Washington, D.C

Can someone give me a QRD on Washington, D.C.? It's the swamp, it's where all the shit goes down, but is it a real city or just gov meme stuff? The population is big but not huge, the city isn't that big, there are no tall buildings, WTF goes on there? Is it just politicians and then some nog ghettos?

Attached: washington+dc+photos+%25284%2529[1].jpg (400x310, 57K)

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No tall buildings because you aren't allowed to build anything taller than the Washington Monument. FULL of niggers, kikes and screeching liberals. Nice to visit, see the sites, visit the museums. Shit to live there.

Hotels outside of the City. Powerful people get blackmailed or do initiation rituals/orgies/sacrifices.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/boards/pol.x/subject/Knowledge Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I searched it and apparently you can't build taller than the Capitol building?

I live in DC. AMA


are you mr. trump

There are some interesting pizza places around the city. I heard you even need a map.

Wut semen taste like?

>Is it just politicians and then some nog ghettos?
Yeah, pretty much. Chinatown is the only worthwhile part. Georgetown and it's area is insufferable. Dupont Circle even more-so.
Annapolis is nice. NoVa is okay, so long as you avoid Annandale and Crystal City.

>is it a real city or just gov meme stuff?
Real city, though not a huge one like Chicago or New York. Lots of affluent whites live in Arlington or Alexandria in Virginia. Some neighborhoods in northwest DC are really nice.

>there are no tall buildings
This is due to an arguably idiotic DC law that outlaws buildings any higher than the Washington monument. Means we can't have high-rises so rent prices are cray-cray.

> WTF goes on there?
Everything. Nothing.

>Is it just politicians and then some nog ghettos?
East of the Anacostia river is where the real nog ghettoes are. Plenty more people here than just politicians.

I'm white so close enough.

Don't ask questions you know the answer to.

Attached: DC_neighborhoods_map.png (1493x1700, 1.52M)

>Chinatown is the only worthwhile part.
Fucking how? Everything around the Verizon Center is infested with nogs.

Don't listen to this user. We have the worst Chinatown. It's literally one block, no Chinese people live there, and yes, it's nigger central. They just loiter around there all damn day.

as expected no one answered that Washington DC became a city-state before the 1900 which means it has it's own government, it's own laws and courts separate from the nation.

Thanks. Looks like it was supposed to be square. Did Virginia just say fuck you?

It's politicians, but mostly overpaid, fat and sassy govt workers, and defense contractors feeding at the trough ($717 billion defense budget).

Born and raised in the area btw, in the 80's it was grand theft auto live action roleplay, now it's "safe" with condos going up everywhere for wealthy foreigners to hide their money in real estate from their govts.

Everyone around here reminds you of how important they are in every conversation, i.e. "when i was at the Pentagon", "I had my staff do this...", "I'm the director of ..."


This guy understands.
DC is not even part of USA.
Why? Too much for me.
There is also a square mile of >area?
In London, Rothschild owned I assume, that is the hub of banking and not part of UK. Look it up, idgak.

>DC is not even part of USA.
And yet we still get 3 electoral votes. They're guaranteed to go to the Democratic candidate so I wouldn't mind if we lost them.

The part of DC in OP's picture is property of the Vatican

This is a deep rabbit hole I've seen thrown around before and it doesn't really hold water. I won't go all the way into it, but keep in mind that the US Congress gets a final up or down vote on every single ballot measure that passes in DC. We legalized marijuana once before. Congress didn't like it, so they overruled our vote. Then we tried again and this time they were okay with it.

It was originally square. The Virginia part used to be known as Alexandria county then in the 1840s it got retro-ceded to Virginia for something something slavery reasons. This was a huge mistake and I'm still waiting for Virginia to apologize. Come home, Alexandria.

Attached: dc.png (900x920, 1.29M)

It's hell. Traffic is terrible, everyone shuffles around like soulless lemmings, and it's extremely liberal.

Yes, exactly. Everyone forces political conversations on everyone else, always from a libtard perspective

The museums are the shit. I spent a week there mostly visiting the museums and I didn't even scratch the surface. I literally got lost in the National Gallery of Art. You know all those paintings that get posted in Western art threads? You can see a lot of them there. If you've never seen a painting in real life, computer images don't do them justice. The colors are so much more vibrant and they have texture.

Really, any of these places are all day things. The best part is they're all free, and world class shit. I'd also recommend the documents archive.

I respect Virginia for saying fuck you to the US gov and for taking the very front line in the war. According to online it also was one of the last (if not the last) states to allow multi-race marraiges.

Seems like Virginia is actually pretty based. Robert E Lee, Stonewall Jackson, etc. Why would it want to join DC?

you'll find the word "incorporation" nearing the bottom. Research the word, where it came from and what it means because that's how the world is in debt right now.
Ironically the Adam and Eve story warned us about this but humanity hasn't been taught the lesson in four centuries at least:
>The original meaning of the Adam and Eve story

That's right, the ownership carried over from an agreement made in the 1200's I believe

Yeah, I live in southern Virginia. Been to DC a few times when I was younger (my dad's from Vienna) but I avoid it like the plague now.

Aesthetics. Isn't a square so much nicer? Seriously though, the people living in NoVa today have a more powerful vote than DC. I honestly think DC is a beautiful city, and would be damn near perfect if it weren't for all the nigs and libs.

i wonder who could be behind this city

Attached: its a mystery.jpg (981x818, 516K)

Yeah it's pretty common knowledge that the freemasons had extreme influence in the city's layout.

look closer

Kek. I've lived here for three years and never noticed that.

Do you live in DC, or just the metropolitan area?

DC proper. Not far from the zoo.

>dat rotated map

Still, lel.

From what I hear, Virginia is still based but is being flooded with Maryland refugees from their own failed policies (and/aka nogs).

You got some fancy condo on Connecticut Avenue? My parents are thinking of moving over there.

Northern Virginia has some of the biggest libtards you've ever seen

It has recreational weed, but also has more law enforcement than any other city, I'm wondering how easy it is to get away with smoking a joint in public. Let's say at a city park.

woodley park here. just moved in 2 months ago. pretty nice.

Nice. Don't jump though, people care about you.

DC user.

Souless place with souless people pretty much defines it. Our darkies are pretty funny and interesting at times (Much more so than the white people) but they will stab you.

Oh and everything is expensive as fuck here, kind of like NY in that respect.

Besides the government, it's actually government contractors that make a killing here.

I live in Maryland, only a 30 minute drive to DC. So many hispanics. I don't know how the fuck they got up all the way to Maryland. Then you have asians, arabs, and nogs. Whites are a minority where I live. Jews have their own private enclaves (Bethesda).

If you want to live in a nice 70%+ white neighborhood you have to be making at least 200k+.

Where I live --

40% hispanic
15% asian
15% nig nog
10% arab
10% white
10% jew

On the surface it is a liberal multicultural dream. But living here is a nightmare. Most of you would not recognize this area as America. It is a hellscape and it is coming to you real soon.

No, got a rowhouse. That's a nice area though!

Very easy. DC police just announced they'd basically stop giving people citations for smoking weed.

Nice. You're very close to me then. It's a good area, user.

I live like 20 miles away from d.c. the city is pretty cool now with lots of places to see and activities. Its been getting gentrified the past 10 or so years and all the blacks have been moving back into their ghettos while hipster whites moving in. Downtown is pretty dope but be careful where you go in d.c cause the bad neighborhood's are very close to the good ones due to gentrification.

>but also has more law enforcement than any other city
This may be technically true, but that's only because every little government agency gets a little police force to cruise around downtown in. (Why does the US Government Publishing Office need police cruisers?) The MPD isn't nearly the force of something like the NYPD in New York City.

You also see loads of white blonde qts getting blacked.

Correction: MPD will issue citations rather than arrest smokers of the devil's lettuce

It's like this:
>you built a sprawling garden complete with irrigation, organizational systems, and beautiful installations
>one day a bunch of pests move in to the outer sections of the garden
>the inner part is untouched, and all the good things are still there
>but the outer part is a trainwreck, with a clear dividing line between the two
>you know that you probably COULD move all the important stuff, but by this point momentum is keeping you stuck.

DC is a weird town because most of the residents who are white and have money are transplants, so there is not really a local culture. People congregate to bars where they can socialize with other transplants from their hometowns.

agree. coming from NYC it was the first thing i noticed. no command presence anywhere. also their light blue uniforms make them look like meter maids.

Here's a funny DC thing I found earlier today. See if you can find the evidence.

Attached: wut.png (887x879, 211K)

Where do the few conservative people there hang out?

i heard rebellion bar.

I hated that part about NYC. Fucking NYPD in full body armor carrying AR 15s waltzing through central park. It's a bit unsettling and completely unnecessary. I say this as a gun nut who is generally supportive of the police.

Read this for a great movelized shorthand of how the nomination business gets done in the city on the hill. The movie's not bad, either.

Attached: 51hub++-QGL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (333x499, 37K)

>look up Rebellion bar
>smack in between Dupont Circle and Adams Morgan
Yeah probably not.

Clarendon Grill on Thursdays, back patio. Really, anywhere, we just hang out among ourselves. I work at a mostly white organization smack-dab in the middle of DC. My coworkers and I share alt-right videos in our work Slack.

It's dim, but there is light here.

damn bro u hiring?

yeah but then you have women getting stabbed on a run in a fairly gentrified neighborhood at 7:45pm.

Yeah I got the impression there was nowhere when I was there. It's still a cool city to visit though.

One day when I have enough money I'll start an immigration nonprofit and exclusively hire from Jow Forums

Some level of crime will happen no matter what, and I strongly suspect a cop with a sufficiently menacing club could have stopped that assault had he been present. Certainly a handgun. It's just a show of power really.

>arguably idiotic DC law
Why is it idiotic? DC is a planned city -- it was decided to BUILD a national capital instead of just picking an already established city (i.e. Philadelphia). Why on Earth would you DESIGN a city only to have it live in the shadow of Sheldon Shekelstein's skyscraper?
>rent prices are cray-cray
To keep out the trash because it's the fucking capital. All other capitals should do this.

That murder actually was a fluke though, and she really did get murdered in what's normally a safe place. It's the opposite of the Seth Rich case, who got murdered exactly when and where you'd expect.

also the same reason you can't build taller than I think 5 stories in most of Paris. It doesn't mesh with the Paris aesthetic. Building for the sake of fitting in more undesirables that Noseberg can shake down for rent money is the reason Western society is crumbling.

I said arguably. There's times I really like it. There's a beautiful architectural intersection at 16th and Columbia with all these majestic churches. That wouldn't have the same effect were there a bunch of tall skyscrapers. And trust me, I love the gentrification. DC is slowly being reclaimed by whites. If you have the money, invest in property east of the river and you'll have tons in 10-15 years when that's all gentrified.

Basically just a bunch of fed government jobs, people contracted to do work for the feds, and the people who feed them. Lots of cool museums, neat monuments, fairly clean city with not much trash or crime in the nice parts.. pretty nice city tbqh though very "uppity" and liberal to say the least..
the nog ghettos are basically no go zones though. there are some unavoidable bad places just getting in and through the city, but don't drive around them like an idiot or you might just get fucked up by some psycho on PCP or hassled by the cops for being out of place (no one goes in some parts unless they are completely fucking lost or looking for drugs)

tldr; tourists, seafood, burgers, feds, lawyers, fags, politicians, ultra diversity (most of whom are alright), and poor blacks committing almost constant crime somewhere or another.

Poor Blacks all around shady politicians in their playground selling influence.

>There's a beautiful architectural intersection at 16th and Columbia with all these majestic churches.
It's funny that you picked the Columbia Heights neighborhood because it's a prime example of where gentrification is failing. None of the development down there is panning out and cheap businesses that cater primarily to hispanics are popping up again.

Where were you when Seth Rich was murdered?


I thought we kicked you fuckers out.

The architecture comment was unrelated to the gentrification comment, but you're right. 14th especially is a shitshow. I dread going to that Target.

No joke, I was living in Bloomingdale, where he was murdered. Though I was in Virginia that night I swear.

>That much hispanic

Where do you live Gaithersburg?

That place is a myth. Everyone knows the edge of the universe is somewhere in Rockville.

Here's a poster put up in Bloomingdale in the fall of 2016

Attached: 2018-10-06 00.29.59.jpg (1036x1841, 408K)

How can you be 100% certain you were in Virginia at the time of the murder? Basic memory function indelible in the hippocampus? Were consuming alcohol to the point of blacking out? Maybe taking that photo was like a trophy documenting your misdeeds. I think we need a fair and thorough investigation.

>WTF goes on there
spooky stuff

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