I denied his state of compromise

I denied his state of compromise.

Now I see the truth.

Fuck this guy, and to think I bought his fucking book too.

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Other urls found in this thread:


It's happening

Long live trump

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Wow you guys really do get marching orders. Low energy.

I feel the same. We been kiked

Juden Peterstein at it again.

For any doubters

For so long I defended him. Shame on me

>knows we're in the endgame now.
>thats why he's been trying for hard to push for individualism.
>knows the US population is around 50/50 lib/con and hasnt really changed more than 1 to 4 percentage points in 30 years
>knows we will always be at each other's throats
>civil war is coming
>his wife has had dream prophecies about this
>to him, his popularity is the last stand to prevent this

Eric Weinstein is the worst..

The thing is that the democratic party has actively trying to disrupt the Kavanaugh affirmation, and they have done so by public humiliating the guy.
What depraved man would accept this, simply accepting, this by giving into their demands - the so called "dark enlightenment" of course.

You’re gay

I used to defend this guy. I still view him as an asset. Maybe someone that can be won round but I think he will probably need to be triumphantly trampled by us. Perhaps in a sense, this was his secret desire all along and that only through articulating the arguments of the enemy better than the enemy could themselves could he allow society to quickly travel the required dialectical path towards the destination of fully realised and justified ethnostates, arching a bitter sweet smile as our blades run him through.

Or he's just a cucklebrother with too many Jewish friends and doesn't want to "go there".

But we got him. He's tagged. "Collectivism is bad". "collective judgements are bad". "Jews are smart". "Jewish accomplishments are a result of Jewish talent".
>then suddenly
"What is white?"
"ok so what is this, thing? we talk about called "white"? I am so unsure about what this is, even though I mysteriously am sure what it is when I am discussing White privilege. It's just that White is such a hard to define concept unlike Jewish which is a clear cut thing, it's not like Jews are heavily mixed in with other groups a lot of the time and sometimes total convertees of zero Hebrew blood, bucko".

Son-of-a-bitch thought he could kvetch us like that and get away with it.

I think we should force him to sacrifice his pet retard Joe Rogan. Just for our entertainment.

Buy my penis. Wash your book.

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He's controlled opposition. You're going to see him try and take his followers against Trump, conservatism, and nationalism soon enough.

Why does he exist? To give you an outlet for alt-right opinions in a controlled manner, while still feeding you all the bluepills about being an individual who doesn't give a fuck about his community and isn't racist but rather welcoming of all the foreigners and the slave wages they bring with them.

Kill yourself Jordan.

Not to mention completely dispensing with presumption of innocence. The paid protestors are obviously a bad thing but throwing away a cornerstone of western tenants is the most pernicious implication here

i always felt that there was something off about the guy. The fame immediately went to his head, he was full of himself and he didnt
seem like he had the necessary hardship in life to truly get how things work.
now we see how easy it is for a smarty pants mr professor to fall for convenient nice lies. It probably took a whole of 5min of talking with a semi intelligent SJW to bring him to heel

We need to at least hear his explanation
There's probably no coming back from this though, JBP is over

Yes we Jews are bing trump supports

>If confrimed
It's sarcasm

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At first I thought he was just a fool boomer who failed to see that collectivism is and will become increasingly necessary, as other groups don't reciprocate our individualist mindset. Then I saw the shit about how he has a bunch of USSR memorabilia in his house "to remind him of evil in the world". When asked why he doesn't have National Socialist stuff he responded "well they're evil" basically. He's a "individualist" kike with communist sympathies. He's beneficial overall in the overton window drawing normies to individual liberty type stuff. However, he wants to subvert them from ever realizing how we maintain such freedoms and culture

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kill yourself shill rat

They're both such pesudo intellectuals trying to sound smart. Everything Eric said could have been said in a much more understandable way instead of being deliberately obfuscating.

>I bought his fucking book too.
haha cuck

>and to think I bought his fucking book too
But the real question:
Did you wash your penis?

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Why anyone on Jow Forums even liked this guy to begin with confuses me. I think some of the stuff he talks about is interesting and I can agree on things here and there but for the final time, just because someone is anti-liberal does not make them our allies. I'm sick and tired of people hyping up guys like Jordan Peterson just because he calls deranged liberals for what they are. Conservatives are profoundly anti-liberal, yet they are our enemies at the end of the day because of the values they stand for.

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as soon as my normie friends started talking about JP in a positive light I knew he was over.

They’re not sending their best

read thestar.com/opinion/2018/05/25/i-was-jordan-petersons-strongest-supporter-now-i-think-hes-dangerous.html

Or, he's a deranged leftist academic who said that after drinking a glass of cider he didn't sleep for the next 25 days and spent every night lying completey still, wide-awake in total, abject terror for 8 hours.

this is how you screenshot, boi

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-06 Jordan B Peterson on Twitter If confirmed Kavanaugh should step down https t c (600x418, 15K)

Surely he will explain himself soon. His audience demands it.

Dunno if he is controlled op. Think he's just a fucking cunt.

I always knew that some cucklebrothers would try to co-opt the movement and contain it. They have a biological imperative to do so. Nobody wants to lose their gold and station. Something these internet faggots need to remember at all times is that THEY were the ones that made it safe for people like Trump and Peterson to speak up a bit more in the open, not the other way around. It was THEIR presence on the internet that gave people an indication of our true number. Now some of these guys want to waltz into the commanding chair, a good career move and lead us to a nice safe un-radical destination.

No. Caution is a good thing, but we need radical change. The Jewish question absolutely has to be addressed and the answer to this "MyStErY" of "Why the West won" (aww gee what a fucking riddle!) has to be openly and honestly fucking answered.

These two questions alone will have a decisive impact upon the situation.

Why can't these dumb faggots just speak plain, straightforward sentences like human beings? What's with all the prognostication and philosophizing about the nature of things when making an observation? Just get out your predicate and shut the fuck up wordy kikes.

Oy vey.

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"Dark enlightenment" is something completely different.

This is the "intellectual dark web", named and promoted by The New York Times.


Download this faggot's book if you're compelled to read it.

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The Eric Weinstein tweet was shortly "Either way, the situation is terrible", Jordan Peterson then tried to resolve this by suggesting that "once he got the accepted, he should step down".

But it would still leave us, as you said, with the potential of an innocent man being dragged through the a game-of-thrones-shame-scene, for political reasons, and everyone is Okay with the people that have done this get what they were going for all along.
..and why would this be acceptable? apparently because the democratic party and various political movements have successfully obscured the nomination process and agitated their supports into believing that this innocent man is the devil himself.

What a faggot

>hurr I won’t use the goddamn pronouns! Compelled speech is unjust, dammit!
>compelled resignation from a job that you’re well qualified for due to made up sexual assault allegations is completely acceptable, however

>For so long I defended him. Shame on me
it's ok user. just stop trusting jews
it never ends well.

Attached: Jews Expelled.png (928x8800, 1005K)

he should undo roe vs wade first

that would actually be great. it would minimize the collateral damage to republicans because all the haters could just keep hating on kavanaugh

>Controlled opposition

No, he's an honest and genuine leftist multiculturalist feminist.

fuck Kavanaugh too, he's a cuck and libs getting mad won't change that

Damn people, stop looking for a Messiah. Peterson's still Canadian, his opinion is irrelevant he didn't even leave the nation that's forcing him to speak. You're fucking stupid.

TBF the context was "what can someone do to heal the nation at this moment"

Still think his answer was retarded. Lefties are way past seeing the moral superiority of this action. They'd just slather at the mouth like rabid dogs screaming "WE DID IT, WE SHAMED HIM ENOUGH TO STEP DOWN!"

We're past healing.

Read it twice, once with an open mind and again to mock it with /lit/. It's nothing but pompous bullshit boomer observations extrapolated from dumb bullshit boomer experiences, masquerading as a run of the mill self-help book for fat faggots who play too much Overwatch.

Why are Canadians so enthused with American politics? They know they aren't American....r-right?

He is con artist that sells people half truths at best, I'm surprised he would make such a statement though, considering he takes great efforts not to rock the boat too much so his supporters keep handing over cash.

The guy hid is patreon details a while back but before he did it showed him collecting something like 80k PER MONTH, just to exist and do his little spiels. he's gotta be collecting over a million from patreon alone every year at this point, crazy.

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Explain this meme

You obviously don't get it.
He's just suggesting a solution for the Retweet, I sincerely believe it's not what he thinks should happen but more like "what if"

When he first started getting attention here, I checked out one of his videos that was recommended. After about 5 minutes, I realized he was either a snake-oil salesman, or I was too dumb to follow what he was saying. Either way, no use to me. Glad I didn't waste any more time.

Peterson is a pussy.

Oh get off it.

Most that gain recognition and air time are plants.
Figure it out yet.
Fuck them all

we are pack animals, we want/seek a leader too follow.
JBP will hopefully drift into irrelevancy again, but some other guy will appear, and hopefully the next one will be better.

he chose his jew friends over the common volk

fuck juden peterstein

he truly earned that name

Exactly. If he stepped down, all the left would think is, "It worked! Double the fury next time!" You can't compromise with them. You can only defeat them until they surrender.

Fuck this homo.

What's it like being a fanatical idiot burger?

Ok who hacked Twitter.

Peterson has been talking about non tribalism and not identifying with skin color. To white people only.
Yea, it's past time you woke up.

Dropped. Will never defend this kike ever again.. what a fool I was.

>i always felt that there was something off about the guy.
Then you're a wiser guy than me.
I actually liked him at first. Still do. Think some of his videos on psychology and self help are actually good and he has improved things in many ways, at the very least by re-introducing REAL psychology (not leftist pish) into society and getting people to lap it up and accept it. But he has been a little too cocky and annoying with his attacks on White Nationalists. I expect a few swipes our direction, just to get the rats off his tail, but he has over indulged in taking pot shots at us and he is criminally hypocritical.

We are his greatest fucking foe because we actually have him. The mainstream media opponents have swung and missed, and the gullible gooftroops have been taken in like his adopted retard children. How fucking tragically ironic is it that Dr Dad-simulator is such an abusive father figure to the alt-right, who basically represent a kind of highly gifted middle child, the one who grasps dads lessons the most and actually has the capacity to genuinely challenge him.
It's such poetic fucking irony all of this.
Dr Dad-sim has become the abusive neglectful father figure to the alt-right, who will grow up to destroy him and will have no choice but to impose their own metaphysical framework upon the world for better or worse because they never actually had a competent enough adult in their life to give them honest and serious fucking advice to build upon.

Just look at the retards this guy surrounds himself with. Joe Rogan (a fucking imbecile and bully by all accounts) Sam Harris a literal joke. Ben Shapiro a full blown Jewish ethnic nationalist and collectivist etc.
White Nationalism, the Jewish question and the correct and intellectually honesty assessment of National Socialism are big "no-go" areas for the mainstream because they absolutely fucking know what will happen when people seriously start to pick the subjects apart.

His wife is a kike.

He's just another Benji, pretends to be on our side and cucks when it counts


Go out and vote. Get your friends to vote. dems've gone fucking nuts and no one is safe if they get power.


> slings antidepressants
> shills bizarre unhealthy diet
> supports leftist/cia Machiavellian plot to take over judicial branch

Stock is plummeting

Just because he’s not a stormfagget doesn’t mean he’s on the wrong side.

Isn’t Peterson a fucking leaf? Opinion discarded

Comments are woke AF

Attached: (((JBP))).png (646x4369, 1.02M)

Weinstein's tweet is dripping with onions. What a kike faggot.

Just because he puts effort into seeming reasonable doesn't mean he's on the right side.

He's just adhering to the Weinstein-brother's desires. Doesn't seem he's making up his own mind on the topic.

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans


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>Jordung Pebbleson very wise shaman.
>Tell Grug, "Grug only. Not tribe. Grug want tribe? Clean cave, bad Grug!"

>Then Grug see Jordung with longnose at Holobunga feast
>Grug think:
>Why longnose have special feast only for longnose, if tribe so bad?
>Why Jordung go to feast?

Attached: grug.jpg (883x1000, 85K)

Peterson is a fucking weirdo.

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Eric Weinstien is probably a rapist himself, if not complacent in rapes that other people around him commit.
It's always the same story with these fucks.

>How fucking tragically ironic is it that Dr Dad-simulator is such an abusive father figure to the alt-right, who basically represent a kind of highly gifted middle child, the one who grasps dads lessons the most and actually has the capacity to genuinely challenge him.
excellent assessment

>Joe Rogan (a fucking imbecile and bully by all accounts)
Case in point: That story he told about the time he was talking to some father who had concerns about his daughter marrying a black man and the concern that it's selfish to produce a child with no identity due to being mixed-race really showed Joe's own color with how he reacted; to ditch the guy, give a shit excuse but not apologize, and then later talk shit about the situation and laugh about how he reacted to it.

canadians are undermining our Democracy

"Living next to you is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly and even-tempered is the beast, if I can call it that, one is affected by every twitch and grunt."
- Dear Departed Leader Pierre Trudeau

Celtic Nazi's warned you. You didn't listen. Hopefully you learned from your mistake. Jordan B Peterson is an Anglokike shill working for Canadian military intelligence. He is a part of the Anglo-Israeli Order.

He is literally your enemy. The bait they created was "Transgenders". Millions took the bait.

Attached: Keltic Hitler - The untold story.jpg (608x936, 260K)


>>Joe Rogan (a fucking imbecile and bully by all accounts)
>Case in point: That story he told about the time he was talking to some father who had concerns about his daughter marrying a black man and the concern that it's selfish to produce a child with no identity due to being mixed-race really showed Joe's own color with how he reacted; to ditch the guy, give a shit excuse but not apologize, and then later talk shit about the situation and laugh about how he reacted to it.

Joe's is a cuck who is raising his wife's half black daughter. That's one reason he was so against it.

Based and toilet pilled

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Oh look! a fucking leaf

Yes, true... but Canada is simply an outpost of Anglo-Israelism (City of London). Toronto, Canada is where the (((British Tories))) fled after losing the American Revolutionary War. Toronto is like a hub of Jewry.

Attached: The New Phariseeism - Anglo Phariseeism - London - Toronto.png (583x936, 626K)

it's okay user, as long as you see the truth now.

We're winning too much and pushing (((them))) too far. Even (((their))) operatives can't help exposing themselves now. Fuck these fakers. Never forget.

>..as someone who thought of you as a hero. I have not be so disappointed in a long time.

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Did you know the current rulling British Royal Family was put there by a guy named Oliver Cromwell? Who is Oliver Cromwell?

Jordan B Peterson loves Oliver Cromwell.

Attached: Oliver Cromwell.jpg (1252x626, 380K)

I have his book as well and I don't regret it. Lot of good shit to learn.
That tweet is in my opinion an attempt to regain some level of relevancy again.

Attached: 1538697268584.jpg (1176x3417, 910K)

Here, we see Jordan B Peterson participating in one of his pedophile rituals. Mr. Peterson is an Anglokike.
America's Founding Fathers shot Anglokikes with their muskets in 1776.

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what a literally fucking faggot

They seem to be forwarding a hidden agenda after their dinner together.

Attached: The Last Supper.jpg (960x960, 114K)

Jordan Peterson is a self help cuck for people too beta to get scammed by tony robins

Here, we see a funny comic about Jordan B Peterson. The comic pokes fun at Jordan for being a Jewish supremacist, and hypocrite.

The moral of the story is do not be a Jewish supremacist hypocrite, like Jordan Peterson.

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Forgive yourself, user. The truth takes time to process. I'm sure most of us here once believed in some gatekeeper or bought a shitty book. I was a Milo fan during the election. Ironically, it was his casual advice in the last chapter of his book to "read dangerous books to bro the left" that encouraged me to explore Mein Kampf.

Jordan Peterson is a judas goat stabbing you in the back for silver coins. He baited you with his opposition against "transgenders". After you ate his yummy bait... he began stabbing you in the back slowly.

Lesson? Don't eat Jewish bait from Jordan Peterson.

Attached: Peterstein.jpg (193x266, 37K)

>Jordan’s inflammatory understanding of male violence for which “the cure ... is enforced monogamy” as reported by Nellie Bowles in the New York Times is shocking. This is upsetting and sad if you are, or were, Jordan’s friend. But it is also frightening.

I disagree with Jordan when it comes to Kav but this author is as clueless as the rest.