What did she mean by this?


>One source told Vanity Fair that Ivanka Trump has told her father to "cut bait" and drop Kavanaugh. But we also know that whenever there's a crisis, information inevitably trickles out about Ivanka trying to temper her father's extreme views or reactions. It's unclear whether she ever vehemently opposes him — it's always a whisper in the wings, just like when she finally spoke up about family separations.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Remember when people actually thought this woman was based in any way

>a fathers greatest fear
>to one day wake up with a snake in one's bed

Ivanka is cancer

literally CONVERTED to be a fucking Jew. Tells you all you need to know.

Just a spoiled Fifth Avenue WHORE who has always been a globalist jew-loving traitor to the white race.

has been against us from day 1. has opposed everything we stand for. I hope she gets raped by a pack of niggers.

I’d put a snake in her bed nawmsayin

>attack Syria daddy!!
>stop separating illegal families daddy!!
>drop Brett Kavanaugh daddy!!
this fucking cunt.

Well, she cucked.

So is this then a Jewish D&C Anti Ivanka thread? Did I swallow b8?

>>One source
Unnamed (((source)))

Seems legit.

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Nah, somebody told ivanka to stfu.

This jewess is actively trying to ruin her own father's work. He needs to drop her.


Every conservative figure gets attacked here except for Trump. Isolating supporters, fracturing the movement.. etc.

>Ivanka Trump has told her father to "cut bait" and drop Kavanaugh.

told you she was a cunt.

Attached: kushner soros 3.jpg (1426x961, 178K)

This whole thing has been such a staged jewish psyop from day one, perfectly scripted to troll both sides and rile the goyim up and put them at each other throats. Pit white women against white men, and everybody else against white men, etc.

I see. I am a Father with three grown daughters who love me dearly.
They would literally kill for me if I but gave The Command.
I would like to think my POTUS has the same luxury.

Ivanka's quim produces cottage cheese, it's a medical condition. She eats the cheese when nobody's looking

Fuck off ivanka
You married a Jew
Your opinion means nothing

Well Trump doesn't care what she thinks, which was shown before.. over and over again.
I get it that he wants his daughter next to him, but come on Trump. There are WAY more qualified people that are ready to take her place.


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Serious question:

Everyone in the Powerful People's Club must have blackmail on them, it's the glue that keeps the higher echelon together.

If Trump didn't diddle, everyone would have destroyed him decades ago. What dirt is on Trump? Did he pimp Ivanka out?


Attached: c2f.jpg (680x510, 64K)

>A source
>Someone unknown close to Ivanka
>Ivanka said something to his father, according to someone unknown close to her
>This is a fact, I'm educated and smart.

>I get it that he wants his daughter next to him, but come on Trump.

nepotism, my dood....

The jews are using her to have a sort of emotional connection to trumps ear... meh, you know what I mean.

He shouldn't have anyone in his family with him in the whitehouse, it's just a situation that is too easy for the jews to manipulate.

So does she think trump should stand down too, since there were allegations there too, or is that a bit too close to white-home?

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I'd sure like to titty fuck Ivanka Trump just saying just saying

>unnamed sources say Ivanka told her father to do something he never did. Source: Moshe Shekelstein writing for some leftist anti trump rag.

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She is a Jew now. So what do you expect?

Pimped out Ivanka. The ultimate sacrifice

she is this is just posturing for her 2024 run and she needs to wymenz vote

Judaized NPC

He'll never drop her. He's in love with her.

I think everybody already knew that she was a cunt.

I can actually believe that. It's also possible that this whole show was designed to get us to root for a fucking neocon Zionist.

I thought she served the cheese to Jared for breakfast every morning.


>One source
AKA: This didn't happen. Stop reading into things that don't have people who will confidently back their statements

Trump is obsessed with his daughter. She probably told her hubby everything, maybe even re-enacted some scenes for Jared's camera. Trump has been given a copy of this film and told that if he doesn't play ball, the film will see the light of day.


Okay, but what does this have to do with Trump and Ivanka?

Trump is the exception to that, that's why everyone is frothing at the mouth over his election.


Attached: Ivanka.jpg (640x480, 49K)

Holy shit Mel actually posts on Jow Forums

I think they all just wanted to have sex with her desu.

She's a jewess now, we can't let that happen

Daily reminder: Kushner is a high level Illuminary, subverting his own daughter against him is the least of the evils he's committed, you ain't seen nothing yet boyo

No he is not. You cannot get a leg into these circles without dirt on you, stop being so fucking naive.

The reason they haven't released the Trump pedotapes is because Trump has tons of blackmail on them and will bring them and possibly the entire establishment with him if he goes down, aka Samson Option. Ontop of that he has a huge following so he will do a tell-all and let everyone know what sick satanic shit goes on behind the scenes, all of it, baby blood drinking, cannabalism, childrape, hollywoods role etc.

Samson was a guy who couldnt get rid of the kikes in his temple, so instead he pulled the entire temple down and crushed everyone.

It's also called M.A.D, MUTUAL ASSURED DESTRUCTION. There is some type of dirt on Trump that they can't use.

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Interesting copy pasta:

You traditionally have 4 options.
1) Full Ziocuck
2) Full Globohomo
3) 50/50 Globo/Zio
4) 100% Nationalist, fuck the kikes

Zionists have endless kompromat and will crush you and everyone around you with it
Globohomo controls the media, finance and the schools and will crush your economy and send mobs of protesters at you.

If you try to balance them, you get nothing done and globohomo and zio both make gains
If you reject them both, they both team up to remove you instantly
If you go full ziocuck, you have a chance to take things for your nation
If you go full globohomo, you will get rich and sell out your nation

If you side with ziocuck, they will use their kompromat against your enemies
If you side with globohomo, they will use their finance and media against your enemies

That is simple reality of what we are dealing with right now. The zionists are weak, but they have kompromat, and they won't tell your kids to chop their dicks off. So if you can overcome the finance and discredit the media you will win. The kikes cannot be trusted though, so you must always keep them in a clinch as Trump is doing, make everything a hard negotiation, rather than the predecessors who completly submitted to them like lapdogs

Yes, because you are a fucking moron believing the very media we all know to be fake news.

And stop thinking binary. You are not NPCs, people are not "for", OR "against" us. People can be wrong, have uneducated opinions.
Stop chimping out every fucking time.

god that does sound like Mel

Since this placed was constantly attacked for 2+ years by paid leftists that only spammed, the unbiased truth and real redpill has devolved into Us vs Them.

Jow Forums is openly supporting neocucks without questioning or criticing them. Without proper analysis this board is basicly just blind fanboys. I prefer 8leafs as intelligent discussions still occur there.

look like he sacrifice is first child to Moloch after all...

Attached: idol-moloch.jpg (694x500, 206K)

Women are in 99% of cases weak and just do what their friends tell them is popular. Abstract concepts like truth, hoor, justice mean nothing to women.

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theme : youtube.com/watch?v=eWr55bxJHVE

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you're gay if you don't


actually the concept of hooring makes sense to 99% of women

Do the opposite of what Ivanka says to Make America Great Again.

Fucking Vonkers.

I posted on 8ch once and everybody ignored my posts and called me a fed :(

fuck that place desu, it's slow as hell anyway


and trump told the bitch to shut the fuck up and stay at her place and bitchslapped her. right ?

Nice try CSIS nigger.

she's a literal jew and getting dicked by a jew and gave birth to a jew. how the fuck can anyone think this whore is good news

i have a very liberal sister, her and all her friends love ivanka. women are brainless, they think she's like a princess so they like her.
i think trump is smart enough to know this so he keeps ivanka looking moderate in public eye. that's why this is being reported.

She a fucking sex kitten... how sad is this shit ..

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God I hate this bitch so much

Trump should disown her

>and trump told the bitch to shut the fuck up and stay at her place and bitchslapped her. right ?

we can only hope.

Why do you guys believe this, but not the other things the media says are being whispered about trump and co behind closed doors? The media has very obviously propped ivanka up as the liberal in the family that tries to sway trump and they use that as a sort of pressure tactic. EVEN IVANKA THINKS HE'S WRONG. OH MY. I wouldn't say it's false, but I don't understand your picking and choosing of what to believe and not believe.


all these faggot betas here are shit

He should've railed her more

>One source

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sup hutton see ya at mass bro ol pal

One source told me it's a lie

One (((anonymous source))). Holy shit, why does anybody even think she says anything at all? Fucking kikes and their Satanic tricks. Goto hell, OP. By the way, you shouldn't be working on a Saturday, you should be in the synagogue right now.

She is his booby prize, not his consultant

Every time she opens her mouth, I want to fuck her less. She's at about fat chick level now.

Well, that was when Trump kept extolling how great she was. Just assumed she was cut from the same cloth. Turns out she's a typical roastie. Who could have guessed.

based French poster
cucked swede poster. if you knew anything you would know the shills target both chans fairly equally. you only get the impression it's doesn't seem as bad over there because they have significantly less posters, but that just means the shills make up a larger percent of the user base. You can observe this if you observe both boards for long enough.