The future of the United States begins tomorrow, how can you even live with yourselves allowing this to happen?

The future of the United States begins tomorrow, how can you even live with yourselves allowing this to happen?

Attached: trumpism-cartoon.jpg (1199x676, 392K)

>how can you live with yourselves?
No skin off my ass

Attached: 1516758333376.png (1090x1087, 381K)

But this is good. I hope this happens here in EU as well. I dont see anything bad in this vision.

i still have no girlfriend

Post your real flag

With a great sense of accomplishment I presume

>The future of the United States begins tomorrow
Do you promise? I swear to god, if I wake up tomorrow and this is another fake news happening I will find you.

Reveal yourself leaf

your nightmare
my dream
get fucked