CNN Blames Avenatti For Ruining Democrats' Takedown Of Kavanaugh


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At least CNN is admitting that it was an organized takedown

Tucker is talking about the same thing right now.

5D chess confirmed


I knew that this slimeball grabbing the spotlight was the last straw of this Dem party farce to try and stop Kavanaugh...the guy oozes slime. He couldn't help himself. With friends like this, who needs enemies?

Is he the real life Revolver Ocelot? No one can figure out his end game.


Wow CNN is anti semetic now? Ourguys!

He’s still running.

Who could have though engaging porn lawyer was a mistake.

>our baseless, uncorroborated, and unverifiable allegations levied at the last minute didn't work because of this faggot's even more baseless, uncorroborated, and unverifiable allegations levied at the last minute

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Bingo. Needed more stripper glitter.


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this day just keeps on giving

choo choo get on the rape train.

shit i was going to post this

>runs for president
>gets destroyed by Trump
Thanks CPL

he's going to crash the democrats

Okay, he works for Trump. SORTED.

Knew it. They'd need somebody to throw under the bus after this.

>their eating their own again
McCains death was the best thing to happen to the republican party since trump.

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Imagine being known as Creepy Porn Lawyer for the rest of your life.

Yup, how fucking dumb of them.

He is sperging out on twitter about it.

where is the source from cnn?

Many years ago wise anons predicted that the left would eventually hit a tipping point and begin cannibalizing themselves in the most amazing ways and I am so glad to say I am here witnessing these wonderful predictions come to pass.

When we all came here and collectively put our foot down against degeneracy, we opened a book. A beautiful book in which the poetry writes itself.

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And the media eagerly spread it all around the world. Fucking hypocrites.

He is so going to run in 2020. The election battle will be even more entertaining than 2016. Just imagine the debates.

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I've heard this on fox news about 4 times today

what does #basta mean?

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Checked, satan.
The libs I talked to would beat him to death if they got the opportunity. His political career is over.

Italian for "enough".

3 seconds of googling told me so.

>he unironically thinks it was the dems who showed constraint

Not bad.

What in the fuck lmao right out there in the open

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Then CNN is complicit. They not only gave him a voice, but they have been cashing in on it for ages.

>Notorious big and Cobain in the same van

Context for this photo?

italians are slimy fucks

winner winner chicken dinner gas the leftist scum

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You guys kept telling me he's a Trump ally, but I didn't believe it. Shows what I know.

Dude weed lmao

Brianna Wu tweeted this then deleted it after the backlash.

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Well then wouldnt every tv station that gave him air time is complicit as well?

no one likes him now


Like Avenatti cares. He's probably a libertarian politically but just want attention so is going around as a liberal.

checked. i believe this now

That corpse hand holding the smokes



she is (for once) not wrong though. hes a good media strategist but that I think his personal interests keep colliding more and more with his clients interests.

lol he's finished

Avenatti is a Trump plant. smart strategy if u think about it.

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He was the bait that brought in all the MSM & Liberal scum into the trap.
Beautiful, isn't it?

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He's probably right. The argument that the left wanted was that you have to believe women. Avocado made it easy to say, you don't have to because this other woman is clearly lying

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So, I am not a smart man. Could someone inform me on how an implausible ten party drug and gang rape by high school kids scenario is a viable strategy?

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thanks for doing legwork for me.

Literally taking the words out of my mouth my dude

Pat Smear is the one holding the smokes.

maybe he actually is /ourguy/
he's primed to be coerced due to outstanding debts, but maybe it's not what we think...or maybe he IS kike controlled, but only to the extent of creating the division necessary for a civil war.

It was taken last year
And Tupac took the pic

The claims of him being a gang rapist were so outrageous and salacious in the context of his outward demeanor and presentation, along with his record that the first thing that popped up in my head was this clip from the Family Guy.

Underrated post. It should be the lesson in all this.

What's going on?

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When you're sinking, you'll grab anything and hold on for dear life

the only thing getting raped is the entire leftist worldview

Does anyone else think he looks like the Burn Notice guy.
>My name is Michael Avenatti. I used to take down Supreme Court Associate Justice nominees, until...

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>that's what the problem was

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Feels weird to say this, but that CNN editor is not wrong.

There's ZERO chance Avenatti isn't working for Trump. Everything he does is a reverse troll that aids Trump in some way.

They thought a rape accusation would be enough and he'd step down (or be forced to) to save face
When that didn't work they figured fuck it we'll double down as hard as we can and maybe that'll work

>Democrat Primaries begin
>Half dozen hollywood retards on stage
>Elizabeth Warren and Maxine Waters on stage
>Corey Booker with veins popping out of his head screaming
>Creepy porn lawyer standing there quietly

He would get the nomination i honestly believe.


1,000 bucks he's secretly working for Trump

Maybe just a really bad nemesis



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how soon will they metoo him?

Its amazing how they do the most underhanded shit, charge people who dont agree with their policies as racist, sexist, and homophobic, and still believe that they take the higher ground.

It tastes funny

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>off to the inner earth to drop some sick tunes for the underground nazi empire leaders

What fucking values and principles do shapeless communists have? Theyre soft headed useful idiots waiting to be told what to think every week.

What did Kavanaugh mean by this?

This was the first time Flynt was ever right about something too lol.

The "media" and "deepstate".

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