Attached: reeeeee.png (1375x910, 1.27M)
Cooper Moore
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Jeremiah Collins
>B-but we SCREAMED!
Brody Brooks
I'm sorry we haven't passed the crap test and sent you running back to the kitchen yet
Brandon Torres
america really solidifying its #1 spot as most retarded country
Thomas Johnson
Lmao at the Jew
Hunter Clark
Imagine if people on the right did the same bullshit these people do. Fuckin unreal
Ian Kelly
How can anyone else compete?
Jeremiah Gray
this poor schmuck
Asher Martin
By god, we're trying
John King
>child threw a tantrum
The adults didn't care
Mason Murphy
Early today at lunch, I didn't want pepperoni on the pizza me and my co-workers were ordering. So I screamed like a little girl at the top of my lungs until they finally caved and ordered extra cheese instead.
Gabriel Perry
Primal screams make me want to fuck harder.
Ryder Parker
Lucas Russell
He chose to be there....
Zachary Torres
Haha, no I'll fucking laugh.
Josiah Scott
>women let out a primal scream
We know, it's called a woman talking.
Luke Gonzalez
NOBODY wants to rape your hideous bloated pie hole. Go be fat somewhere else.
Sebastian Powell
I'm laughing my ass off instead! Ever notice how most of the women who protest are ugly and lesbianic? Bull dykes, 90% or so.
Landon Garcia
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry you have to live in a country that defies your belief system so horribly that all you can do is to behave like this.
Please let some of the people here offer some suggestions on what you should do to correct this problem.
Again, I apologize.
Kevin Ross
Yes, yes I do notice...Hahahaha
Jaxon White
>Women are NOT hysterical!!!!
Kayden Myers
Absolutely this. Leftist women are the most immature, spoiled, unfortunate looking people I have ever seen.
Anthony James
Nathan Miller
I call it "I could be destroyed by a mean tweet and look like shit the whole time."
Eli Hernandez
Eli Thompson
"I'm here to prey on victimized pussy. Maybe if they see how passionate I am they'll have sex with me."
Owen Richardson
>implying that anyone would want to have sex with that whale
Leo Thompson
How dare evil men do their job when there is a woman screaming somewhere in the world.
Cameron Walker
What a beautiful time to be alive. This is only the beginning of the leftist meltdown and I'm loving every second of it.
And it's okay to be white
Matthew Hall
anybody got videos of this shit?
Gavin Cruz
>election 2016 part 2
Bentley Gomez
Jose Collins
KEK peep Franken((stein)) in the back
Jackson Brown
Because all of them were actually paid for this stunt?
Benjamin Flores
Lincoln Foster
>the mantle of victimhood
See how they think. They are very aware of what they are seeking.
We just saw it as a case of right and wrong as we usually do.
Caleb Long
>read title of article
>audible keks
Adam Morales
It's nice when women are reminded that MEN ARE STRONGER THAN THEM.
Elijah Bell
The stench in that room
Bentley Martin
these women are the type to coddle children and turn out spoiled rotten brats. the concept of teaching boundaries and similar basic survival skills is completely beyond them. the answer to their shrieking is to LAUGH.
Samuel King
i'd love to look this bitch up now - anyone got dox on her?
Dylan Perez
this shit is going to be iconic in the future
Thomas Nguyen
SOME women screamed.
Most women support Kavanaugh or don't care that much. You don't own women you hysterical lefty harpies.
Jace Cruz
this is one of the worst memes i've ever seen - shoah yourself
Landon Gutierrez
Baleeb Er!
Jackson Jones
Literal childern
Jace King
My hope is that things like this will be compiled and used in some future history book to remind women why we forever stripped them of their voting rights.
Ian Williams
>we are wimin!
>wimin are strong!
Carson Ross
I see shit like this and I assume it’s a terrible troll.
Michael Turner
>Somehow, Republican men assumed the mantle of victimhood
Do they still not get it?
Kevin Garcia
seriously, what is wrong with americans?
Oliver Hughes
Evan Gutierrez
Ian Cox
The actions and views of a woman who isn't your mother, wife or daughter are irrelevant.
Random women getting together to scream to feel better is one reason women are a joke. Logic and reason shape the world, not tantrums.
Telling that they have some obese 2|10 as their picture. Even that is a subtle diss against the fembots
Jordan Foster
is there an unblurred version of this?
Mason Reed
Austria hasn't mattered since the Habsburgs. Fuck off.
Landon Russell
This. I want to see the qt on the lefts bush
David Davis
I'd love to see our Senators stroll through the halls with their noise cancelling headphones on. But in all seriousness, more security please. Do they go through metal detectors. Keep our Senators safe.
Blake Perry
Obvious kike false flags. Our memes are much more patrician, pic related.
Logan Carter
Nah, in other western cucktries it would have mattered.
Matthew Jenkins
You are right in our trail, but current-year America will reign supreme as the most retarded to have ever been for a good long while.
I want off this ride, take me back to the 1790's.
Matthew Baker
this, fuck the traitor
Easton Hall
me too, surely there exists the original without it being covered
Lucas Murphy
thanks for posting the redacted version user. My breakfast would have come back up otherwise
Benjamin Anderson
found it, shit res though
Julian White
Andrew Price
It should be primal screamS you ignorant cunt.
Women (plural) let out primal screams (plural) you literal moron. Make me a fucking sandwich. Dumb whore.
Also there shouldn't be a comma after "somehow" you stupid bimbo. Going forward you should walk around on your hands and knees.
Ayden Gray
She could eat a alive, literally, without using her hands.
Tyler Miller
He's there to get laid. He doesn't have the necessary Testosterone Levels to talk to women in public and have them be attracted to him.
Brandon Diaz
Caleb Robinson
a what?
Jaxon Stewart
Are women human beings?
Kayden Russell
>Now class, turn your books to page 131 The Dark Age of Feminism, today we learn about how women collectively murdered hundreds of millions of their own children, destroyed everything good about the west, and how they tried to use screaming and their own disgusting bodies to enact political change all so that they can become used up whores. We'll also read some literature from some of the oldest and most unloved and unwanted spinsters and their tale of how they regret taking over 200k miles of cocks instead of starting a family.
Austin Nelson
I have seen things I would rather have not in my pursuit of this
Brandon Garcia
LOL fucking pathetic
Aaron Nelson
Jack Flores
Aiden Taylor
lefty skanks are known for not washing their vaginas properly, so the room probably reeks like dumpster juice in 100 degree heat.
Kevin Garcia
Go back to your ski lodge, alp nazi!
Jason Edwards
Staged opposition. 90% of people don't care or know who Kavanaugh is other than people who share libertarian and Trump Facebook pages like Shapiro, Sargoy, or anything that has "facts" in the name. Essentially, it's /ptg/ fans hyping up nothing.
Your average liberal woman only cares about depression, anxiety, shitty memes, soundcloud niggers, polynamorous relationships, and anti-slut-shaming. None of them watch the news or follow any of these bread and circus clowns in DC with suits.
Jaxson Watson
Women need to STFU
Oliver Baker
Asher Jackson
based benito giving her a look
Austin Bell
Why do they always get naked. WHY.
Dylan Roberts
At least one of them upheld her proper hippie principles and kept her pubes.
The other one...
>I hate men!
>but I shave my pubes to please them!
Liberal whores, not even once.
Jaxon Diaz
what is this supposed to even achieve? what message are they trying to convey? i don't get it
Aiden Wood
Attention in hopes to attract orbiters to give them money for their bullshit, or get the attention of the hippy shirtless guy with dreadlocks they crush on and who also supplies them with drugs.
Nicholas Sanders
god's work, user
Matthew Rivera
1. they'll never breed
2. the'll never have high self worth due to being shunned by the opposite sex
i dont know on which planet landwhale feminists think rapists are lusting over the bottom of the barrel women for reproduction
Andrew Anderson
men don't really prefer that closely shaved look most of the time. she is a victim of media manipulation.
Christopher Long
exhibitionism is a hallmark of the left
One of the most confused women I know was repeatedly molested as a child. The resulting whoreishness, sexual neediness and exhibitionism she's stuck with as a result totally war with her intellect, work ethic, sense of responsibility and general conservatism. Literally voted for Reagan and Bush, will probably vote for Trump next time.
Glad I didn't marry her, but glad we stayed friends as it's been interesting to watch her age.
Dominic Peterson
they're literally trying to harness the power of their vaginas.
what's really happening is that their biological clocks are going fucking wild and their brains are so fucked up they can't make the connection and instead take retarded detours like such.
Nicholas Price
That's my impression as well. I certainly don't dig it. Trimmed and neat is fine but shaved is just weird to me. Especially if the woman in question is a feminist.
Austin Jones
A whole generation was raised on participation awards, and as a result there are 30 year old children literally screaming when they don’t get their way.
Ryder Reed
this idea that women need to spend hours making themselves up for men is pure fiction invented by women to justify their vanity. we all know that men prefer lower-maintenance women who take care of themselves but aren't overly obsessed with it.
Landon Adams
.75 cal rounds and flamethrowers.
The infected are getting more and more brazen in public as the Femin Virus spreads in the population.
Cooper Harris
I love shaved, I also like trimmed. My ball hair flies free with the wind
Ayden Butler
>that Dio pose on the left
Cameron Nguyen
Easton Bell