Red-Pilled Anime Thread

Post your favorite based Chinese Cartoons, faggots.

Attached: LegendOfTheGalacticHeroes.jpg (1280x868, 175K)

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Attached: JojoIsWokeOnTheJQ.png (491x456, 252K)

Shigurui: death frenzy


Attached: 1523764243652.png (493x425, 133K)

the closest to a real red-pilled manga I ever read was Blame!
you can sort of reflect that the system is kept alive to surpress humanity so that a different species can survive,
orical from my pov, nihei is a moeshitter and was simply writing a good action manga

Great sauce for the OG anime. Highly recommended. Then read the manga afterwards, lurker anons


Any good modern day anime without trap faggotry or any faggotry in general including yuri?