The Midterms

I want to believe the polls are fake news yet again and that the packed Trump rallies are accurate reminders of our enthusiasm and quiet strength. But the hordes in pic related and other events were not entirely paid for...between the election loss and this upcoming Supreme Court defeat, our enemy's numbers and rage appear to be genuine.

>If the left wins, they will completely undo any progress made over the past two years. If they lose again, I legitimately think there will be a long overdue bloodletting. Please assure me anons that everything is going to be all right?

Attached: Civil War 2.0.jpg (640x626, 94K)

Lol, let's talk cash

Give us some facts please

No fake news

Yes fellow anons, we have no chance, just give up and go home

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Box 1
Box 2
Box 3
Box 4

>election loss
>Supreme ourt defeat
what the fuck are you smoking?

The left will continue to grasp at only small victories at best until they re-adjust their strategy. The left has leaned far too hard on their momentum, and now that the crutches have been kicked out they can't walk under their own power, anyone who has read the art of war would recognize that never altering your strategy to changing battlefield conditions is a surefire path to defeat. The left has far greater numbers, but they fundamentally lack the organization and unity that the center-right and right-wing have in comparison, and that is their critical point of failure.

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Nowhere do I say surrender, I'm just having trouble being confident about a Red Wave actually happening this time.

vote, you fuckers

Attached: voter id.jpg (1080x720, 124K)

The post-inauguration and women's marches were huge

yea post pictures of the most liberal havens in America and expect anyone to give a shit.