Why is Reagan a darling of the right/repubs when he was one of the worst presidents we ever had?

Why is Reagan a darling of the right/repubs when he was one of the worst presidents we ever had?

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Romney would have been even worse. at least the republicans fought kenya boi, if Romney would have won, republican would have let him ban what ever he wanted

This entire board is run by hasbara. Take a look at /ptg/, some of the most inorganic posting I've ever seen in my life. It almost feels like automated responses being posted, and the threads move so fast. Does no one question why that is? They shill for one zionist neocon after another and no one bats an eye. What the fuck happened to this place?

This isn't FreeRepublic, nobody engages in Reagan worship except Boomers.

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Short answer: priorities.
Long answer: he made concessions to democrats that got things done for the nation as a whole that were much more important.

>yay 10 scoops of triple ripple freedom
>30 years later
>omg we didn't get sprinkles and they took away cherry flavor

He made the drinking age 21. What a cunt.

Reagan was a liberal masquerading as a conservative, he definitely cucked America somewhat in regards to gun and abortion laws but overall he was still one of the best presidents of the 20th century

The economy and the Soviet Union's collapse happening right after he left office.

Carter was the best presidential model since Truman. Reagan's brain melted. You can't really compare.

He's a darling of conservacucks.

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Let's just gloss over the fact Reagan's amnesty killed California. Pic related California went from 66% White to 57% in 1990.

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>muh purity spiral
Don't go to war, sometimes your guys die

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He's a RINO icon - true conservatives understand your point, except for the Obama part. Obama simply wasn't able to accomplish anything.

What did Reagan achieve that was worth the destruction of California?

Shitty president, even shittier governor. Reagan single-handedly fucked over the entire state of California. California wouldn't have anywhere near the amount of (((gun control))) that it has now without that Neocon piece of shit.


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I'm not sure he's really an icon for the right/conservatives, but maybe for republicans.

Reagan was responsible for flooding the streets with crazy minorities that should've been in mental institutions and he was also responsible for our illegal immigrant problem.

Typical hollywood piece of shit, to be honest.


Fuck you spic

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The final redpilled is realizing that Trump is the best Republican prez in a long long time.

>amnestey to the illegals
>gave manufacturing to the Chinese
Bush Sr
>read my lips to new taxes, raised taxes
>lied about the Iraq war

TRUMP is a godsend.

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because boomers are worthless

To be fair, Dems over rode Bush Sr's veto for the tax increase

Reagan gave away California to the Democrats in perpetuity.

kys fag

You don't understand the definition of purity spiral. Stop using phrases just because you see them here.

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I ask the same question.
>No-Fault Divorce
>Amnesty which permanently turned CA blue
>Gun Control Act 1986
>Closed mental institutions

Fuck this Alzheimer fuck.

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Typical Republicans are too stupid to remember earlier presidents who actually accomplished something other than turning California blue for the next 50 years (before the southern half declares itself part of Mexico).

fuck you that spooked me

Literally because he brought the Jesus freaks back into power temporary

Boomers only care about the economy.

It wasn't about whether Reagan was good or bad. People absolutely had fun when Reagan was in charge. Shitty or not. People had fun. And they liked that.

He was an actor. He fooled boomers from both sides of the political spectrum, created trickle down jewconomics where the kikes above us piss all over us, and he enabled the neocohens and allowed many of them in his administration and made it the GOP platform.

I’m glad he’s dead. An actor with Alzheimer’s and he’s a conservative icon. Press S to spit on his grave. Fuck this guy’s memory. I hate him.

Do you honestly disagree that Carter is the best model for a post-presidential citizen since Truman?

Or are you just an 18 year old idiot who doesn't understand context yet?

>Obama simply wasn't able to accomplish anything.


Fucktards on this board do not remember the 70's. You have no idea what suckage was. Every second under Carter was like a year under Obummer. Reagan literally made America great. Was he naive? Yeah, he trusted democrats and believed in "reasonable gun control" which is utter bullshit but lest we forget someone did try to shoot him.

>muh spic in CA
>muh Lebabon
>muh gun control

He fucking saved the country. That's why we love him.

>inb4 boomerfag

Do you honestly think that Carter isn't the best model for a post-presidential citizen since Truman?

Or are you just an 18 year old idiot who doesn't understand context yet?


>solar panels in the white house
>oil problems
>stupidly naive foreign policy
>record number of minorities in state jobs bcaus muh diversity
>couldnt handle congress despite a Democratic majority

again, kys faggot

no one cares who you like to fuck, gridboy
the question was can you think of a better model than Carter for post-presidency behavior

can you even read? I've been to BA and I thought you guys were white and proud.

Jimmy Carter is by far the best POST PRESIDENCY model since Truman. Can you even fucking read this and argue against it?

And the reason Brady was shot eas because Reagan wasnt supposed to last a year.

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>Carter was the best presidential model since Truman. Reagan's brain melted. You can't really compare.
is this or is this not your post you shitlord?????

yet again, kys faggot

one post by this id

your shitskin is showing

all you have to do is Ctrl-F my ID
you obviously agree with me and are trying to get off on some imaginary technicality

you were trying to jew your way off the topic by insulting me after changing the question , admit it and fuck off. I dont care for his post presidency, and never disputed it

Carter is literally the best US president since Truman.

Can you name another president who is better?

Trump is literally taking guns away from people that are deemed unsafe.

Can you imagine if Obama did that?

Just goes to show you how fucking dumb these midwest yeehaws are.

Fuck you and leave this thread. We're talking about icon, not catty Trump vs Obama shit.

Check my previous post for my criticism on him. what is more, forgot to mention iran hostage crisis, which showed his weakness even more.

>Can you name another president who is better?


Furthermore, yes Argentina is a shithole full of niggers thanks for stating the obvious.

PD: got doubles twice, your argument is invalid.

I smell dumbfuck millennial.

>one of the worst presidents we ever had?

When his wife and her physic ran the nation due to his Alzheimer disease things improved.

Cause he was awesome before bush shot him and took power.

He botched the Iran hostage crisis.

Why do you keep resisting the fact that being a model president is more about what you do after you were in government than what you did while you were in government?

Reagan doesn't count because his brain melted. He might have been better than Truman and Carter, but we'll never know.

Also "Brain melted" isn't a bad thing, it's just a description. My own grandfather's brain melted in the same way.

It ended on his inauguration day, retard.

it ended on Reagan's inauguration date, retard

Every president does stupid shit in retrospect.

Carter is the GOAT since Truman because he got the fuck out of politics and went back to being a citizen. This is literally all that matters yet it's so rare that no one has done it since Carter.

Let me try to understand you user, you´re saying that what you do as a president doesn't matter, that what truly matters is what you do with your personal life after you are a president????

Reagan is a Meme.

He gave us Blue California and the 2 worst supreme court justices possible,

We have to go back to before WW2 to find a true republican president.

The last 50 years were shit to be honest.

Reagen is certainly better than a lot of Presidents, but I've always found the way people worship him annoying. I have noticed it's more of a boomer thing, though.

*have been

Carter backtsabbed Taiwan in the back by breaking our treaty with Taiwan in favor of Communist China.

I agree, fuck populists

Reagan even admitted in his farewell was that his biggest regrets were accidentally nominating 2 super life supreme court justices.

You can't forgive mistakes like this to be honest.

whoever did that should've made an alt version where a hot woman comes out naked. that way you never know which one you're getting when that is posted.

Question: Why does the tired left use meme generator almost a decade after it's inception?

Seems like an office space op.

well user i mostly dont give a fuck about what they do with their life after their time in office.

why should i?

Reagan burns in hell for surrendering California (and by extension the west coast) to the illegal hoardes

nonsense. are you 12?



This is my original comment, unedited.
>Carter was the best presidential model since Truman. Reagan's brain melted. You can't really compare.
Of course what you do as a president matters.
But what you do AFTER matters even more.

George Washington is the prototype. Truman and Carter follow this. No one else since Truman and Carter follow this, excepting perhaps Reagan who was already braindead by the time he left office. So we'll never know.

He was the first tool president

The cold war was a thing. I grew up in the 80's so I got to see TV specials like "The Day After" and other bullshit that constantly reminded my classmates and I that it just took a couple of politicians from different countries to fart the wrong way to provoke the end of the world.

- Iran Hostage Crisis
- Trickle down economics
- "Mr Gobachev, tear down this wall."

He was a big deal. He had some major fuck ups, but he did some key things that the country absolutely needed at the time. Honestly though, Carter doesn't get nearly enough credit for forcing Began and Sadat to cut a peace deal at Camp David or face the consequences of revoked USA support to their nations. He played both of those gents fucking hard and pushed a win.

That part, I will never deny or forgive.

>What the fuck happened to this place?

What is with you fucking newfags making proclamations like this?

>sold weapons to terrorists
>basically created the Taliban
>granted amnesty to illegals, created the flood of mass immigration
>passed unconstitutional Firearm Owners Protection Act, which made it a lot harder to buy guns, and banned awesome army-tier full autos
>made divorce possible in literally any context, enabled roasties to divorce men for stupid reasons and get half their money
>gave executive power to a member of the B*sh family
Reagan literally did more for the cultural Marxist left than Bill Clinton did, and yet Boomercuck republicans still suck his dick 24/7. Why does anyone still respect him?

>We have to go back to before WW2 to find a true republican president.
what about Ike?

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the fuck, how is that even possible? this guy is awesome! Why doesn't Trump do that?

Ike the kike
He starved over a million innocent Germans to death after the war in a real concentration camp. He’s a race traitor. Kin slayer

Because muh alzheimers

becUse: propaganda.

remember how they try and convince you the overton window has shifted left since Reagan?

you can tell anyone who says that to fuck off because they're stupid pinheads.


Where are ya when we need ya, Ike?!

He actually had dementia when he took office?

neocons agree to promote Reagan and turn him into a folk hero if he supported their agenda, which he largely did

Zionists use Raegan's corpse as a false idol to trick boomers into voting against their interest