/hue/ - Destruction of PT edition:

>Thread theme

>Latest polls:
Jair Bolsonaro (PSL): 36% (41% OF VALID VOTES)
Fernando Haddad (PT): 22%
Ciro Gomes (PDT): 11%
Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB): 7%
Em branco / nulo / nenhum: 7%
Marina Silva (Rede): 4%
Não sabe: 3%
João Amoêdo (Novo): 3%
Henrique Meirelles (MDB): 2%
Alvaro Dias (Podemos): 2%
Cabo Daciolo (Patriota): 1%

>Who's Jair Bolsonaro?
Watch this video:

Jair Bolsonaro is the front-runner in Brazil's presidential election. He is a conservative Catholic, pro-gun, a former army captain, and the only candidate with no corruption charges against him. He's looking to modernise the lethargic Brazilian economy with the aid of UChicago economist Paulo Guedes. He wants to align Brazil's foreign policy with Western nationalist governments against the influence of China and regional socialism (Venezuela and Cuba). He has a hard stance on crime and supports increasing the power of police forces and the army to tackle Brazil's drug and violence problems.

Previous thread:

Attached: bolsonaro.gif (480x480, 3.99M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>not having sex with your dad for Ciro Ferreira Gomes

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does bolsonaro like anime

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>tfw no Nathália Arcuri candidate


i hope he doesn't



I hope he does!

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I heard Mary Louise Kelly on All Things Considered today saying this man was Homophobic, Misogynistic and Racist... seems like the right man for the job.


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It's really close now to the elections, Jesus Christ

They're using the same method they used against Pres. Trump

I took the first round state polls, and uniformly distributed non-PSL and non-PT voters to create what a tied map would look like.

this probably underestimates Bolsonaro in places with strong PSDB like Sao Paulo, and might overestimate him in places like Ceara where Gomes is strong, but who knows for sure.

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Fucking british translators.

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Is there anything I can do as a burger to help my hue friends elect Bolsonaro?

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Having people play by the same rules is considered extremism nowadays.

And has good taste

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Where do you find the first round state polls for a non-brazilian?

Archive ( Globo is a left-wing org so better not give clicks ): archive.is/mUEKZ

Here separated for each State

Cheers bro

Thanks for making the new thread, based gringo. have this

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porra acre

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>use Jow Forums to forget about Bolsonaro
>only Bolsonaro here

Manu dump lads?

Patrician taste.

>uniformly distributed non-PSL and non-PT voters

ciro voters => 0.2 for Jair
marina voters => 0.4
alckmin/amoedo/meirelles/dias/daciolo voters => 0.8

pure guess

> rondonia and roraima more support than santa catarina
Nothing like a taste of reality to make people go right reeal quick

You have no face.

I was never a believer of anime. But he is making it real, right now.

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wtf give me my face back you fucking nigger

feels good to be a based roraimense

I can see your ID Pedro.

O acre tá cheio de imigrantes venezuelanos dizendo pra eles como que é gostoso viver por lá.


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Da que eu te dou outra
Da que eu te dou outra
Da que eu te dou outra

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I really hope he don't kakkarot too much.
This low class warrior spends most of his time either recovering or dead.

>This low class warrior spends most of his time either recovering or dead.
Seems to have been working fantastic for him thus far.

Is manu d'avila parda?

>anime is photoshopped
>samurai swords aren't

wtf i love Borsalino

Na bruh he’s way more like vegeta

You guys expecting something major for today?
Or will their mass of maneuver only receive a bump from foreign media as always?


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Nope. Borderine white

but her skin is brown, and soft

they will probably try something big the likes of which we've never seen before

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He'll make anime real

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Yeah but her jawline is fugly

fake as fuck, Bolso is like 10 points ahead of Haddad on round 2

Guys, i'm thinking about making some sort of infograph / image showing what Bolsonaro fights for (basically what differs Bolsonaro from all the leftist parties), I'm mainly doing this to shut down bluepilled fags who still says: "B-But Bolsonaro only talks about guns lol".

I'm going to copy paste what I already have, is there anything important that I forgot to add?


Feel free to do your own if you feel like it

Attached: posições-politicas-bolsonaro.jpg (1012x387, 366K)

northeast purge fucking when

Fuck. We need Minas and Pará, quick.

>MFW used to have the state with larger share of votes but north gets its dose of reality and is now more redpilled and based than you

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What the fuck is wrong with Minas?


Contra o viés ideológico em acordos comerciais do país
Contra material didático sexualizando crianças à partir dos 6 anos de idade
Melhores leis que protejam o cidadão com relação a defesa pessoal contra criminosos

add "cut taxes", normies like that one

PSDB, a lot of people there still fall for the scissor strategy

As long as he don't Vegeta (loses every relevant fight), everything is ok.
I just want to get off of Brazilian Namek.

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lose the abortion and drugs topic, this shit is controversial
INB4 people who can't play 4D chess says this is blasphemy

>rio de janegro that high
Favela, n*rdestinos and commie purge soon.

Not really, he could instead change the topic for: "Contra a expansão de leis a favor do aborto"

put only feel good shit, drugs and abortion is a heavy issue

yeah, if you really insist on having it, this is much, much better. gotta ask yourself: "what would Duda Mendonça do"

A favor da revisão do Pacto Federativo.
A favor da redução generalizada da tributação.
A favor da privatização da maioria das estatais, que hoje só causam prejuízo.
A favor somente da cota social para os mais pobres, independente de raça, sexo e sexualidade.
A favor da redução da maioridade penal.
A favor da pena de morte para crimes hediondos.
Contra o aparelhamento político que ocorre com nomeações baseadas em trocas de favores.
A favor da Lava Jato.

Bolsa Familia

Thanks doc!

Are Trump and Bolsonaro going to be best bros?

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>A favor somente da cota social para os mais pobres, independente de raça, sexo e sexualidade.

Você vê que o sistema de cotas deu certo para a esquerda quando as pessoas aceitam cotas sociais como algo justo.

yes they will shitpost altogether on twitter and presidential meetings

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basically this, but Rome wasn't built in a day I guess

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Without the í

Acredito que o Jair tenha resolvido se comprometer nesse aspecto pois por hora os mais pobres estão sofrendo lavagem cerebral.
Antes ele era contra todas as cotas mas no momento ele é a favor de dar uma chance aos pobres.

Watch this one

familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia familia

I kinda liked the irony of senpai meaning fatherless in Portuguese.

American media seems to be getting awfully worried about your elections bros. Just today I've already seen him called a fascist and the Trump of Brazil on CNN.

The entire world's balance of power is shifting. Can you feel it?

E se a saúde dele não melhorar?

Elections tomorrow here, we'll see, he might win it on the first round.
He wants to kick the Chink and Globalist interest in the balls here in Brazil that's why they're chimping out.

I expect so, Bolsonaro gets attacked a lot for defending Trump and comparing himself with him, he uses to kid "I'm like Trump be way wealthier", also his son has published photos with Steve Bannon saying he is watching closely Bolsonaro campaign and rooting for him, don't doubt his son is talking with him and taking campaign notes...


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redução da maioridade penal deveria ser o primeiro ponto, 85% do povo concorda

>E se
Tomara que melhore, caso contrário, paciência.
Não creio que o General pense muito diferente dele.

So no one relevant


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Mass executions should be legal too. Our prisons are bursting with absolute trash.

All my retards college "friends" are posting BBC and CNN news saying how all the world thinks Bolsonaro is the new Hitler and only brazillians can't see that.

Melhora a cada dia que passa. Os próprios médicos confessaram estarem surpresos com a velocidade que ele se recupera, imagino que nunca tinham visto um membro elite da AMAN.
Dia 1 de janeiro ele vai estar firme e forte para bater continência na frente da nação ao tomar a posse.

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It's a good gauge of the panic level of international marxists.

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Even if it were true the world didn't approve of him, the world can suck my fucking dick. Fucking sissies obsessed about what the world thinks of them,what the world lets them do, if they're being the world's good lapdogs. They are the true viralatas here.

I was looking at some pics of him like a day or two after the stabbing, Bolsonaro did some amazing fucking recovery.

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The problem isn't CNN/BBC/etc repeating the leftist narrative, that is expected, but it's disappointing that Fox News or The Telegraph or whatever don't ever bother to make a counter-argument. This always happens.

LMAO it's the exact same modus operandi they used on Trump.

>The whole world can see America/Brazil is crazy!
>Everyone hates America/Brazil now!
>Other countries hate Trump/Bolsonaro, aren't you embarrassed to support him?

We got your back when the UN tries to fuck with you.