Now that it's official that white women have morphed into cancer...

now that it's official that white women have morphed into cancer, how do we morph them back into normal human beings worth building a family with?

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I want to sniff them

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This isn't a real article. Go ahead, try and find the source of it for me. Protip: you can't

you don't understand, if you don't let women forgo every form of hygiene imaginable then society will stagnate and we will never be able to explore the universe

not far off.

You know, if you eat healthy, avoid processed foods, don't smoke or drink excessively then you don't even need to use any deodorant. This bullshit is fat acceptance tier stupidity. If you smell or are fat than you are undesirable. Why is being healthy bigoted?

Since ancient times, those with self respect and conscience have groomed their pubic hair. I think this "ugly is pretty," "Smelly is good," mentality will sort itself out, since body hair and odor on a chick is fuckin nasty.

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>You know, if you eat healthy, avoid processed foods, don't smoke or drink excessively then you don't even need to use any deodorant.
body odour is not internally made (when we're talking about sweat). it's a genetic thing that makes your sweat compatible for a certain bacteria to live in. the bacteria is what makes the odour.

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>compare a tatted up hag with an under aged girl who is pretending to be innocent while showing lots of skin


It's only a matter of time desu.

>he respects muh epic tatted girls

I hate the phrase "low key." It reeks of ebonics.

Take it back, make them angry to use the word

you forgot "bathe regularly".

who cares

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no I don't you mongoloid. I'm saying the comparison makes no sense. the girl on the right looks better because she is younger, but she's in no fucking way "traditional" looking.

Why do women wear perfume and makeup?

Because they're ugly and they fucking stink

>weeb pedo steps in to shit up the thread
like clockwork

The fact that we even have to check is reason enough to pass a law requiring regular douching..

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land of the free

deal with it

I like pit hair on women

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What a nice girl.

deal with them not being able to deal with normal people?

It's both though . . .

The only way is with both of these universes becoming our timeline.

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come on, can't you tell she's 30 years old?

no because the thing that makes your sweat compatible for the bacteria is genetic, and not based on your diet.

You can actually replace that bacteria desu look it up. Maybe it's not permanent but it does work for at least a year.

Shaming men for "body-odor" is low-key sexist.

Pretty simple you have women there that are already superior morally than white women.

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the bacteria doesn't come from within your body, that is bullshit. you just have to shower regularly.

Stop trying to "save" them. This shit is literally white-knighting.

You can't. We have to mix in some subserviant asian waifu genes & marry the hapas and quarters.

no one, neither men or women should have "odour" unless you some sort shitskin

Based Senator Bombstrong

koreans are way more degenerate than americans because they have to compensate for being gooks. japs are also retarded autistics incompatible with family life.

There was this fat Mexican girl in a drawing class I took who smelled like sweat and farts ALL THE FUCKING TIME!

What the fuck is wrong with people? Why don't they shower regularly and use deodorant? It's as fucking simple as that.

Whatever you say Aquafresh.

I came across a fellow who smelled like dead fish. Apparently he showers regularly but has a condition.

Wash your pits with chlorhexidine every two or three days and you will never need deodorant/anti-perspirant. It's also good for taking acne off the back of your neck/base of your skull.

Nicely done.

I swear, they came up with the perfect colors to sicken straight males who don't drink the Kool-Aid. What is this teal/turquoise hair with black lipstick shit? I never thought something so simple would make me sick to my stomach.

Because believe it or not no matter how fat, no matter how smelly, no matter how mentally ill, there is still a man putting up with her shit because he's just that thirsty

If you eat healthy you wouldn't have any of these problems.

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So it's wrong to shame women for not taking a shower, but shaming smash players for not showing is just fine?

nice going. you just killed your natural skin biome and who knows where those compounds will end up in your system

hahahaahh way to fuck yourself up, retard. Just fucking shower every day.


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>not having a female body odor fetish

>tfw I hate kikes and faggots but still use Dr. Bronners soap
>I literally bathe with jew soap

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Fortunately Kavanaugh is going to absolutely destroy anti-discrimination laws once he's in office, and women will have to make themselves appealing and courteous again if they want to participate in public life.

End journalism.

I'm serious. Destroy gender studies as degree options, create news that reads like boring court reporting and eliminate opinion pieces and listicles.

You have to get rid of the job market for this pop culture idiocy, and stop allowing people to freely consume and repost over social media.

End journalism in its current state, eliminate useless degree options, and cut out the cancer that is moron media.

t. fat neckbeard degenerate

>give yourself lymphoma
Nice try shill

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modern fuckin women are disgusting

I'm talking about replacing the bacteria within your hair follicles. You can replace it and be odor free like an asian. You need to take antibiotics though + scrub the area with antiseptic. Prob not worth.

It's pretty fucking bad that I can't tell if this is satire or not. It almost seems like something someone would make up to make feminists look bad. Sad thing is I wouldn't even be surprised if it was true either.

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>killed the biome

The human being IS the biome you tinfoil-hat wearing dumbass.

Giving your pits a light chemical wash isn't going to prevent bacteria from recolonizing.

And please, stop saying this. You will stink no matter what; you may just stink slightly less if you eat healthier.

lol, shitskin women are the worst, they smell like a dried out camel and their scarf is only an alibi and virtue signaling device to be that more promiscous. fuck off Ahmed, go have turkish buttsex with your uncle and brother.

>I'm talking about replacing the bacteria within your hair follicles
you fucking can't and when you try, you will ruin the rest of the ecosystem on your skin.

This. They've established a bridge between journalism and Hollywood to hook normies that only pay attention to entertainment. It's so insanely fucking transparent that I have a hard time not laying into my normie friends about it.

They use all the meme lingo and everything. "We're like you, normies!" Or even better, "Your current perspective is good enough for politics action and commentary!"


I can't get an erection to good morals.

My house smells like motor oil, chlorinated solvents, and meth vapors.

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10/10 bants

There's a difference between the smell of pheromones we produce, and the smell of sulfur and sewage that emits from NPCs.

Maybe in your country but here the egyptian goddesses I meet and fuged were amazing.

*political action and commentary. Damn it.

still and all, i'm sorry for spoiling your based women hate thread, i know it's been a while since we had one of those

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Absolutely fucking disgusting.

>based women hate thread
this is the opposite of truth you pedo piece of shit.

>Dyed armpit hair
Literally fucking why

I agree, but the smell of unmasked pheromones are offensive to most and still make you smell like a slob.

Use fucking deodorant.

i'm sorry user there is nothing we can do just switch to asian girls

because feminists love to be tryhards about not being attractive. they think the best way to hurt men is to ruin women.

we got force that being conservative is the new cool thing
like being emo, but instead of cuting yourself you praise jesus

Ask yourself how the Muslim is doing it? Beat them when they step out of line.

you can. look it up you worthless fucking shitstain. they have already done it. you just spray the area down with the non odorous bacteria you dumbfuck. you're triggering my autism FUCKING STOP

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that just means you will have lots of fakes pretending to be trad when they are actual whores. like Lauren southern (not even her real surname)

If we eliminate those options, women will be forced to prove themselves and fit into a local in-group with basic hygiene and useful societal cohesion rather than clinging to bad habits by getting constant validation for bad behavior.

This would end a lot of problems and break the hold that degeneracy has on men and women at large.

>has never had a lady tell him how much she loves his smell

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autistic retard. you're objectively wrong about this.

I really can't see how White women can compete with this

lol ikr what a virgin

>fake internet attentionwhore slut
white women do this all the time though.

>ruin the ecosystem on your skin

It's no wonder 90% of Jow Forums is always so terrified of imaginary boogeymen- you retards have no fucking idea how the science of anything works.

Yeah man, think of the ECOSYSTEM


>ignorant brainlet doesn't know shit
what a surprise. go and fucking read about this before you pretend to know shit.

*puts thumb on katana* did you just call a fair Nipponese maiden a slut?

there are millions of types of bacteria inside and outside the body, and most of them have an important role to play for your body

>Feminists are dancing on the palm of my hands
Heh... couldn't ask for more, fellas.

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Numbers confirm.

One person out of 20 will enjoy your smell. That's the person that you should be having sex with.

Everyone else smells you and thinks "fucking hell, either that dude is too poor to clean up or he's just lazy and dirty."