Ausfag here, going on a 6 week vacation to America, what is the most conservative, extreme right wing state I should stay in
Ausfag here, going on a 6 week vacation to America, what is the most conservative...
Nicholas Hughes
Sebastian Brooks
Probably Idaho or Montana
Charles Scott
Nolan Mitchell
I had a lot of fun in Texas, user. Try catching armadillos for giggles in Brazos bend. It's a beautiful area, especially if you haven't seen fireflies before.
Carson Perez
The one with Seattle.
Bentley Watson
this, you can hunt and nothing else
Luis Lee
>democrat senator
sorry that's an instant DQ
Isaiah Wilson
Lincoln Reyes
Western Montana. Most fun and best place I’ve ever been to if your into the outdoors.
Nolan Barnes
new york, shhh no one tell him, hes in for a surprise when he gets here