The left is gonna do bad things to us when they get back in power, aren't they?

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>the left
do you ever get tired of shilling?

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There there little one

if you only knew how bad it's going to be.

Both Bush's constantly sucked up to Democrats & when Dems got in power, they stabbed them in the back anyway

Republicans are being ruthless now because Democrats were to them, no more mr. nice moral true conservative bullshit, that's going to end with Flake

Because god forbid you so much as mention libs without being labeled a shill.


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The left will have a different form, hopefully one that's less destructive

Yep. Better shoot yourself now cuckboy

Our back has been against the wall for a while
No retreat, no quarter

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Yep, which is why they cannot under any circumstance be allowed back into power.

Make Trump king or something.

implying Trump won't be Space President for 1000 years

Considering they already have all our data


No before we executes executive order sixty-six

Hopefully something bad happens and triggers day of the rope

We may have beaten the Blue Wave, but Republicans and Magapedes willfully ignore the Brown Wave.

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I'm scared of the what the world will look like after 2024...
I don't see any reason to think the Republicans will win big again if nothing gets done, which probably won't considering the pussy ass politicians in our party.

Depends on who runs in 2024. Without Trump rolling with the punches, it's going to be brutal. If dems get back in, they'll use political correctness to crush all opposition immediately

We're not going to let them get back into power.

>Depends on who runs in 2024.

This is a lame meme, because the democrats always heaped scorn on the republicans.
Nothing has changed, or will change, because treating republics like evil rapist hellspawn is what the left has always done.

Trump's presidency has red pilled so much of the nation (and the entire world). The left will have to re organize their political views, because nobody will be buying them after another 4 years of trump

sorry for the gay meme flag was trollin lel

>when they get back in power
The political climate will be a lot different in 40 years, don't be such a faggot OP

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It's funny that they think they can run Neocon garbage like Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley.

They always have and always will. The good news is there's more of us now than ever and they can't stop the avalanche. And the more crazy and unhinged their reactions to us become, the more people turn away from them. I know so many former liberal white guys who are full on fascist now

One reason libs are getting so violent is that they're about to lose power for the next few decades.


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The left is gonna do bad things because that is who they are

They won't ever get back in power. Their constant pushing of PC culture, grandstanding and virtue signalling has created more red voters than I've ever seen before. They fucked themselves.

sweetie you gone deserve all that you get 100x

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came to say this.

Yes, we should kill them before they do that.

Short of killing us there isn't much headroom left. So yea probably.

God I hope so. I'm ready to watch "our (((democracy)))" burn.

haha giving us what we want

Kek these people are nuts

Well, yeah, that's why they must not get power. Conservatives need to dig into government like leftists have dug into media/hollywood.

They’ll never truly have power though. Because at the end of the day, they’re afraid to fight. They have no guns and no brawn.

Actually forget it. These degenerates can't do shit to anyone. They are mental wrecks themselves.

This is the result of Abolishing mental asylums

Can’t get power back after we set up the camps.

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