Big Man Tyrone needs your help (check vid's description)

Look, /pol, I know you guys don't like nignogs and minorities but we need to help Big Man Tyrone. He and the english-speaking Cameroonians are being prosecuted by the government and non-english Cameroonians. Please watch the vid, anons.

Attached: Big Man Tyrone.jpg (300x168, 9K)

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meme magic, activate

Attached: 1461193846994.jpg (473x357, 17K)

See Leafs this is why you shouldnt take shit from Québécois

You know theyd do this to you if they had the chance

>inb4 Jow Forums funds english speaking cameroonains and starts a proxy war agaisnt reddit who will fund non english spekaing camerooanian

Jow Forums deals war finance.
Jow Forums deals with creating a a Jow Forums goverment in cameroon
/n/ deals with logistics
Jow Forums deals with enemy and trains our niggers

He my president

Attached: 1538098166669.gif (400x223, 1.59M)

Autism state, when?

kek i wonder if it would be possible a small Jow Forums expedition, consting of Jow Forums, Jow Forums /n/ Jow Forums /sci/ /diy/ invading a small piece of land in africa or settle down in middle of nowhere and make it a small independent functional country

With a few hundred people deep in to Africa where the US and European governments can't find out what we're doing and punish us, it's possible.
I personally would love to help forge the Autistic State of New Rhodesia.

that would be kino

>Autistic State of New Rhodesia

Bump for the big man

>be Jow Forums expedition
>composed of 500 anons
>consisted of the top anons from Jow Forums Jow Forums /diy/ /sci/ /n/ Jow Forums /b/
>go to airport
>we good boys we dindu nothing we going to africa to help blacks for slavery
>arrive to africa go to middle of nowhere.
>/diy/ and /sci/ build infrastrucutres
>Jow Forums makes money to fund it.
>Jow Forums patrols the borders, and organizes a functional army
>/n/ deals with logistics
>Jow Forums makes a functional Goverment
>/b/ just roam around larping as citzens
>Jow Forums deals with International Relations

3 years later....

its now one of the strongest economies of africa, and millions of niggers are trying to cross the borders, but they get finna btfo by the NiggerBlaster5000 built by /sci/ and manned by Jow Forums operators

I don't know if I'd be Jow Forums or /sci/. Career decisions are hard.

wait, so it's nignogs destroying 'colonialism', ergo everything wypipo built down there, again like in Zimbabwe and SA?
Because if so, why should I care about corrupt blacks killing and raping each other? Better they do it down there than in my country...

That would be one of the most kek worthy things done!

Big Man Tyrone is a legend

Attached: big man tyrone.png (1165x760, 884K)

Because while yes it's fun to larp as a racist. There are innocent people who think just like you being killed.

>>/b/ just roam around larping as citzens
So you are trying to be Australia, then?

>K̶o̶n̶y̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶2̶
>Tyrone 2019

don't let your memes be just dreams frens homo erectus is the autistés only friend and greatest ally

Attached: 1509820109656.png (1375x645, 622K)

I mean, would this be possible with enough money? Buy a bunch of land from the niggers and create a glorious ethnostate, with a yuge wall around it to keep out the undesirables?

> "would this be possible with enough money?"
Anything is impossible with enough money.



This is our chance to make an autism state.

It would only take like 2 grand too. You could probably buy half of Cameroon for like 12 grand

>>consisted of the top anons from Jow Forums Jow Forums /diy/ /sci/ /n/ Jow Forums /b/
first we create political compass threads at different boards to test waters.

Sometimes people create "post your favorite albums and your political compass result" at /mu/ and almost everyone is somewhere at libertarian/left part of political compass

Unfortunately 10,000 usd is not a lot even in Cameroon and certainly not enough to fund a mercenary group. At most you can afford 13 soldiers annually and that is if they agree to work minimum wage. This also doesn't include the cost of food and weapons.