Thoughts on unite the right?

Thoughts on unite the right?

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It was fucking stupid, but on the bright side, some people had their lives ruined for going to this dumb CIA-backed larp.

Thoughts on NPC's need to have abstractions anchored in people and then to have a judgment rendered on those people by established authorities

Glownigger honeypot
do not attend

Do you fucking no life losers sit on the catalogue screen and wait for a new thread? I never get the first post because people like you have nothing better to do than say stupid pointless shit. What's worse is you steal the 77s that were supposed to be mine. Nobody thought your post was funny or cute, neckbeard. Happy now? I can never get replies because 40 year olds like you living with your mom jerk yourselves off when you get the first post. Let other people have it for a change. Fucking idiot.

So it wasn't a particularly great idea..

It's all fun and games until someone gets turned into roadkill.

I was too busy crafting the rhetoric that would lift america from its zionist sewer prison to attend

Whole thing glows

It was bait

cringe and redpilled

why does this image look like a bunch of paid onions boy shills

allowing nazis and klansmen into the alt right movement?

Sounds like an FBI psy-op wet dream.

We need a new movement. Emphasis on self improvement. Physical and mental strength, helping build strong families and communities. We will make the next generation of leaders. Why don’t we call it “ The Right Way”

Cringe AF, and probably cointelpro

Honeypot for brainlets

A bunch of tards doing major harm to anti leftist politics

looked really good but dumb CIA niggers are goingto try to d&c ITT so who gives a shit

Faggot organization primarily focused on accumulating capital under the gauze of fixing right wing politics

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Movement eugenics. The faggots and alt-lite going there (nu-Jow Forums) get rounded up by glowniggers, making our movement a little bit cleaner.

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too much faith in the system.

of course the protest was fine and should have been ok but things don't always work out like they "should".

what are you saying? You do know that those types were not at cville right?

More glow in the dark than the stars on my kid's ceiling

Fine idea but we didn't have the numbers. Dwelling on failure is a hallmark of losers.

They fucked up. Should have been called Unite the White

Real white men have jobs and families and aren’t going to spend vacation time on a protest. Protests are for kids, niggers and cat ladies.

shoo shoo glow in the dark spook

the kavanaugh nomination has been the real unite the right. its brought most of the conservicucks and never trumpers together with Trump to stand against the left.

It was a trap but the torchlight march looked cool.

>Unite the right
Every e-celeb who went refuses to even talk to each other

I thought it was really cool how we had a totally organic group of Nazi larpers spring out of the ether, then mysteriously disappear and never further attend any events!

Really cool!

you're retarded

Thanks to the effort of stormfront and intellectually lazy white supremacists who fantasize rather than come up with real political solutions any IRL gathering is automatically a nazi rally and something the left gets to hold up to scare normies for years

Most e celebs are complete spergs

Just be a man when you wake up and every day just walking out your front door will be it's own rally.

>real white men are wagecucks who sit around while the world changes around them
sounds about right

dumb psyop that killed the "alt right" as planned

A bunch of retards decide to LARP as nazis and chant the stupidest fucking shit like "Jews will not replace us" and expecting anything positive out of it.
An example of piss-poor optics, mental retardation and general fuckery that may have crippled the far-right politically forever.
Thousands of innocent good men lost their jobs, livelihoods and families to this fuckery, and Richard Spencer is entirely to blame for it.

Charlottesville almost killed the far-right. Thank god we managed to somewhat recover since then, but we'l never have the same social standing we used to have before it.

CIA niggers that glow in the dark?

good idea. keep gathering. the left will show up and assault people. good optics.

it had to happen no matter what
a fucking shame that /ourguys/ are still getting hung up on this shit, but we know what to expect in the future
i dont think iotbw and the other flyering campaigns and local shit would have taken off without it

Needs to happen again, but with guns so something interesting to will occur.


>Thoughts on unite the right?
not gonna happen since everyone likes ordering pizza and having shitthreads on Jow Forums to troll.

it's all just larping.

If you value your jobs/career over your ideas, then you've already lost.

found the leftist faggot

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It was a good idea and had aesthetic’s that appealed to disenfranchised young white men, until one individual sperged/false flagged. The problem was the lack of Public Relations nous and organisation by the Alt-Right to counter the media attacks on the event.

Needed swastikas. Swastikas are metal.
