And are you planning on voting for him in 2020?
Did anyone not vote Trump in 2016?
Other urls found in this thread:
Here. Stein 2016, Trump 2020
voted for him in 2016, but no way will I do it again.
Didn't vote at all in 2016 because I didn't believe Trump would follow through. I'm voting Trump in 2020 (not that it makes much of a difference in Alabama)
What's the latest update with Cuck Norris anyway?
I voted Gary "Aleppo" Johnson in 2016. We'll see what happens in 2020 - if Trump keeps up what he's doing I'll probably vote for him.
Voted Clinton to get head that night and sex in general. She ghosted me 8 weeks later when I told her Trump has all the right ideas.
me. if the vote was today I'd vote for him. I've always voted 3rd party.
I've never voted,
this will be the first time I ever vote, and you bet your ass its for Trump.
1st Generation Mexican American here, not no wyte boi
>believing this meme flag paid shill
I lived in Washington state at the time, there was no point in voting
It does when you've gotta force out that fuckstick Doug Jones.
When he first started running, I thought he was a fascist who would destroy american democracy. But I honestly think he's done a pretty good job as President, and he's entertaining so I would seriously consider voting for him in 2020.
I don’t think they’ll let us vote from the work-to-death camps the kike mob will throw us all in.
I’m sure he’ll break us free from Jewish organized crime’s cycle of financial slavery, kick all the seditious jew criminal puppets out of the country or throw them in Gitmo, arrest the all criminals from the DNC and hang them on live tv and then turn Israel into a sheet of glass before they wipe out the white race forever.
Any day now.
We’re all going to die.
You dodged a bullet, she would have made a false rape accusation if you continued
Here Johnson 2016, Trump 2020
wtf I love nigger babies now
Of course you wil especially after Trump made DACA the law by holding off on rescinding it so a (((judge))) could stop it from ever expiring.
I hesitated in 2016, but I will vote much more enthusiastically in 2020.
I know u might be data mining for the colective... but I will humor you. I did not vote for him last e. But I am definately voting for him now to combat the crazy shit I M seeing now.
I didn't vote for Trump because I was on Felony probation at the time
I'm now off of it, and a legal voter again. I will be a new vote for Trump
I wrote in Ron Paul because Gary Johnson was so much of an awful fuckwad
But this time I might vote Trump, solely because of the tax cuts he got me
Oh yes I will be voting that douche out. He won't stand a chance in a general election without 100% of the leftist propaganda machine's focus
Yeah I'm more libertarian so I would have been happy for Hillary to win and immediately crash the economy and trigger a Texas secession. Didn't vote.
But Trump is pissing off all the right people and it would REALLY piss them off if he wins again. Definitely voting this time.
voted trump for the lulz.
voting trump for the lulz.
t. Mr. Goldberg
they are going to be pressing charges
>appy for Hillary to win
same with kav nomination. either we get a decent guy in, or the right continues radicalizing.
I did not. I was strongly against him being president.... i might.
Lolbertarian 2016, will probably vote Trump 2020. I'm an Oregonfag so it doesn't matter either way
When I voted in '16 the machine wasn't counting my ballot (was like a xerox machine with a counter display). Asked boomer attendee for assistance, he thumbed through my ballot, put it through the scanner and said "you're all set". The counter still didn't go up and I pointed this out to him. He sighed, and pointed me to another machine in a dark corner and said "this one is for your district". Vote finally went through. Pretty suspect that he didn't point me to the proper machine in the first place
I wasn't old enough, I am now though.
mfw I voted for Bernie and got ill for Jill
Didnt vote in 2016. Will be voting Trump 2020 even though I’m in CA and it probably won’t mean shit.
bama here, voted green because the two party system sucks and the libertarians were basically neocons in that election cycle
How are they not getting the choice is never taken away?
They can choose to NOT have sex.
If rape, they can choose to NOT keep the child (adoption)
Both are viable options and also respects the potential life.
Win, win.
Personally Im ok with abortion, so long as it isnt used for birth control and only for medical reason, massive deformaties or zero quality of life conditions.
Oh and non whites. Non whites should be offered abortions free of charge, unless impregnated by a white. Then its back to medical necesatiy
don't get me wrong, if I was in a swing state it would have been trump all the way, but it's bama so fuck it I protest vote if I want to
Do I want to be convicted on fake sex assault charges without evidence and get buttraped in prison, or am I voting Trump? Tough choice if you aren't into the cock.
2016: would have voted for Gary Johnson if not for his pathetically weak position on immigration and his absolute lack of momentum to win with, instead I abstained from voting in favor of watching it all play out
2020: definitely voting Trump unless someone even better comes along - which I doubt will happen
I did, and I will again. Honestly, I did it just for the SCOTUS picks
I voted for him in 2016 because for some reason Stein wasn't an option for me.
Will vote again in 2020 at this rate.
This. I wanted a third party to get government funding, Pipe dream though, TRUMP all the way.
i believe there are millions of fence-sitters who will be voting Trump the next time around. You have to remember that the main concern people had about him in reality was inexperience in political realm - they weren't sure he could or would do what he said he was going to do. Now that's he's proven to be extremely effective there is no reason to doubt. Trump will be re-elected by an enormous margin in 2020.
Ok, assuming you are all telling the truth, do you think that its possible since leftists started attacking normie never trump cons that he could not only win in 2020 but also win the popular vote? Like, did Jow Forums or w/e push you more to the right or was it ythe lefts reaction that made you start supporting him. Personally i though he was an idiot for shitting on mexicans and muslims until until his polls shot way the fuck up. I voted Trudeau in 2015 here in leafistan only because i hated Harper but now I realize how much the left hates everything about me (straight white male) and will be voted for the right most party no matter who it is. Do you guys feel the same way?
Was in CA where I abstained for voting for president and zero abstainers were reported for my location. I moved to a swing state and will vote GOP until all the commies are gone. Then we'll have to deal with them.
Another lying meme flag shill. I'm surprised you guys are still doing this. Nobody here falls for it.
Stein might not be controlled op but Johnson was.
> doing well enough in polls for funding
> study comes out saying hes taking more votes from Hillary
> starts acting like a retarded lizard while his vp shills for Clinton
I definitely think it's possible. Especially since his approval rating seems to be going more up then down.
But then again, one of the reasons he won in 2016 was because Hillary Clinton was the absolute worst candidate they ever could have picked. And even then she won the popular vote.
It's just too hard to say
I have no doubt he was. Nobody can be that dumb. I doubt she was too, the left was insane about her taking Hilary's votes. Her recount was lulzy too.
Ain't that a fake account? I'm pretty sure that the real guy deleted all his shit once it hit the fan. Whoever's running that account is masterfully fucking a lot of people.
>(((popular vote)))
Come on, illegals don't count.
I don't vote, I spread memes.
I didn't vote in 2016 but I'll vote for trump in 2020, he's grown on me
Yes and no.
2016 Laurence Kotlikoff
Yes, I'll be voting for Trump in 2020
gib milkies
Ya know the booth got a curtain, ya dingus
Anything is possible, but 2016 happened because they ran the worst candidate imaginable
They would have to make a similar mistake (and looking at their roster, they just might)
If the Dems run a milquetoast candidate ala Kerry in '04 or a John Edwards type (without the adultery) they would beat Trump
I didn't vote and will never vote.
Johnson in 16, i have never voted a straight ticket in 20 + years, that all changes next month.....
Stein was not controlled, she's just a typical loony-left vote-catcher that the Dems make sure not to crush because it makes hippies feel better about themselves. they're not competent enough to ever be a serious threat. Ralph Nader was the only real threat to the Dems appealing to that group in recent memory and look how they curb-stomped his reputation.
>Did anyone not vote Trump in 2016?
I didn't. I won't vote for him in 2020 either. We need a Civil War. Not more "Conservatives". When have Conservatives actually conserved everything. Grow a fucking pair and take the Acceleration Pill. Here is how I vote and here is how you should vote:
>NEVER vote for any pay raise, increases in taxes, or infrastructure. We want shit to fall apart.
>Vote for any decrease in staff or spending for: law enforcement, education, and military. Angry and overworked cops, teachers and soldiers brings us closer to the edge.
>NEVER vote for any white people. Vote for: blacks, spics, and trannies.
>NEVER vote for asians. We want them to embrace National Socialism and hate browns/blacks.
>Vote for as many Jews as you can. I know, it hurts. But Jews can't help but Jew...They are pure Acceleration Pill as a race and they can't help it.
The sooner we collapse the sooner we can bring about National Socialism. The longer we delay the inevitable, the less white warriors we have.
lmfao. Trump will easily win re-election, everybody knows it.
They do until we get Voter ID
It's a combination of things. I think the rabid-ness and hivemindedness of the left from the election onward made it a lot easier to start rethinking some positions. I always thought of leftism as being the more englightened position, because it was more socially conscious. And that was true; the left's position on civil rights, gay rights, trans rights, etc. are still superior to the GOP. But I think it's gone too far. We have a situation where reasonable, intelligent leftists have yielded to less intelligent leftists who push for morally untenable approaches to culture, politics and society. And the intelligent left is scared shitless to say "wait, that's too far" because then they'll be cast out. "How dare you criticize someone with lived experience?!" Well, call me crazy but I think someone with a degree in economics might actually have a better idea of how to ease the urban housing crisis, healthcare, etc than a person with a GED who happens to have "lived experience". And that's a truth that all intelligent leftists know to be true, but we cannot say it out loud.
i voted for the libertarian because trump was a sure thing in my state. was trying to help get the libertarians above federal funds threshold.
>2 friends are semi liberal
>one voted for Hillary, other for Johnson
>both got raises from the tax cuts
>both refused to get insurance under obama and now have no fee to pay
>both like guns
>both cant understand why anyone voted for trump
>both make fun of right wing conspiracies but also spew leftist Russian conspiracy shit without flinching
Why can’t they just understand things?
Didn’t vote for him in 2016. I’ll probably still be a loyal subject of her majesty come 2020 so I doubt it.
Yes. Even thought I know u might be data mining...I did not vote him into office, but I will vote him to stay there in order to combat the current state of our world...
Straight red ticket this time! And probably for the next decade or so. Democrats can not be given any awards for their insane behavior.
Someone kill this fucker
Fuck off cia nigger
After watching the insane leftist mental gymnastics for the last 2 years, I fully support Democrat abortion.
If I could I would make it mandatory.
Didn't get registered in time in 2016 and they didn't accept my provisional ballot, but I'm on the Trump train and ready to go for 2020.
Good. Make sure you are registered well before the voting period.
Also try not to cast judgement on any sheboon who walks in with like 3-5 kids. Everyone else is already staring, and knows the full story.
nigger lover
>When he first started running, I thought he was a fascist who would destroy american democracy.
This is the kind of stupid shit that absolutely every politician, pundit or "guest" on the BBC says like a pre-recorded soundbite. I'd really like to ask these politically illiterate assholes what Trump has done to forcibly suppress his political opposition or citizenry. He gets verbal abuse flung at him 24 7 on Twitter and doesn't even care, an actual "fascist" would have every blue checkmark who ever criticised him visited in the night by right wing death squads.
Even though this thread is clearly data gathering kikery I’ve convinced four people who have never voted before to register and I have them all pissed at Democrats and eager to vote for Trump. The normie mind is easy to control. Abandon all hope, cia nigger.
1 post
Didn’t then, def will now
Please stop talking like a liberal.
>>Do you guys feel the same way?
I don't feel I think.
>When he first started running, I thought he was a fascist who would destroy american democracy.
I never really thought that. I always saw him as a goof who sticks his foot in his mouth way too often.
No data collecting here friend, just want to know if Trump has a chance in 2020
If CIA is really data gathering on Jow Forums I want my fucking tax dollars back.
I've been on board with him since the first primary debate.
Didnt vote for him 2016. Planning to 2020.
I cannot believe I voted for Johnson in '12. I was going to vote for the Good Dr. but felt that Johnson was going to be a better choice in terms of funding.
Didn't vote for him in 2016.
President Trump had done a good job across the board. Even though I live in California I will vote for Trump in 2020
Will vote for him in 2020
Too bad I live in California
Vote by mail, it takes five minutes
>just want to know if Trump has a chance in 2020
i voted mcmullin in 2016 and will be voting trump in 2020
dont @ me
Zina bash farting
low t-cell count again
Post more you have excellent taste sir
no in 16
no in 20
also awful taste
People on here actually voted for Hillary??
This. Never voted going for Trump 2020 at this pace