Blue checkmark mob are going after Avenatti on Twitter

Including Maggie Haberman NYT. They're blaming him for fucking everything up lol

PT 1

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PT 2

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PT 3

He's spamming the same response now

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Pay attention to which ones stick with him vs oppose him and you will see where there are pressure points in the MSM machine

Here's a blue check mark that is still Pro-CPL

PT 4

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no one ever said being a double agent was easy.

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>...and on this thousandth episode of: Leftists Eating Their Own




Who knew cannibalism could be so hilarious.

Saudis (ones opposed to Trump, not MBS-related) have him bought and paid for already

This. He's almost certainly working for Trump, no one could be as stupid as he's been acting

Just wait for Nov. 8th. Twitter mob will actually be going after Feinstein and the like themselves in the aftermath of the Red Tsunami

More internal struggle for the Democrats. Wonderful. I wouldn't be so happy if not for the fact that the elections are just a few weeks away, this shit will stick to them like a dog shit. Very well played Democrats, very well.

That guy's name is literally J. Virtue

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It was only really a matter of time before they started to blame him. Libs are going to slowly radicalize.
Won't be much longer now. Any more and they might just become a violent mob.

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Guess again fucko

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Excellent point. Avenatti must be supported during this time of peril.

When communist governments fail it becomes a lethal game of hot potato

Twitter was a mistake. If I was publicly recognized individual last thing in world I would do is allow my name be attached to one of their accounts.

Or not, I guess.

>no one could be as stupid as he's been acting

That's where you're wrong bucko

4 weeks and they certainly will.

wtf i like CPL now

Oh God. Today is a good day.

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I haven't seen someone's political aspiration sink this fast since Zuckerburg

4 more weeks of losing this badly, I'd say,

Love it when these fags turn on each other

that's why he a double agent

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i never tire of reruns of this show

>Maggie Haberman NYT.
There was a BBC documentary about the NYT and trump which featured Haberman quite a lot. She is at the NYT primarily because she knew trump from being a social circuit gossip columinist. The moments in the documentary where you see her one on one show there isn't much going on behind the eyes, she's what the boomers would call a NPC. Thinking that someone working at the NYT gives them any sort of intellectual credibility is nonsense.

I will never doubt the NPC meme again. Just look at these little automatons go.


About two weeks ago Jow Forumseddit was going on about how much they loved Avenatti and how he should run for president.

i love seeing them have that empty logic thrown back that them
>how absolutely dare you question this survivor!?
>she's a survivor because of the alleged incident. the alleged incident must be believed because she's a survivor

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so did that retard really get trolled by the chinz?

Styx running for governor of Vermont comes to mind. That lasted for a day or two

>He's almost certainly working for Trump
Come on, I want to see Dems claiming it. Those of you with twitter sock-puppet accounts, start spreading the rumor.

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He's really bad at everything it seems
Bought and paid creepy porn loser

He always says survivors everywhere but there were rape survivors supporting kavanaugh so I don't understand this line of thinking.

I meant the elections are in roghly 4 weeks. Democrats are going to lose. It's not news to me, I saw this trend forming for months now in the polls, but for them it's going to be tough, really tough. The violent mob reaction is certainly a possibility just after the elections.
It all depends how cold it's going to be, no joke, and if it's warm for November then we will se the mobs on the streets.

The NYT is a joke nowadays. It used to be the most respected paper in the world.

Wait, so now they're saying they don't believe women?

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kikel avenatti ended his career lol what a retard

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he's not in their jew club. this is great.

They, as always, don't bother with logic. They feel bad so they hate whoever.


They say whatever they believe to most politically expedient at the time. They don't believe in anything except advancing their own selfish interests.

This! Also start attacking him for being a "fucking white male" and not leaving this fight to the ladies. Accuse him of hi-jacking the "me too" movement for his own self promotion.

Satanic trips checked, riots incoming

Who else here unironically thinks Avenatti is controlled opposition paid by Trump? He's just been so beneficial to our side.

nice trips.

they'll moan and wail for 48 hours and probably try to rally another pussy march, but it will quickly fade with winter's cold and they'll sulk for months, feeling defeat. it will no longer feel like it's worth the effort and politics will cease to be trendy.

no one likes to be on the losing side.

i wondered if they'd figure it out

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yeah, this is the issue, certainly not Ford's uncorroborated testimony that even her best friend said was bullshit

i've felt that way the entire time. Stormy Daniels for sure is hired by Trump. look back on that entire saga and ask yourself who benefitted? the left wasted all their energy attacking him on that story instead of formulating more effective and beneficial attacks. he paid her all right - they just haven't figured out yet what he paid her FOR hahahahaa.

delicious aperitif to drown out the sill I've been ingesting watching the Dem Senators live on the floor bloviating about Kavanaugh.. a tad salty though..

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This is why I can never be on the left

They mindlessly just gravitate to whoever is giving them power, without any thought to the character behind that person

They're like pigeons who run to whoever throws bread crumbs at them

It looks like WaPo (Dave Weigel) and The Guardian (Ben Jacobs) are both still in on him. They're basically sister newspapers for the CIA network

People need to learn that word means popular vote
In this context, democrat is the right word, not democratic.

Lol creepy porn lawyer is crashing hard

I’ve always been skeptical of le “the Left will eat itself” meme. But I’m starting to believe.....and it feels good.

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The left continues to gibber madly and eat itself. Excellent. They won't recover for 5 generations after this ass raping

Amazing how quickly their principles are tossed aside as soon as it's politically expedient.

To be fair her allegations kinda set off everyones bullshit alarms.

She was pretty much one exaggeration away from claiming they let Bill Murray at her after the German Sheppards (named Hilter and Gobbells according to an anonymous CNN source)were through with her

tearing up from laughter at this point. trump vote worth all the keks

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post yfw Liberals find out Avenatti was a Trump plant all along

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He's basically trying to do a retarded CIA/Saudi funded version of a liberal Trump character. Big talker, they're having to hustle him through 30 years worth of political stunts like Trump was always pulling, and then actually attempt to feed him to the rabble as an actual competitor against Trump, thinking Trump's WWE tier followers will lap it up and that someone like Avenatti could actually pull Trump voters back over to their side by basically running him as a WWE charicature of a politician/lawyer/IRL shitposter. But that will never work

they go ham on each other now... my god the Trump squad is probably dying of laughter while sipping that keg off

This couldn't of happened to a more deserving piece of shit lol

Looks like CPL did his last stint of carnival barking.

There's no way to know if the woman is lying or not because they never investigated her claims.

>defending yourself against nobodies on twitter

That would probably do it. Chances are we are going to have a really cold winter season, but if it gets warmer right at election time. Oh boy.

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He's a Saudi intelligence asset. Kikes and gayrabs want open borders so they can infiltrate the U.S. and Kavanaugh is against open borders so the leftist kikes and saudis teamed up to block him. Check out Avenatti's connections to prince turki.


You hit the nail right on the head. This is a CIA nigger/Saudi anti-Trump psyop 100%. Fuck CIA niggers.

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It's part of the leftists "every woman is a rape survivor" narrative. It fits really well with their "all men are rapists" narrative, don't you think?

This is so fucking beautiful. Lol Good luck with his "presidential run"

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So this basically proves they don't believe the #believewomen crap they spout and it was all political

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Well that's interesting.

It’s an oroboros episode
>my favorite

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Sort of. It was kinda meta. I don’t think he actually fell for a larp, but still got nailed for falling for it.

Lt Dan u got legs

4D chess confirmed

The esoteric/occult symbol for auto-fellatio.

My rule of thumb is if it looks and feels contrived it probably is. Everything about the guy is a joke. They have no effective means to counter what Trump is doing

Avenatti overplayed his hands again...Ford has won until Avenatti brought the other women into the game. Sealing the very necessary doubt of her story.

Too bad for the dems, I was hoping to see Trump finally lose in this high stake game of GOT YOU. to the winner goes the spoil and the midterms.

some great memes came out of this

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Oh this doesn't surprise me at all. Deep state shill 100%. He was also involved in the Elon Musk smears.

Confirmed capeshit fag...also, you need to be over 18 to post in Jow Forums

You can always count on him to make the dems look like fools

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>denied his scotus appointment

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>Who else here unironically thinks Avenatti is controlled opposition paid by Trump? He's just been so beneficial to our side.
This sort of thinking is the mark of a retard. Everything must be controlled in order for you to feel like you understand the world. When your own side fucks up, it is because they are part of an enemy conspiracy. When the other side fucks up, it must be a friendly conspiracy. You can't handle the idea of shit being unpredictable, so you default to brainlet theories.
The world is full of idiots, some even more stupid than you. Sometimes they do stupid shit and get in over their heads.

had he not got in his own way a run for prez might have been on the table

>The three ring circus is focusing on the clowns

Popcorn time

Yep. It's too convenient for kikel avenatti to have just popped up out of nowhere and suddenly be some sort of hero to the left with all this media attention and everything else. He's like that McMuffin CIA nigger that tried running against Trump.

>I am 95% fuck Republicans and 5% fuck Michael Avenatti
>I am literally 100% hate, there is nothing good in me
It's like these people plot to make our days joyful

Nobody can do Trump but Trump. He destroys all that oppose him and it is a wonderful thing.

the left is gang raping him right now but this time its real

The left eating itself is among the greatest pleasures known to mankind

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This line of thinking is offensive to all survivors.


i thought today couldn't get any better. perfect way to cap it off