German Chancellor Merkel: Palestinians must recognize Israel as a ‘Jewish state’

>German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Thursday that the Palestinians must recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

>“There was a series of internal discussions in Israel about this. It’s not like this was the most uncontroversial proposed legislation ever, so I asked several questions,” Merkel said at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem.

>She was in Israel accepting an honorary doctorate from the University of Haifa.

>“And yet, we recognize the Jewish state,” she continued. “And if there is supposed to be peace, an enduring peace, between Israelis and Palestinians, then of course it cannot be that all states say Israel should be a Jewish state, with democratic rights for minorities that live here, but the Palestinians don’t say it.”

>Merkel also stressed the importance of preventing Iran from creating a nuclear bomb, and that the regime’s presence in Syria must move “toward zero,” despite it being “a difficult project.”

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Merkel has no problem to address Israel as a Jewish ethnostate. But when it comes to showing pride to her own country there seems to be a lot of confusion.

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why is anyone listening to a woman?

Only because she is Chancellor of Germany and has a lot of power when it comes to the future of her country and Europe in general.

she's got no power at all, the communist cunt is beholden to the investors

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It's true what you are saying, but in the meantime she can flood Europe and bully countries that refuse this cultural suicide like Poland or Hungary. That is why she is so dangerous and needs to go.

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Well.. Fatah and PLO have both recognized the backstabbing land stealing nation. What has it brought them? Nothing. It's just rattle to confuse the masses.

It's not Merkel, it's Hitlerkel.

They want Palestine to recognize their invaders so that way their illegal occupation is legitimized

Ironic for a gimped German descendant of nazi ethnic nationalists to promote jewish ethnic nationalism. Jews talk about the sin of white pride but then they push a kind of toxic, suicidal shame on Europeans.

>Ironic for a gimped German descendant of nazi ethnic nationalists to promote jewish ethnic nationalism. Jews talk about the sin of white pride but then they push a kind of toxic, suicidal shame on Europeans.
Indeed. But remember any of these politicians refuse to have children of their own. They know what kind of future they're creating, and they don't care one bit.
These types of leaders is what has brought the west upon it's knees. Thankful times seems to be changing everywhere, it seems the pendulum is swinging back for the right wings ever so slowly.

True, it's the bizzaro version of Hitler this time.

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israel in the 90s armed serbian paramilitaries

also armed the apartheid rhodesia erithrea

Jews sell weapons in conflict zones, what a surprise.

Duh, name one International conflict Jews didn't profit from

Jews run the world, I for one appreciate our masters