Are Irish people "white"?

Are Irish people "white"?

Attached: Nigger tier.jpg (686x723, 147K)

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nope, the irish have smaller brains

mcgregor is welsh.

Yes, white niggers!

These kinds of pictures are the dumbest shit imaginable and make race realists look like idiots.

They are potato niggers

A-are Italians white? Asking for a friend.

how did you get a lower quality of the top pic if you were obviously in /sp/?

how is brain shape dumb?

t. Paddy

Only in America

Irish nigger.

goddamn, i just looked up Ireland's average IQ and it's 92. that's spic tier... wtf.

t. Potato nigger

Irish here. Not a chance. I have a nigger dick and a anglo brain.

Attached: gibs.png (1232x822, 52K)

Sage and report board rule violations friends

Stip trying to divide us Achmed. He's white and he's going to crack your boy so hard he'll speak Yiddish

>Green ID

Spot the potato nigger

Imagine a nigger that skins white people and ears their skin.
Thats an ir*sh"man"


Actually it looks like they are represented here as having Neanderthalic principles, which means they would have larger brains, but maybe different parts or the brain are larger than others making them intelligent but different in behavior than people with less Neanderthal dna

Stop being a fucking faggot. Embrace your potato nigger side. You can out drink, out fight, and out fuck any real whites. Irish are the master race.

based pasta nigger.

No one 'ear' skin down under then?

Whiter than you Chang Zhao

McGregor is the lowest possible sample of the Irish gene pool. If he wasn't famous he'd be some unknown scumbag in Dublin who'd be offed by some petty gangster, a preferable timeline to this one. This country has as many subhumans as any other.

The Irish are kawaii hobbits.

Woodley has a dent in his head. Probably from this

Attached: 097D48ED-114A-4B11-BA8C-D7C8689A1664.gif (400x215, 997K)

Attached: youre not white.png (1500x2656, 727K)

No I'm a potato negro I'm afraid.

Not joking but i always saw the irish as being budget British.
They are half of everything an Anglo or Scot is.
They are the like the low level npcs you slaughter when you roll Anglo class.

He's right. The cartoon is from Harper's weekly and is meant to basically say that Irish are so uncouth and unintelligent they are basically animals, or niggers.

The Harper's weekly images are distrubted by leftist to represent race realism. When in fact it has nothing to do with actual science and the reality of race, and is simply making fun of Irish people by comparing them to blacks.

Attached: download (3).jpg (500x507, 75K)

Would you all chill the fuck out on this race-division bullshit? You didn't build Rome. You didn't walk on the moon. If you want to help your country/race/whatever, go actually accomplish something instead of trying to take credit for your ancestors' accomplishments.

Attached: Average.jpg (980x4016, 529K)

Mc Gregor is a Dalriada name west Scot and some Pict and Scandi.

That was a vicious flurry, reminds me of Lawlor v Trigg ko

>Are Irish people White


Attached: IQ_by_country.png (791x702, 172K)

They brought friendship to American and German soldiers during WW2 tho

>beats turkey
>loses by 1 point to israel

good enough lol

All the African countries at the bottom HAHAH

all the smart ones got out, unironically. Kavanaugh is irish so were the beatles, are they also retarded?

Old ass anglo propaganda - Protip: they dehumanized the French and Germans/Central Europeans as well.

Stop these D&C slide threads, don't respond to them, sage them

friendly reminder calling any european people 'non-white' is a jewish trick of divide and conquer

Attached: 1534622751305.png (3800x1904, 715K)

Ah little Bangladesh! Hello from Ireland!

Is that Stephen Thompson?

Wow, english slave moralists tried to find something more shit than them and had to contract a shitty artist.
Cucked monarchists really showed them.

Attached: knives.jpg (683x1024, 226K)

The only post that matters in this thread

No. Period.
Plastic paddies will deny this.
If you aren’t old-stock WASP, you aren’t American, either.


WASP ameribros can visit any time

Attached: 1525809656542.jpg (850x400, 71K)

I mean, we're genetically identical. Cept for rape babies in the SE.
Cornwall is pure Brythonic.

I have a head like Conor and I'm Polish.

Irish, 140 IQ. Have a lovely weekend!

What's your opinion on Scousers?

Attached: till-thompson.jpg (2056x1536, 586K)

Can't tell if a black or a jew started this post..
but a true aryan is of austrian and irish blood.

how can you compare that to that fucking monkey on the right. That is insulting

Whats the weather like in boston seamus

lolno they are not sorry

Don't advertise STEM
play stupid


This one is mixed with abbo

Or a Melbournite self hating hipster in St Kilda

Genetics aren’t the issue. Culture is. Irish culture, in every way it’s different from general British culture (Which isn’t much), is terrible.
And they’re proud of that. And they hate us. And those filthy Papists don’t belong in my country.
My brother. Feel free to visit, but remember that we’ve been ruined, so don’t judge us too poorly.

John Jay and Alexander Hamilton's ancestors were not Anglos. Are they also subhuman?

Tiocfaidh ár lá

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Irish to Anglo is the same as Slav to German , like cheap, low-res version.

The cool thing about us Irish is that:

1. We don't care. We are Irish.

2. We are Catholic so we don't have your Anglo existential problems.

3. We can claim historical oppression.

This destroys (((Jow Forums)))

Attached: dab.png (516x592, 84K)

uh no
they look like chimps
see pic related

Attached: ferrell-reilly.jpg (618x412, 58K)

Irish are like Arabs , while anglos are like Jews. Genes might be similar, but all other stuff - not.

Look at you so angry you double dipped
Cultural Christianity made Europe. Protestant work ethic made empires. Do not however shame Catholicism. Protestantism is cucked.
Orthodoxy Catholicism and Copt lads are keeping it real. The bulwark

Huguenots, Scottish, and Dutch are perfectly good. When did I say anything against them? All North Sea Protestants from before Independence are old-stock and true Americans.

Which branch of Protestantism do you mean?

Newfags maybe
keep that shit underwraps Paidraig.
(((refugees))) will invade you

nobody has responded because true

Attached: 517BC3A8-2E10-4DFD-9376-F80AAFFF16E8.jpg (900x492, 65K)

And Dalriada was built by the Scoti that came over from Ireland and were part of the Uí Néill.

>muh heritage

unless you were born in ireland you arent irish, CLUCK!!!

French and Germans are not white either. Germans especially

Tell em'

Scousers are a mix of English, Scottish, and Irish.

So you are literal opresse untermensch and diddling catholipedos are not a problrm

Eva Brunne Svensk lesbian bishop selling church halls to make mosques?
That Protestantism

>be the literal peak of human development
>point out your superiority in objective terms
>inferior races get buttblasted
>poetry a la potato niggers

Attached: 1538740383930.gif (507x596, 228K)

White but low-tier. Sort of like Thais and Filipinos are to Japanese and Koreans. Same for Eastern Europeans.

That's just stupid. Every good friend I've had turned out to be Irish or Part Irish. We were either raised with similar values or blood runs thicker than water.

Potato niggers.

It’s Lutheranism

Communists took over the Church and are a problem. This is changing.

As someone who is 1/16th Irish, I find this offensive.

It was like that all the time.

Ireland has a higher GDP per capita than the UK
and a higher HDI
and a higher IQ in recent studies (i.e.: not Lynn)

All Protestantism is Luther

anyone who says otherwise is retarded


There, there, get it all out

No. Angelicanism is a meme thing, while Calvinism is hardcore. Lutherans are fags.

And a higher HDI ->

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>As someone who is 1/16th Irish, I find this offensive.

Attached: 1526598464444.png (744x650, 184K)

woah there

>t. tax haven