turkic.
The main problem is that it's too early,if you acept bulgars as turkic you have to throw the huns into the turkick family too.

Likely the Huns spoke an Oghuric dialect as the common tongue, it's rumored that the Hunnic elite spoke a Ket dialect which Yeniseian but then switched to Oghuric to suit the Hunnic masses.

Which is sorry.

do you like gypsy pussy

It is said to be ridden with STIs. Not worth the risk.