You Jow Forumstards just don't get it, do you? This is a neocon who will take away your civil liberties term by term, year by year, decade by decade. Say bye-bye to your 4th Amendment rights, and to abortion which keeps the degenerate population near a manageable level. The power of the executive will also be perpetually expanded, while the legislative is weakened. This might sound nice while Daddy is in office, but not when an SJW hellbent on retribution gets in. Mark my words: You will reap what you have sowed.
Landon Bailey
Elijah Ward
Jow Forums served its purpose.
Jonathan Hernandez
Fuck it libtears are worth it.
Benjamin Long
Nice blog post, faggot.
Jordan King
Libertarians get the rope as well.
Christian Gomez
He is a literal centrist swamp creature.
You just hate Trump that much and buy into Juden fear mongering.
Charles Hill
>when an SJW hellbent on retribution gets in
Evan Evans
We're just the peanut gallery watching a show. We have no influence over this, and our opinion doesn't matter at all.
Andrew Perez
Oh, but my 2nd amendment rights . . .
Joshua Evans
>t. pothead junkie who knows he's going to prison