Is this a sign God hates americans and he loves instead the taliban?
Americans keep losing in Afghanistan
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Everyone loses in Afghanistan. Even the Afghans.
Everyone loses in Afghanistan. It's a tradition dating back to the Mongols. We're just there for the opium and rare earth metals anyway.
Came to post this.
Afghanistan is like Vietnam, many countries and empires before the US tried to rule over it and they all got BTFO'd
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>Everyone loses in Afghanistan.
is this a divine sign that the afghans are blessed by the universe and in harmony with nature?
truth. That country is full of inbred retards. Anything short of genocide and colonization will be a failure. We can kill Taliban all day long, but without a functional government and civilized people, there is no hope for Afghanistan.
Nah. it's a sign that their peoples value their tradition and land too much to be subservient to another. Good on them, really. I wish more whites got that today.
I call bullshit it's not about winning or losing, they're forcing Arabs to evolve through warfare. Sadly the U.S doesn't care about its troops dying, as long as the Arabs evolve that's all that matters.
what (((rule))) did he break?
Made you butthurt?
You're a moron.
Somehow correct but also a moron. I think it's your prose.
No, as I said even the Afghans lose in Afghanistan.
Nobody wins in Afghanistan. Its the grave of empires for a reason.
It's just a sign that marines and soldiers aren't as badass as America makes them out to be. They're good, but they're human just like us. They bleed just like we bleed. Afghans don't even have artillery and they're still using Lee Enfield rifles from world war 1. It just goes to show how well a guerilla force can do against a military.
I think God hates you because women are allowed to vote in the usa
>Afghans lose in Afghanistan
they're not real afghans then
Former U.S. Paratrooper fag here
>inb4 zog puppet
I loved killing dune koons but it’s not that we’re “losing” the war
We haven’t been allowed to Win. Muh collateral damage and le hearts and minds bullshit always gets in the way.
Of course, I now understand the war continues and is effectively unwinable because the Military Industrial complex wants to keep the wheel turning and the money flowing, the the Rothchilds finance both sides.
But if we were left to our own devices, and allowed to fight without mickey mouse gloves, the war would be over before POTUS45 ran for re-election.
Or Afghanistan would be a heeping pile of slag. No one has the stomach for Total War.
Given the opportunity American Hard Dicks would carve a lesson into the race memory of those shitnskins and 10 generations from now their people would shudder to think at what we did.
Carthage Must Be Destroyed.
-t. Infantry fag
The land was mean't for peace, trade, diplomacy and reconciliation.
The Korengal is a crazy place fren
I know many Afghans here. They aren't winning if they come to this dump!
Nicely said.
The ruins of Alexander the Great’s citadel still exist along Ishkander’s road in Ghazni, they have the ring of inevitability and failed foreign hubris
he hates me for the color of my skin
>I know many Afghans here. They aren't winning if they come to this dump!
they're the fake afghans expelled from Afghanistan
We could easily win in Afghanistan, but the world has all these stupid rules for war and normies and liberals think we shouldn’t use nukes or use weapons of mass destruction to win
If there were no rules, we would have glassed and genoicde the whole fucking country
why dont we leave or declare war
occupying is a meme
Did you win by escaping to Romania?
>But if we were left to our own devices, and allowed to fight without mickey mouse gloves
this is the single most cringeworthy post i have ever read
US troops rely on trained afghan soldiers. Taliban run circles around them
We all love the chadiban.
i never claimed to be an afghan
Afghanistan is a place so shitty, people would rather become jihadis and die rather than be alive there anymore.
That's not really the fault of the Afghan people, they've had 50 odd years of war, russian commies turning the population against eachother, paki ISI funded taliban blowing up schools, hospitals, marketplaces, etc, (((CIA))) funded conflict to maintain poppy/opium black cash crop.
The Afghan war effort could end quickly if Trump named the CIA niggers, Paki's, Iranians, Arabs, Israelis, treasonous US Generals, and Russians funding and arming the warlords to keep the defense money flowing.
Then why are you shilling for them? Though to be fair most "Afghans" here are Tajiks and Hazaras.
No it means this guy is right.
We can smell you from here
It’s cold in Afghanistan senpai
>Then why are you shilling for them?
for the lulz
>America isn't in Afghanistan on behalf on Big-pharma
Afghanistan is a permanent war that various empires send their troops to when they haven't got any other wars going on so they can get real combat experience.
Yes, God does indeed hate Amerikwa. It soon fails and the great Pedo Patriots shall rise.
P.P. Power!
I know a Russian man settled down in Afghanistan. He's doing great, has a loving Afghan wife and many beautiful kids, perhaps he is Afghanistan's only winner!
wars are for money now, not victory and conquest. sucks
...POPPY SEED now shut the fuck up about a war
We are in Afghanistan to antagonize Iran and prepare for the inevitable invasion.
I shill for the Turkmens since I am of Nogai descent.
There are way better nasheeds than that man.
1/10 not dank
The taliban did not defeat the USSR. The effort was spearheaded by Ahmad Shah Masoud who was a Mujahideen. He commanded the Northern Alliance which was a federated group of various warlords, tribe leaders, etc.
Their jihad was also bankrolled by the US and Arabs, most famous being Osama bin Laden, who assisted in the war efforts and was even trained by the US. Taliban didn't even exist until after the defeat or the USSR.
In this current day, most taliban groups are paki's, they are funded by ISI, who are in turn controlled by (((CIA))).
That was a great day, I drank beers and watched the news reactions was comfy
Trump for months has been working a deal with the Taliban, it's all over the news.
They've been meeting in Qatar.
Afghanistan war is almost over, all the fighting you hear about is 'ISIS' there right now
>Everyone loses in Afghanistan.
Every now and then a warlord uses it to take over India and get rich
>i'm not a fucking complete moron
Also this. The Taliban delegation meeting in Qatar with Pompeo was unprecedented. They will likely get their own province, with autonomy in exchange for the end of the war.
They may be boy fucking fagots but you have to give it to them they are determined they deserve the win.
Also highly suspicious that Zawahiri or w/e his name is, has never been caught.
Because he runs the Al-Nusra (or w/e they are now called) terrorist CIA group in Syria.
That guy is such a CIA agent it's not even funny anymore, like the US couldn't easily catch his ass at anytime
Based on my analysis of Trump, what will happen is he will prop up a merciless dictator there to keep order and give the Taliban an autonomous region, provided they end poppy production. They end poppy production and you'll see Trump have them for a white house dinner, no joke.
>Muh isreal and muh oil
But then you become a Poo and lose as a result.
>They will likely get their own province
it's all or nothing. they made it extremely clear.
They are helping to produce heroin there you stupid fuck.
the amount of times he has turned up dead makes me think he is the alphabet soup biggest inside joke.
this is a meme spread by smelly sign holders.
it makes zero sense.
they can make 1000x more potent stuff much cheaper in a lab.
it's not about a stupid plant.
I know what's it's about btw.
it is a fucking retarted myth that afghanistan was never conquered. It was conquered by half of the world indo-aryans, greeks, sake, kushan, arabs, persians, turks, mongols, timurids, mughal and other people. Most afghans are descendants of some invaders which settled there in the last 1500 years. Tajiks speak persian which is from west iran, hazara are mongols, uzbeks are from mongolia and only pashtuns speak a language which exited there in the pre-islamic age but ultimately pashtun language is indy-european and also not native
They legit are still negotiating with Trump/Pompeo though. I'm sure Trump has given them the standard speech of 'I don't give a fuck what you do in this shithole country, how can we come to an arrangement where you never fuck with us again and I'll leave here so fast you can go back to whatever degeneracy you see fit for this profitless dump'.
>They legit are still negotiating with Trump/Pompeo though
so is kim. but that doesn't mean he'll ever get rid of his nukes.
We needed to flood the country with troops and break these goat fuckers spirit, but they wouldn't let us fight the war the way it should be fought
T. Marine
That's just rhetoric, the Taliban have been asking for meetings for a long time. Ceasefires are not uncommon, the problem is the Taliban is not one monolithic group. There are many different Taliban groups funded and armed from different sources who attack each other for territory.
Most poppy production is controlled by CIA, though I won't doubt some farms are controlled by taliban
true, taking over India gives you wealth for a few generations, but then another warlord out of afghanistan kicks your ass and takes India
now you're a poo, you smell like shit, and you don't even have wealth and power any more
Afghanistan has been conquered many times, but the country is like a lion, you may be able to get it in a cage but you can never tame it. I have hope for the country, particularly with Trump at the helm.
Afghanistan became a failed state already prior to soviets, taliban or nato. After the silk road, trade with india and irrigation collapsed after the mongols genocided central asia and britains took india afghanistan had no economy and felt backward. The country is fucked because it is landlocked and has the worst corruption in the world
ironically the harappa culture in ancient India had some kind of canalisation but it collapsed in the Bronze Age already
I would bet money that Trump doesn't give a shit about the nukes, and will agreet to slow walk full disarm because everybody knows how Qadaffi went down. Nobody will ever go non nuke again after that shitshow.
What he wants is for N. Korea to stop their bullshit and join the money club because peace is more profitable than war. "Kim baby, end the war, keep a few nukes because I won't be POTUS forever but join the club and get paid stop being a cuck to China, buy our shit instead". Imagine if the US worked with North Korea under no restrictions, there's literally shitloads of untapped resources there and gagillions for US companies to exploit instead of Chinese exploitation, which is far more ruthless. Kim probably knows what's up too, China will just take everything
Afghanistan is based and you're a hairy sausage eating sissy
Muhammad was a white boi too fool
get dabbed on by your prophet bitch
trump is a retard and kim is fucking with america.
turned it into a laughingstock .
And you are a gay gypso-tajikian bacha baz
It's the sign that Americans need to stop fighting for the jews
I hope they slaughter as many kike mutts as possible.
you better stay inside on the night of the new year,fag.
No one in the world likes you fucking Gypos
>whos computer did you steal to post this
>go back to the circus you fucking animal
First, North and South leaders are are openly talking about ending the war between N/South formally. That alone is a major breakthrough nobody thought would ever happen. Kim knows China and Russia are fully cucking him, something like 1/3 of N Korea is cheap labour for those countries and Kim can either continue to get cucked or take Trump's sales pitch he gave him to join the player's club. What would you choose
Afghanistan is going exactly like nam.:;
Some US troops have a pillbox, some sheep hearder troops with a rifle takes a few potshot at the US, spending a few dollars in rifle ammo, the US calls in a air strike for $70,000, by which time the riflemen are long long gone.
repeat repeat repeat.
and its like nam too because they wont go into Pakistan, so they have a safe zone to organize and resupply. They could do this for 30 years.