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If Jews are so powerful, why has there never been a Jewish President?
Evan Fisher
Jaxon Thomas
they were jewish, just not the big nosed, curly haired merchant you are programmed to think of
Christopher Butler
too brazen, they would rather just control the Goyim from the shadows
Christopher Gomez
Obama was a kike
Aaron Sullivan
Charles Gutierrez
Read 48 laws of power and rules for radicals.
They're basically "how to be jewish by schlomo shekelsteen"
Ryan Evans
Lincoln was a commie crypto kike faggot and you see what we did to that statist nigger loving asshole
Samuel Edwards
t. 1/2 a kike
Brayden Sanchez
His mother was a kike which makes him a kike.
John Clark
Except all of the presidents since founding of federal reserve have been crypto kikes.