Can America become a white country again?

Can America become a white country again?

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Achieve maximum reproduction

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Damn I want to be there

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Top kek

America was never a white country to begin with. It was majority injun at its foundation, then it became flooded with niggers, wops, white niggers, slavs and chinks. it was never an Anglo/north/west European majority country. it'll always be Mutt: the country.

Not without a genocide

>T. knows nothing about american history

Yes and it's quite easy. The moment there is a major disruption to society or civil war you will see maximum Exodus of chines, indians, Mexicans and other non whites back to their homes. When you are purely an economic tourist, you have no interest helping your country during hard times. There are only two times when H1B applications bwent down, 9/11 and the 2008 crash. The trick is when the civil war or whatever is over we cannot let them come back

absolutely. see pic related for step by step instructions.

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Send them to the Midwest and Northwest. Texas is for cucked faggots

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>a white country

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lol, america never was "white"

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Weak bait

>actually thinking they created a country before we got here
America would not exist without white anglo European settlers lol

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>Non whites not having a enough income to go to Disneyland means they didn't exist

>built the council system before the Romans
Sure thing Twinkie.

found the denialist

Who cares about it being white? Rednecks are white and they have nigger-tier IQs. I'd rather we just breed based on intelligence. Oh wait, then we'd just be a country of chinks and juden. Feelsbad. I mean, I'm a mutt myself (15%) and as long as everyone is socially conservative everything should be fine. Niggers get shot by blacks who aren't niggers. Non-mexican spics chase away beaners.
Asians (exluding pajeets) are really the only problem, just avoid them and they'll go away eventually I guess. Muslims will naturally just not come here due to the sheer amount of "degeneracy." Outsmart the jews. The worst thing you can do to a king is not kill him, it's dethrone him.

>A small city scale council system
Wow so impressive, what an advanced society.

Good, all the non-patriots will leave. I'm not white, love this country though and would give my life for it.

>All those women are not wearing shirts down to their nipples and 'pants' up to their pussy lips
oh what a beautiful sight

>council system
That's rich. About as rich as calling Indians "first nations". Gimme a break, "council system".

>Can America become a white country again?
It will be within 20 days of all the free government gibs stopping. Not if, but when. Our job is only to survive.

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Your masonic experiment sham of a "country" was never "white" it was British and/or European at its peak.

Like a true mutt degenerate you're confusing race with ethnicity, but you're a jewmerican so what else is to expect. To answer your question - no it won't ever go back to what you mean by white. And let me explain what do you and every other /pol_tard thinks when says "white"

> living on the initial stages of jewish final gambit on accelerating the chaos by aggressively putting paper money on the markets whilst fostering rampant credit culture of going into debt for sheer "fun" because "what are you, against fun, fag commie"?

So the next time you see "will Jewmerica ever be white again" question asked on /pol, you can easily translate that question to

> hey /pol, I'm a retarded fat dumb circumcised mutt goblin jewmerican creatura and I'm bored of current timeline, also I saw 5 illustrations (probably from some pathetic jew-owned ad campaign) and those 5 illustrations featured fair haired people by the river hugging each other on a picnic

> TL:DR tell me /pol give it to me straight, can we be the new boomers? Pls pls pls say it is so...

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>Asians (exluding pajeets) are really the only problem, just avoid them and they'll go away eventually
>Muslims will naturally just not come here due to the sheer amount of "degeneracy."
Asians are the smallest problem group of them all. Are you insane? Muslims went to Sweden, without issue, and want to take it over. They've had plenty of degeneracy. The Muslims will put up with degeneracy with the intention of taking over. Every one of these groups has agency and interests.

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New evidence suggests Stone Age hunters from Europe discovered America

Every census is available online. It shows that we were a white majority 90%+ for most of history. Even more if Africans were never given citizenship.

America will never be white again, but the white population can become White America again. Through a rising of racial consciousness which is already happening, we can peacefully buffer ourselves against outside influences. If we learn to vote as a block, we can exert the necessary power to end the flow of migrants. We can increase our birthrate, hold our own events, create our own music and art, have our own clubs and organizations, friendships, cultural celebrations and norms, all sorts of things. We can control our own destiny, politics is only one slice of life, and all this can be done without government permission and without violence.
It all depends on what whites want to do, nonwhites have little real impact on our people and culture unless we allow them to.

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