Operation Banterbanner - NYC Time Square

The last thing we did to affect the real world from the comfort of our desks, was to knock over a cone. Can we get do it again?

Here's the challenge
Point a banner (a white piece of paper/cardboard) at the livefeed saying: "It's okay to be" on a white canvas. You can write the full "It's okay to be white", if you're feeling balsy.

Attached: MISSION_TARGET.jpg (949x542, 106K)

Live feed:
Go to earthcam dot com and choose "NYC Time Square"

I ain't going to jail tonite, the big vote is tomorrow

As if this would even warrant a citation.

How long will this be streaming? I just got home and passed this but I’m too tired to go back out

I'm close by anons, i'll be there in ten minutes.

Bump. Do it.

a hate crime in jew york? come on

Bumped for interests

All night. Do it user!

Attached: Gunuse.jpg (221x359, 25K)