Faith Goldy is polling polling in 3rd place for Mayor of Toronto but she is not allowed to debate.
Faith J Goldy phisically removed from debate
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Good women don't belong in politics and especially ugly ones with tons of plastic surgery like goldy.
This is our future, how humiliating.
Notice how it is negros putting their hands on white stock in Canada. Occupied country.
Tradthots are still thots.
Fuck all white western women, especially those with """right wing views""".
>Faith Goldy
I'm sorry but did you mean to type (((Faith Goldy))) pet goyim of (((Ezra Levant))) at (((The Rebel Media)))?
You idiots never learn.
FACT: Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism. Her kids are Jews.
What a retarded take.
t. shill
She hasn't worked for Rebel Media for a long time, I believe they split ways after Charlottesville.