>German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state
>"There was a series of internal discussions in Israel about this. It’s not like this was the most uncontroversial proposed legislation ever, so I asked several questions,” Merkel said at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem.
>She was in Israel accepting an honorary doctorate from the University of Haifa.
>Merkel also stressed the importance of preventing Iran from creating a nuclear bomb, and that the regime’s presence in Syria must move “toward zero,” despite it being “a difficult project.”
>“There is absolutely no question that the fact that Iranian forces are standing near the Golan Heights is a threat to Israel,” she said.
>Netanyahu echoed some of Merkel’s comments, such as on the Iranian threat. “[We will] continue to block Iran’s efforts to use Syria and Lebanon as forward bases for attacking Israel,” he said. “And we will also continue to engage with new partners in our region.”
a bit surprising desu. I thought germans were cucked for palateezis. anyway fuck them both. the holy land is in the hands of two disgustingly unholy people
Angel Morris
Free Jow Forumsestine, fuck Israel and the synagogue of Satan.